The file contains 12M+ of rows, each containing a set of popular hashes, and a file name extracted from my ‘good files’ repo (dome dups may be found if f.ex. file name changes, but hashes don’t). These are primarily Windows-centric hashes (none or almost none of other OSes, firmwares, but occasionally some might have sneaked in). I can’t guarantee that all these hashes are good, but most come from reputable sources: (S)FTP and HTTP(S) locations made available by many software vendors, and software downloading sites over last 20 years.
The set is watermarked hence you have been warned. You cannot use this set for any commercial reason. You cannot ingest it to use for cross-referencing in any way and/or form. The only exception are: fully unlimited use by law enforcement, and for educational and non-commercial research purposes only.
Download the file from here.
Happy New Year !