After Google Gave Up on Sceneform, This Developer Built a Better Way to Bring AR Faces to Life
2025-1-25 10:53:28 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

When Sceneform was discontinued and archived back in 2020, it made creating ARCore apps on Android more difficult. Inspired by the original Sceneform APIs and based on the ARCore samples, I have created AugmentedFaceFragment and AugmentedFaceListener interface to be able to easily create ARCore AugmentedFaces features on Android.

I will be releasing 3 articles building different AugmentedFaces features using AugmentedFaceFragment and AugmentedFaceListener interface.

What you will build

Part 1 of the series will cover the basics of the AugmentedFaceFragment and AugmentedFaceListener as well as the overview of all the helper classes. At the end of this article you will build a simple demo by writing a few lines of code.

Project setup

Download the Starter Project

Clone the repository:

git clone

What’s our starting point?

Our starting point is a modified version of ARCore SDK sample for Augmented Faces. The code has been modified in a way that we can now easily add different textures and objects to a face object.

Project structure

  • Helpers - original Java files from sample code
  • Rendering - original Java files from sample code that handles rendering of AR objects and background

Additional files for the repository:

  • AugmentedFaceFragment.kt - handles rendering and tracking of Augmented Faces
  • AugmentedFaceListener.kt - handles Add and Update Augmented Faces callbacks
  • AugmentedFaceNode.kt - handles the rendering of a face including a texture and associated 3D models
  • AugmentedFaceRenderer.kt - renders face texture
  • FaceRegion.kt - renders 3D model located on a defined FaceLandmark

MainActivity setup

<LinearLayout xmlns:android=""

    < android:name=""
        android:layout_gravity="top" />

class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity(), AugmentedFaceListener {

    private lateinit var binding: ActivityMainBinding

    override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
        binding = ActivityMainBinding.inflate(layoutInflater)

    override fun onFaceAdded(face: AugmentedFaceNode) {}

    override fun onFaceUpdate(face: AugmentedFaceNode) {}


In activity_main.xml we add AugmentedFaceFragment as a main view and to be able to receive events from this fragment, we need to define and set AugmentedFaceListener to our fragment.

onFaceAdded method will be called when ARCore detects a new face and onFaceUpdate will be called on each frame update.

Let’s add a face texture as our next step.

Add face texture

We will use ARCore sample assets for our first face mask. You can find assets/models folder in your project. Let’s add freckles.png as face texture:

In MainActivity.kt modify onFaceAdded method as follows:

override fun onFaceAdded(face: AugmentedFaceNode) {

Add 3D models

Introduction to AugmentedFaceNode

AugmentedFace class uses the face mesh and center pose to identify face regions. These regions are:

  • Left forehead (LEFT_FOREHEAD)
  • Right forehead (RIGHT_FOREHEAD)
  • Tip of the node (NOSE_TIP)

This project includes the AugmentedFaceNode class. Inspired by Sceneform, it is a node that will render visual effects on a detected face using ARCore. AugmentedFaceNode defines same face regions as AugmentedFace in a companion object:

companion object {
   enum class FaceLandmark {

Later in this tutorial, we will extend FaceLandmark enum class and add our own face regions.

AugmentedFaceNode includes faceLandmarks HashMapthat connects FaceLandmark with a 3D model.

The final result

The source code for this project can be found here.
