Captain’s Log: June 2020
2020-07-01 22:42:24 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:232 收藏

The Good

  • Moving about – 10k steps achieved again! Every day since Christmas eve 2019. Some days it has been exceptionally difficult. Still.. Clinging on to this one achievement belligerently. I did do a few mornings of light jogging to improve the heart rate zoning so probably better than last month. Otherwise the quality of the movement is pretty low.
  • ContentA blog post! – Like an actual one about technical stuff that is hopefully useful. Mainly about development but shows some of the impact of a pentest report landing and making wild claims about how simple it is to just patch things. I like to try and replicate responding to a report. It helps me make better recommendations which have a dash of empathy when I know it is going to be an absolute pain to implement.
  • Decorating – bought a new TV stand, threw out a tonne of things and made the living room look infinity nicer. Much better for the psyche looking at nice clean walls. Lockdown seems to have prevented me buying accessories for trunking I am looking at. So I will have to wait to finish the basic human level of decoration I want. But as I said infinitely better. Following a philosophy of doing one thing a weekend at the moment.
  • Gaming – Completed Uncharted 4 – Obviously an excellent title. Discovered that there was Uncharted: The Lost Legacy for extra stories which I am working on now. Also a great game. Last of us Part II came in and I am absolutely loving it so far. 5 hours in I realised the last 5 games I have played have all been NaughtyDog. They seem to be cornering the single player story genre.
  • Security Research – I worked for several days on my tools RDPUpload and RDPDownload with the blessing of my employer. Both came out of projects I have worked on but I took the time to formalise them and put them in a blog post. If you see the highlight of the month you can also see I pushed myself to publish it perhaps a bit earlier than they were ready. The official work blog and tool release hasn’t happened yet though.

The Bad

Panic attack. First one since early February. Despite everything that has been going on in the world I have remained amazingly unfazed. It goes on to prove that my particular problem is a lack of sleep. After the kids stopped going to bed before 10pm for a solid couple of weeks I had a sudden panic attack at 2am and couldn’t get to sleep. It had less of an impact than previous bouts, but I was still knackered for a day or two after.

Result: Going to bed for a few nights in a row when the kids did instead of sitting up to get some adult media content time. Not the wholesale changes to lifestyle I was managing at the start of the year. But I have definitely let all the things I was doing go during lockdown.

Highlight of the month

Talking to the beautiful people at Abertay Hacksoc. I had been doing research and making tools to release a blog post for work. When asked to speak to the students on the Monday I said “lets do it!”. It led to a panicked two days trying to make some content and a practical demo. Here is part of the talk via a tweet:

It is so weird presenting via Zoom being unable to gauge reactions. I do hope that this bit raised some smiles though. The full talk went out here:

This is the end of the captain’s log for June 2020.
