Simplified cloud deployment for Burp Suite Enterprise Edition
2021-03-26 23:40:00 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:229 收藏

Last year, we made Burp Suite Enterprise Edition cloud-friendly. Organizations migrating to the cloud, or taking a cloud-first approach, are able to deploy Burp Suite Enterprise Edition to AWS or Azure. We have additional cloud services support planned for the future, so stay tuned for further updates.

Since the initial launch of our cloud-friendly solution, we have been working on a number of cloud deployment enhancements. The improvements in our latest 2021.3.1 release will support faster, more efficient setup, and give you additional configuration options to help you meet your security requirements. 

Kubernetes deployment bundle

Users looking to deploy Burp Suite Enterprise Edition onto their own Kubernetes cluster can make use of a Kubernetes deployment bundle ZIP. This bundle provides all the configuration required to deploy Burp Suite Enterprise Edition onto Kubernetes. Within this bundle, users will also find examples to help configure persistent volumes, logging, and Ingress, along with a README to assist with the process. This functionality has been designed to support large enterprise deployments. 

AWS CloudFormation template changes

If you are looking to deploy Burp Suite Enterprise Edition within your AWS cloud infrastructure, we have created a number of improvements to the existing process. These are designed to provide simplification, as well as additional options for configuration to meet your specific deployment requirements:

  • AWS infrastructure is now created via a series of nested CloudFormation templates, making it easier to instantiate a subset of the infrastructure while using existing resources for the remainder.
  • You are no longer required to provide an AWS access key ID and secret key in the AWS CloudFormation template. Instead you can use Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to control permissions. 
  • You can now add an optional PostgreSQL database to the AWS CloudFormation template to set it up at the same time.
  • Credentials provided in the AWS CloudFormation template are now obfuscated in nested templates.
  • Application logging is now enabled at the beginning of the deployment phase on AWS. This means that database migration errors are now captured in CloudWatch for improved monitoring and support.

Azure Resource Manager improvements

Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates are the Microsoft Azure version of AWS CloudFormation templates. They enable you to quickly spin up infrastructure with set configurations. In this way, you can more efficiently set up the infrastructure to deploy Burp Suite Enterprise Edition using an ARM template. 

While a template has previously been available for those on Azure cloud, we now provide nested templates to facilitate separate deployment of infrastructure and application. This is helpful if you want to instantiate a subset of the infrastructure while using existing resources for the remainder.

Burp Suite Enterprise Edition for the cloud

Get started with the latest version of Burp Suite Enterprise Edition for the cloud. 
