How I Found My First XSS Bug and Earn $$$
2021-12-23 01:21:46 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:29 收藏


Hi everyone,

I am @shadow_CLAY from VietNam. Today I am going to talk about the process I found my first XSS bug at @Bugcrowd.

The story happens when I receive a private invitation for a program (Assuming: This program is affiliated with Atlassian and for testing on this program, I need to create a Jira cloud account.

After logging into Google account, I will be redirected to the username creation page.

In my head right now all I can think of is the “Open redirect” bug. I started changing the domain name, adding characters to bypass the open redirect filter, and finally I succeeded.

I immediately created a report and sent it to the Atlassian program.

Then I went to the toilet. At that moment, a thought suddenly occurred to me. Why don’t I try XSS? Without thinking about anything else, I immediately ran up to my room and turned on my computer. In the “&redirecturl=” parameter, I tried with javascript payload: javascript:prompt(1) -> set any username and Continue. Boom! XSS is executed.

But wait. It seems that the “?cloudId=” parameter corresponds to each account. This means that XSS will only be executed for me individually because the “?cloudId=” parameter is created specifically for me. So now this would be self-XSS if I couldn’t get the victim’s “?cloudId=”.

I was a bit worried. Although this XSS search process only takes about 5 minutes, all will fail if this is just a self-XSS.

I began to continue to exploit and exploit. I finally found 2 ways to get this parameter:

1. The attacker needs to join the victim's Jira team. To do this, an attacker needs to trick the victim into inviting him to join his team.

So how can an attacker not need to join the victim’s Jira group and still be able to steal “cloudId” ?

2. An attacker does not need to log in to his account nor join the victim's team. An attacker just needs to visit the victim's domain and view the "Source page". The parameter "cloudId" will appear there.

Now after stealing “cloudId” of the victim. The full link will include:[victim-id]&requestId=15178645&redirecturl=javascript:prompt(1)&isPermitted=false

When the victim access -> Set user name and Continue -> XSS will be executed

At the same time I have provided additional information to prove this is an Reflected-XSS bug. After that, the Atlassian team accepted and considered it a P3

Always stay calm and think when you spot bugs, don’t stop there. Sometimes the bugs you find are not the end result. So my advice is to always find a way to string the bugs you find. The results you get will surprise you :>

Thank you everyone for reading!!! ❤

Happy Hacking :)))

