We've posted about various fake clones of various brands of SDRs a few times on this blog, and recently this week SDRplay reiterated their warning noting that the fake SDRplay clones may not work with official SDRplay software. 

There are sellers of fake RSPs on the internet. They are selling counterfeit devices some of which appear cosmetically the same as the genuine SDRplay® devices. There is a high likelihood that these devices will not work – according to unsuspecting buyers* who have contacted us.

These counterfeit devices attempt to make use of:

  • Stolen IP
  • Stolen software product (SDRplay proprietary API and driver software)

In addition, the counterfeiters have no access to our rigorous production test solution and so these devices are probably untested.

* Here’s what one AliExpress customer posted:

The rest of the post goes on to highlight how you can be sure that you are not purchasing a fake clone.

Example of a fake SDRplay RSP at Walmart