Daily Blog #688: How to make AWS EBS Direct Block API Events appear in Cloudtrail
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By April 29, 2020

How to make AWS EBS Direct Block API Events appear in Cloudtrail

Hello Reader,
           If you read the previous post you would know that in my testing the with the AWS EBS Direct Block API I could not find any Cloudtrail logs written. Well John Lukach has taken up the task of figuring out how to solve this by creating a role that the python script can assume that would generate the logs:


While John has created the ability to log his own accesses to the API I don't believe this will now capture any events from calling the API. So this is one step closer and a pretty neat workaround to capture events that otherwise would be missed but now what I would consider a fix. 

文章来源: https://www.hecfblog.com/2020/04/daily-blog-688-how-to-make-aws-ebs.html