Flare Academy is Here!
2025-1-29 14:47:56 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

We’re excited to share that we now offer Flare Academy, an educational hub with free interactive online training for cybersecurity professionals. 

What is Flare Academy?

Flare Academy offers online training modules led by subject matter experts on the latest cybersecurity threats to cybersecurity practitioners interested in progressing their education. 

These sessions cover various pressing cybersecurity topics including:

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  • Investigation and intelligence gathering on cybercrime forums
  • Techniques for deanonymizing threat actors
  • Ransomware analysis and infiltration 

And these are just the training sessions we have planned so far. Stay tuned for our future topics!

What Can Security Practitioners Get Out of Flare Academy?

There are a few areas of growth cyber practitioners can expect from Flare Academy:

  • Upgrade skills and knowledge on cybercrime and cybersecurity topics
  • Earn CPE credits toward security certifications
  • Build relationships with other practitioners for continuous learning and engagement with Flare Academy Discord Community

How Can You Get Involved with Flare Academy?

There are two upcoming training sessions you can sign up for:

Also, check out Flare Academy Discord Community for the recording and slides from the last workshop on Remote Desktop Protocol Interception with PyRDP.

To register for upcoming training sessions, visit https://flare.io/trainings/. Can’t wait to see you there!

The post Flare Academy is Here! appeared first on Flare | Cyber Threat Intel | Digital Risk Protection.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Flare | Cyber Threat Intel | Digital Risk Protection authored by Flare. Read the original post at: https://flare.io/learn/resources/blog/flare-academy-is-here/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2025/01/flare-academy-is-here/