SDR# (SDRSharp) is one of the most popular free software defined radio programs available with RTL-SDR support. Recently it has been updated to version 1811 and the new version brings improved performance and also improves RTL-SDR compatibility with some systems. The changelog reads:

Date:   Mon Mar 29 15:03:09 2021 +0200
Commit: d5cb6c3

More DSP optimizations;
Many fixes for RTL dongles (mainly workraounds for old libs);
Revert to libusb for backward compatibility;
Revert to portaudio 2016 for backward compatibility;
Code cleanup.
— prog (@lambdaprog) March 29, 2021

@lambdaprog (the SDR# programmer) has also tweeted showing how well SDR# can run on a 10 year old i7 4700 laptop with the new performance improvements. With a huge 160 MSPS baseband IQ file, the software is seen to be using very minimal CPU. 

So, how does #sdrsharp rev 1811 show in a 10 years old i7 4700 laptop with 160 MSPS input? The future looks bright, I tell you. #airspy

— prog (@lambdaprog) March 29, 2021