- 2020-10-12-IOCs-from-Lokibot-sample.txt (1,116 bytes)
- 2020-10-12-Lokibot-infection-traffic.pcap (1,389,878 bytes)
- 2020-10-12-XLS-with-macros-for-Lokibot.bin (93,184 bytes)
- 2020-10-12-Windows-EXE-for-Lokibot.bin (629,760 bytes)
- 2020-10-12-registry-update-for-Lokibot-sample.txt (554 bytes)
Shown above: Screenshot from the spreadsheet with macros for Lokibot.
Shown above: Traffic from an infection filtered in Wireshark.
Shown above: HTTP GET request that returned an EXE for Lokibot.
Shown above: Attempted connection to after the EXE was retreived.
Shown above: HTTP request that returned approx 608 kB of ASCII text.
Shown above: Lokibot post-infection traffic (data exfiltration).
Shown above: Registry update to keep Lokibot persistent on the infected Windows host.
Shown above: Directory where Lokibot was made persistent.
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