WiSec 2021 论文录用列表
2021-06-13 23:56:12 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:113 收藏

ACM Conference on Security and Privacy in Wireless and Mobile Networks (WiSec)属于CCF C类会议,同时也是国际无线安全研究领域的顶级学术会议,WiSec 2021年共收到论文121篇(2020:104, 2019: 91),录取34篇(2020:30, 2019: 30, 2018: 20),录用率为25.62%(2020:28.85%, 2019: 32.97%),小编将录用论文标题列举如下:

  • VoIPLoc: Passive VoIP call provenance via acoustic side-channels

Shishir Nagaraja1 and Ryan Shah1
1 University of Strathclyde

  • Spearphone: A Lightweight Speech Privacy Exploit via Accelerometer-Sensed Reverberations from Smartphone Loudspeakers

S Abhishek Anand1, Chen Wang2, Jian Liu3,  Nitesh Saxena1, and Yingying Chen4
1 The University of Alabama at Birmingham
2 Louisiana State University
3 University of Tennessee, Knoxville
4 Rutgers University

  • Remotely Controlling TrustZone Applications? A Study on Securely and Resiliently Receiving Remote Commands

Shengye Wan1, Kun Sun2, Ning Zhang3,  and Yue Li4
1 College of William and Mary
2 George Mason University
3 Washington University in St. Louis
4 the college of William and Mary

  • Z-Fuzzer: Device-agnostic Fuzzing of Zigbee Protocol Implementation

Mengfei Ren1, Xiaolei Ren1, Huadong Feng1, Jiang Ming1, and Yu Lei1
1 The University of Texas at Arlington

  • SigUnder: a Stealthy 5G Low Power Attack and Defenses

Norbert Ludant1 and Guevara Noubir1
1 Northeastern University

  • FADIA: FAirness-Driven collaboratIve remote Attestation

Mohamad Mansouri1, Wafa Ben Jaballah1, Melek Önen2, Md Masoom Rabbani3,  and Mauro Conti4
1 Thales SIX GTS
3 KU Leuven
4 University of Padua

  • Delegated Attestation: Scalable Remote Attestation of Commodity CPS by Blending Proofs of Execution with Software Attestation

Mahmoud Ammar1, Bruno Crispo2, Ivan De Oliveira Nunes3,  and Gene Tsudik3
1 Huawei Technologies
2 KU Leuven & University of Trento
3 UC Irvine

  • Anonymous Device Authorization for Cellular Networks

Abida Haque1, Varun Madathil1, Bradley Reaves1, and Alessandra Scafuro1
1 North Carolina State University

  • Spectrum-Flexible Secure Broadcast Ranging

Tien Dang Vo-Huu1, Triet Dang Vo-Huu1, and Guevara Noubir1
1 Northeastern University

  • Amazon Echo Dot or the Reverberating Secrets of IoT Devices

Dennis Giese1 and Guevara Noubir1
1 Northeastern University

  • Selest: Secure Elevation Estimation of Drones Using MPC

Marinos Vomvas1, Erik-Oliver Blass2, and Guevara Noubir1
1 Northeastern University
2 Airbus

  • Toward a Secure Crowdsourced Location Tracking System

Chinmay Garg1, Aravind Machiry2, Andrea Continella3,  Christopher Kruegel1, and Giovanni Vigna1
1 University of California, Santa Barbara
2 Purdue University
3 University of Twente

  • Let Numbers Tell the Tale: Measuring Security Trends in Wi-Fi Networks and Best Practices

Domien Schepers1, Aanjhan Ranganathan1, and Mathy Vanhoef2
1 Northeastern University
2 New York University Abu Dhabi

  • Recurring Verification of Interaction Authenticity Within Bluetooth Networks

Travis Peters1, Timothy J. Pierson2, Sougata Sen3,  José Camacho4, and David Kotz2
1 Montana State University
2 Dartmouth College
3 BITS Pilani, KK Birla Goa Campus, India
4 University of Granada, Spain

  • RIP StrandHogg: A Practical StrandHogg Attack Detection Method on Android

Jasper Stang1, Alexandra Dmitrienko1, and Sascha Roth2
1 University of Wuerzburg
2 KOBIL Systems GmbH

  • Happy MitM - Fun and Toys in Every Bluetooth Device

Jiska Classen1 and Matthias Hollick1
1 TU Darmstadt, Germany

  • Misactivation Detection and User Identification in Smart Home Speakers using Traffic Flow Features

