Stealing Chat session ID with CORS and execute CSRF attack
2021-11-13 13:52:42 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:25 收藏

Sunil Yedla

Hello Everyone, Hope you all are healthy and safe. Today’s writeup is my recent find on Bugcrowd private program. This writeup explains how I was able to chain CORS with CSRF attack to steal chat session Id of victim user and send messages on behalf of victim. Without wasting time let’s get into details of the vulnerability.

In 2nd week of January, while exploring the <redacted> domain. I found that the target domain has in built chat feature. For sending a new message, system will send a POST request like this:

POST /ha/chat/<Chat_Session_ID> HTTP/1.1
Host: <redacted>
User-Agent: XXXXX
Accept: application/json, text/plain, /
Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Host-Site: XXX
Content-Length: 75
Origin: XXXXX
Connection: close
Referer: XXXXXXX


On further investigation, I found that this POST request is vulnerable to CSRF attack. So YAY! Attackers can send messages on behalf of Victim user.

But Wait!! If you observe carefully the end-point includes victim’s chat session_id **/ha/chat/<Chat_Session_ID>** and it has format like this: XXXXXX-CHAT_XXXXXXXXXX–XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX

: (

Now I came so close and don’t want to give up on this. At this moment, I have the complete clarity, all I need to do is find a way to steal that chat session ID of victim user. So continued exploring and came across an end-point which helps me create chat session_ID of the victim user. **https://<redacted>/ha/chat/create** and in addition to this, end-point does not have CORS and CSRF protection. So quickly created a CORS POC code and verified that this end-point is vulnerable to CORS : )

CORS POC code example: [Change values accordingly]

var req = new XMLHttpRequest(); req.onload = reqListener;‘GET/POST’,’<Vulnerable URL>’,true); req.withCredentials = true;
req.send(‘{}’); function reqListener() { alert(this.responseText); };


So to create an impact, attacker will first steal Chat session Id of victim user and then execute CSRF attack to send messages as victim users. After getting the complete clarity, quickly raised a report on Bugcrowd on Jan/12/2021. Bugcrowd Triage team Triaged this report with severity P3 on Jan/26/2021

I hope you like my explanation. You can ping me on twitter: if you have any queries. Good Day and spread positivity!
