2024-5-6 13:48:7 Author: mp.weixin.qq.com(查看原文) 阅读量:0 收藏

Title:Reconstructing Chameleon Hash: Full Security and the Multi-Party Setting(重构变色龙哈希函数:完全安全和多方设置

Speaker: Dr. Yangguang Tian(田阳光)-- 英国萨里大学


Venue:FIT 3-230


Chameleon hash function differs from a classical hash function in a way that a collision can be found with the knowledge of a trapdoor secret key. CH schemes have been used in various cryptographic applications such as sanitizable signatures and redactable blockchains. In this work, we reconstruct CH to ensure advanced security and usability. We propose the first CH scheme, which supports full security, meaning the inclusion of both full indistinguishability and full collision-resistance. These two properties are required in the strongest CH security model in the literature. We also investigate the security of CH in the multi-party setting and introduce the new properties of claimability and deniability under this setting. In this talk, I will introduce our new proposed CH scheme, which will be presented at AsiaCCS’24.

变色龙哈希函数与经典哈希函数的不同之处在于,只要知道陷门秘钥,就能发现碰撞。CH方案已被用于各种加密应用中,例如可消毒签名和可编辑区块链。在这项研究中,我们重构了CH,确保其高级的安全性和可用性。我们提出了第一个支持完全安全性的CH方案,即包含完全不可区分性和完全抗碰撞性。这两个特性是文献中最强的CH 安全模型所要求的。我们还研究了多方环境下 CH 的安全性,并介绍了在此环境下可声称性和可否认性的新特性。本报告将介绍我们发表在AsiaCCS'24 上发表的新的CH方案。


Dr. Yangguang Tian received his PhD degree in Applied Cryptography from the University of Wollongong, Australia. After PhD, he did post-docs at School of Information System, Singapore Management University, and iTrust, Singapore University of Technology and Design. Before Surrey, he was a research-based assistant professor at Osaka University, Japan. He is currently a lecturer at the University of Surrey, UK. His research interests include applied cryptography, network security, blockchain technologies and privacy-preserving technologies. Dr. Tian’s recent research works have been published in the cybersecurity-related international conferences and journals, such as USENIX’24, AsiaCCS’24, IEEE TIFS’23, IEEE TDSC’24, etc.

田阳光博士在澳大利亚卧龙岗大学获得应用密码学博士学位。博士毕业后,他在新加坡管理大学信息系统学院和新加坡科技设计大学 iTrust 做博士后研究。在萨里大学之前,他是日本大阪大学的助理教授。目前他是英国萨里大学的讲师(lecture)。他的研究兴趣包括应用密码学、网络安全、区块链技术和隐私保护技术。田博士近期的研究成果发表在网络安全相关的国际会议和期刊上,如 USENIX'24、 AsiaCCS'24、 IEEE TIFS'23和 IEEE TDSC'24 等。






文章来源: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzUxMTEwOTA3OA==&mid=2247485646&idx=1&sn=9d9540d4a86b8db3c063d2cc4970e69c&chksm=f979fa77ce0e7361e602950e6d2e412a309fc3942d82919931781460c5a6a46cff860123b107&scene=58&subscene=0#rd