How I Scored 2K Bounty via an IDOR
2021-08-30 02:33:54 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:43 收藏

Easiest IDOR ever ?!


Photo by Benjamin Dada on Unsplash

Hello Security Researchers

In this writeup I will talk how I was able to find an IDOR in one of the largest Russian Company nothing other than
So approaching targets with huge scope can be frustrating sometimes since you don’t know where to start
For me I started looking in the main scope of Games

  1. I fired up Burp
  2. Created an account
  3. Adding things in my cart
  4. Viewing the blog
  5. Creating a support ticket

Before testing anything the ticket link looked kind of suspicious since it had /ticket/INTEGER
and the full URL looked like something like this

Let’s breakdown what can go wrong here
We have few parameters project_id user_id sign and the ticket number
First thing I did is to remove the sign which is the signature and see if I can access it from an unauthenticated browser
This looks easy no way that works right ?!!

Photo by visuals on Unsplash

Well you’re wrong it worked and I was able to see my ticket and the conversation with the agent and also any attached file, I could also speak in the conversation as anonymous user :)
Further testing showed that changing the ticket number can allow viewing others ticket and changing the user_id can allow viewing other ticket of that matched ID
went and wrapped up a good report with my friend , and it was triaged within minutes an paid after few days

  • Don’t be afraid of diving the Main app it’s where all the juicy things exist
  • Never underestimate yourself from finding bugs everyone has a unique view for the target
  • Don’t be discouraged if you didn’t find a bug today tomorrow you will

I hope you enjoyed reading this and I will catch you in the next one

Stay curious ❤
