Suppressing the Apple Intelligence pop-up window with a configuration profile on macOS Sequoia
2024-12-13 04:11:56 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

Home > Apple Intelligence, Mac administration, macOS, Management Profiles > Suppressing the Apple Intelligence pop-up window with a configuration profile on macOS Sequoia

Suppressing the Apple Intelligence pop-up window with a configuration profile on macOS Sequoia

Apple has introduced a number of pop-up windows over the years, which appear the first time you log into a Mac and sometimes also after an OS update. Apple added a new one for macOS Sequoia as part of introducing Apple Intelligence.

The Apple Intelligence pop-up window can be suppressed for the logged-in user by running the command shown below:

/usr/bin/defaults write DidSeeIntelligence -bool true

It is also possible to suppress the Apple Intelligence pop up window on macOS Sequoia using a configuration profile. For more details, please see below the jump.

The relevant preference domain and key values are below:

  • Preference domain:
  • Key: SkipSetupItems
  • Value: Intelligence

The profile is available on GitHub via the link below:
