Daily Blog #725: Project adaz testing part 3
2025-1-22 03:46:0 Author: www.hecfblog.com(查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

By January 21, 2025


Hello Reader,

Well I found the terraform commands that were referencing /bin/bash for local_exec calls.  I tried to see if I could just do a quick switch to cmd.exe but there is a lot more that would need to be done to have the whole process be Windows ready. ChatGPT 01 agrees with this and suggested I either use WSL (Windows subsystem for Linux) or install cygwin.  I recently uninstalled WSL from my system but I think tomorrow I'll reinstall it and we will get this going again.

So morale of the story, you cannot (easily) just run the project adaz terraform/ansible scripts from a windows host but you should have no issue on WSL, linux or a mac.

文章来源: https://www.hecfblog.com/2025/01/daily-blog-725-project-adaz-testing.html