VB6 P-Code Disassembly - Avast Threat Labs
2021-05-07 05:17:16 Author: www.reddit.com(查看原文) 阅读量:168 收藏

level 1

Original Poster1 hour ago

The previous weeks post may also be of interest on P-Code Obsfuscation



level 1

I remember everyone was saying AOHell was written in VB and compiled in pcode so it couldn’t be decompiled. I was to young to understand at that time. That stuff seemed like coding magic when I was a kid


level 2

Original Poster1 hour ago

yeah WKTVBDE was like magic to me when it first came out. Building my own was on my wish list ever since. Only took me 20 years lol


文章来源: https://www.reddit.com/r/ReverseEngineering/comments/n6gjp6/vb6_pcode_disassembly_avast_threat_labs/