Batyr Charyyev1 and Mehmet Hadi Gunes1
1 Stevens Institute of Technology

  • Julia: Fast and Secure Key Agreement for IoT Devices

Frans Lundberg1 and Juraj Feljan1

  • A Comprehensive Formal Analysis of 5G Handover

Aleksi Peltonen1, Ralf Sasse2, and David Basin2
1 Aalto University 2 ETH Zurich

  • No need to ask the Android: Bluetooth-Low-Energy scanning without the location permission

Vincent Toubiana1 and Mathieu Cunche2
2 INSA-Lyon, Inria, CITI Lab

  • SoK: Assessing the Threat Potential of Vibration-based Attacks against Live Speech using Mobile Sensors

Payton Walker1 and Nitesh Saxena1
1 The University of Alabama at Birmingham

  • 5G SUCI-Catchers: Still catching them all?

Merlin Chlosta1, David Rupprecht1, Christina Pöpper2, and Thorsten Holz1
1 Ruhr University Bochum
2 New York University Abu Dhabi

  • Orbit-based Authentication Using TDOA Signatures in Satellite Networks

Eric Jedermann1, Martin Strohmeier2, Matthias Schäfer3,  Jens Schmitt3,  and Vincent Lenders2
1 TU Kaiserslautern
2 Armasuisse
3 University of Kaiserslautern

  • On the Challenges of Automata Reconstruction in LTE Networks

Merlin Chlosta1, David Rupprecht1, and Thorsten Holz1
1 Ruhr University Bochum

  • Non-IID Data Re-balancing at IoT Edge with Peer-to-peer Federated Learning for Anomaly Detection

Han Wang1, Luis Muñoz-González2, David Eklund1, and Shahid Raza1
1 RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
2 Imperial College London

  • Here, There, and Everywhere: Security Analysis of Wi-Fi Fine Timing Measurement

Domien Schepers1, Mridula Singh2, and Aanjhan Ranganathan1
1 Northeastern University
2 ETH Zurich

  • SNOW-Vi: An Extreme Performance Variant of SNOW-V for Lower Grade CPUs

Patrik Ekdahl1, Thomas Johansson2, Alexander Maximov1, and Jing Yang2
1 Ericsson Research
2 Lund University

  • LightningStrike: (In)secure Practices of E-IoT Systems in the Wild

Luis C. Puche Rondon1, Leonardo Babun1, Ahmet Aris1, Kemal Akkaya1, and Selcuk Uluagac1
1 Florida International University

  • Write to Know: On the Feasibility of Wrist Motion based User-Authentication from Handwriting

Raveen Wijewickrama1, Anindya Maiti2, and Murtuza Jadliwala1
1 University of Texas at San Antonio
2 University of Oklahoma

  • Security Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4z/HRP UWB Time-of-Flight Distance Measurement

Mridula Singh1, Marc Röschlin1, Ezzat Zalzala1, Patrick Leu1, and Srdjan Capkun1
1 ETH Zurich, Switzerland

  • Direct Anonymous Attestation on the Road: Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Revocation in C-ITS

Benjamin Larsen1, Thanassis Giannetsos2, Ioannis Krontiris3,  and Kenneth Goldman4
1 Technical University of Denmark (DTU)
3 Huawei Technologies

  • OutletSpy: Cross-outlet Application Inference via Power Factor Correction Signal

Juchuan Zhang1, Xiaoyu Ji1, Yuehan Chi1, Yichao Chen2, Bin Wang1, and Wenyuan Xu1
1 Zhejiang University
2 Shanghai Jiao Tong University

  • LNGate: Powering IoT with Next Generation Lightning Micro-payments using Threshold Cryptography

Ahmet Kurt1, Suat Mercan1, Omer Shlomovits2, Enes Erdin3,  and Kemal Akkaya1
1 Florida International University
2 ZenGo X
3 University of Central Arkansas

  • Message Sieving to Mitigate Smart Gridlock Attacks in V2V

Siddharth Dongre1 and Hanif Rahbari1
1 Rochester Institute of Technology


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文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzU5MTM5MTQ2MA==&mid=2247486042&idx=1&sn=8c3d083a5128c7e023223051edb45029&chksm=fe2ef5d1c9597cc7f0e387e800e73de529d68fccb2844c60ca7964de00686450c5b472339b63#rd