Guide Point Security CTF — Get Hexy (OCT 2021)
2021-11-13 13:51:29 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:28 收藏

Aidin Naserifard

GetHexy - GuidePoint Security CTF OCT 2021

In the Misc Category of Guide Point CTF which was held on 12 October to 18 October 2021, there was a challenge called “Get Hexy”. let’s solve this challenge.

First, try to run file command on this

it’s just simply zip archive. I use unzip to extract file inside of

we are given a corrupted zip file. let’s use exiftool if we get any metadata on this file

oh! at the end of output, we get File format error.

try to use zipdetails to display the internal structure of zip files:

try to use hexeditor on this file:

if you’ll notice at the very very top of the file, the hexadecimal side on left and kind of the ASCII side on right, it’s just starting the file with “70 4b 03 04”. A regular PKZIP archive file should be starts with “50 4b 03 04”. we must to modify 70 to PKZIP archive file header magic bytes (50).

save this file. unzip file and it’ll go ahead and ask for password.

now, we must to crack this file. we can use two methods to crack this file.

1) using tool called “john the ripper”:

first, we’re going to use the zip2john tool to convert the zip file into a hash format that John is able to understand, and hopefully crack.

content of hex.txt

I used many wordlists and spent about 12 hours to find a wordlist that helped me to found the correct password! The password found is forgetfulness.

you can download “cain and able” wordlist from SecLists repository.

2)using tool called “fcrackzip”:

Unzipping it gives us a file called flag which contains the flag of this challenge

and the challenge flag is:


hope you enjoyed this write-up.
