telnet 23,snmp 161,Redis 6379,Memcached 11211,Rtsp 554。
MongoDB 27017,Oracle 1521 ,SQLServer 1433,MySQL 3306,Pointbase 9092,DB2 5000,Sybase 4100。
ftp 21,ssh 22,RDP 3389
nmap -sS -p ports -Pn -iL filename -oX result.xml
def scanner(filename,ports,i): strTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time())) print strTime + ' 资产开始第%d次端口扫描\n' % i os.system("nmap -sS -p "+ports+" -Pn -iL "+filename+" -oX "+str(i)+".xml") print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time())) + " 资产完成第%d次扫描,开始解析" % i file='{x}.xml'.format(x=i) analysis(file,i)
def analysis(file,i): tree = ET.parse(file) root = tree.getroot() list=[] for temp in root.findall('host'): ports = '' ip = temp.find('address').get('addr') try: xml_ports = temp.find('ports').findall('port') except: print ip + "没有检测出" continue for temp1 in xml_ports: if temp1.find('state').get('state') == 'open': port = temp1.get('portid') ports = ports + ' ' + port cursor.execute('select count(*) from host where ip=?',(ip,)) result=cursor.fetchall() if len(ports)>0 and str(result)=='[(0,)]': store(ip,ports) list.append((ip+':'+ports)) cursor.close() conn.commit() conn.close() if len(list)!=0 and i!=1: send_email(list) elif i!=1 and len(list)==0: print "本次没有新地址出现" print "本次解析完成!休息一小时候继续工作。\n"
conn=sqlite3.connect('host.db') cursor=conn.cursor() cursor.execute(r"insert into host (ip,ports) values ('{ip}', '{ports}')".format(ip=ip,ports=ports))
def send_email(list): sender="你的163邮箱" receiver=[] str="" for ip in list: str=str+ip+"\n" text=MIMEText("the new open address and ports:\n"+str,'plain','utf-8') message=MIMEMultipart('mixed') message['From']='你的163邮箱' message['To']=';'.join(receiver) message['Subject']='new address!!!!!!' message.attach(text) smtp=smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect('smtp.163.com') smtp.login('你的163邮箱','你的163邮箱密码') smtp.sendmail(sender,receiver,message.as_string()) smtp.quit() print "已发现新地址,邮件已发送完成\n"
#coding:gbk import os import time import sys import argparse import smtplib import sqlite3 from email.mime.multipart import MIMEMultipart import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET from email.mime.text import MIMEText def scanner(filename,ports,i): strTime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time())) print strTime + ' 资产开始第%d次端口扫描\n' % i os.system("nmap -sS -p "+ports+" -Pn -iL "+filename+" -oX "+str(i)+".xml") print time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S", time.localtime(time.time())) + " 资产完成第%d次扫描,开始解析" % i file='{x}.xml'.format(x=i) analysis(file,i) def analysis(file,i): tree = ET.parse(file) root = tree.getroot() list=[] for temp in root.findall('host'): ports = '' ip = temp.find('address').get('addr') try: xml_ports = temp.find('ports').findall('port') except: print ip + "没有检测出" continue for temp1 in xml_ports: if temp1.find('state').get('state') == 'open': port = temp1.get('portid') ports = ports + ' ' + port cursor.execute('select count(*) from host where ip=?',(ip,)) result=cursor.fetchall() if len(ports)>0 and str(result)=='[(0,)]': store(ip,ports) list.append((ip+':'+ports)) cursor.close() conn.commit() conn.close() if len(list)!=0 and i!=1: send_email(list) elif i!=1 and len(list)==0: print "本次没有新地址出现" print "本次解析完成!休息一小时候继续工作。\n" def store(ip,ports): cursor.execute(r"insert into host (ip,ports) values ('{ip}', '{ports}')".format(ip=ip,ports=ports)) print "success" def send_email(list): sender="你的163邮箱" receiver=[] str="" for ip in list: str=str+ip+"\n" text=MIMEText("the new open address and ports:\n"+str,'plain','utf-8') message=MIMEMultipart('mixed') message['From']='你的163邮箱' message['To']=';'.join(receiver) message['Subject']='new address!!!!!!' message.attach(text) smtp=smtplib.SMTP() smtp.connect('smtp.163.com') smtp.login('你的163邮箱','你的163邮箱密码') smtp.sendmail(sender,receiver,message.as_string()) smtp.quit() print "已发现新地址,邮件已发送完成\n" if __name__=='__main__': i=1 prase = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage="python port_scanner.py --file=filename --ports=p1,p2,p3......",description="the script is for large assets monitoring") prase.add_argument('--file', type=str, help="IP_assets'filename to be scanned") prase.add_argument('--ports', type=str, help="ports which are needed to be scanned") if len(sys.argv)<2: print prase.usage+'\n input -h for help' ports = prase.parse_args().ports filename=prase.parse_args().file conn=sqlite3.connect('host.db') cursor=conn.cursor() cursor.execute('create table if not exists host (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,ip VARCHAR(16) UNIQUE NOT NULL,ports TEXT)') while 1: conn = sqlite3.connect('host.db') cursor = conn.cursor() scanner(filename,ports,i) time.sleep(10800) i=i+1