Meet the Writer: HackerNoon's Contributor Darshani Persadh, Quantum Engineer
2024-7-13 04:45:47 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

So let’s start! Tell us a bit about yourself. For example, name, profession, and personal interests.

Hi👋, I am Darshani Persadh.

I don’t know… can I call myself a ‘Quantum Engineer’ now?! I’m the Technical co-founder at a tech startup called DARJYO. Though I qualified as a Software Engineer in ‘05, I still feel like I don’t know what I am doing in this industry - let’s just say the imposter syndrome is strong with this one.

My personal interests include:

Procaffeinating (n). The tendency to not start anything until I’ve had coffee

Watching ARB videos! My relationship with my sister includes the exchange of cat & dog videos, so you & I both know those algorithmic recommendations of “educational“ reels are coming to a feed near me.

60-second Shorts & Reels created by the Tech Gods had me in mind coz’ I have the attention span of a goldfish; I can go from ‘not finish painting the owl on my wall’ to ‘forget replying to a message coz I read it from the notification tray’.

Interesting! What was your latest HackerNoon Top story about?

My latest HackerNoon opus was titled Bits to Qubits: Decoding my dive into the IBM Quantum Challenge 2024

Big ups to HackerNoon for keeping the cat videos flowing my side.

Do you usually write on similar topics? If not, what do you usually write about?

Do I stick to the Quantum lane? 😐ehhhhhh! Mostly, yeah!

I am fascinated by the bridge between bleeding-edge tech and real-world applications. Quantum computing, AI, and the ever-shifting Blockchain landscape are my usual haunts. But sometimes, I like to veer off-course and chat about the startup rollercoaster - the highs, the lows, and my questionable life choices.

Great! What is your usual writing routine like (if you have one?)

Quirky as my viewing preferences are, I’m afraid inspiration strikes - often during those aforementioned blooper sessions. But I am disciplined, so when it does, I lock myself away in a quiet abyss (early mornings or late nights work best). Coffee is my constant companion on these intellectual journeys I tend to reflect on.

Being a writer in tech can be a challenge. It’s not often our main role, but an addition to another one. What is the biggest challenge you have when it comes to writing?

Oh forget writing, when I speak to normal people, I have to hear “I don’t understand what she just said.“

So, that’s a balancing act on its own.

I think the biggest hurdle when engaging is finding that sweet spot between brain-freezing technical details and making them digestible for everyone. Imagine explaining rocket science to a particularly curious squirrel - that’s a Chip & Dale struggle, but hey, it’s a challenge that keeps things interesting.

What is the next thing you hope to achieve in your career?

There is truly so much to do and discover, & I don’t believe we were given enough time to live on earth and achieve them all. I am pushing quantum computing past the event horizon of theoretical possibilities! I would love to develop a groundbreaking product that uses this mind-bending tech to solve real-world problems in a way no one’s seen before.

Bonus points for the Educator in me if I get to mentor the next gen of tech-blazers - while I leave a legacy of footprints along the way.

Wow, that’s admirable. Now, something more casual: What is your guilty pleasure of choice?

Guilty Pleasure? Do I have to tell you? Fine, besides hip-hop music & eating really good, two things really.

Firstly, my dad made me watch The Deer Hunter when I was just 4 (something ‘bout Catch22 life lessons), and the impact of this film deeply remained with me, so I’ve found that I’d much rather watch War, Army, Navy, Marine, Airforce, Military movies. I occasionally indulge in the dystopian Netflix offerings, think American Gods - even better, Altered Carbon.

I can disappear into those fictional worlds faster than you can say “needlecast.“ Secondly, as much as I love procrastinating with a good cup of coffee, there’s just magic in a perfectly brewed spicy chai on a rainy day.

My life beyond binary code; this is contradictory as it gets coz being in tech, I hate my phone with a passion!

I’m quite simple. I love deep conversations after trekking up a mountain coz’ peaking is a breath of fresh air. There’s a certain Zen-like calmness that comes from being surrounded by nature, away from the relentless ping of notifications. Again, thanks to my Dad, I have #AfricanWanderlust, so exploring the stunning landscapes around Africa is my go-to travel activity - good for the body and soul.

What… You want more of my sparkling Dev experiences?

I could talk about insights from case studies I’m working on - or just me, VS Code, and those never-ending side projects I have no idea how I started, but still look like fun.

All things tech-related I guess? I mean I speak at least 5 languages; English, Sass, Sarcasm, Truth, and Love I got it from my Mamma.

And while the sass flows freely in my brain as I weave it into my writing that’s a whole new experiment and one I wasn’t sure HackerNoon would appreciate.

But hey if you can handle my Quantum ramblings, you can handle a little bit of sass, right?

If not, it’s ok, coz my sister likes this Beta version of me, anyway!

What’s your opinion on HackerNoon as a platform for writers?

HackerNoon is a haven for tech enthusiasts and writers alike. I’ve been consuming knowledge from here a lot longer than I’ve been writing. The community is vibrant, the content is top-notch, and the freedom to explore niche topics is like finding a unicorn in the server room. A valuable resource for both writers and readers, that’s for sure.

Thanks for taking time to join our “Meet the Writer” series. It was a pleasure. Do you have any closing words?

Thanks, I’m having a blast. To all the readers and aspiring writers out here, never stop learning, never stop creating. Tech is an ever-evolving, playground and there’s always something new to learn, so keep exploring & pushing boundaries … coz’ curiosity never did kill that cat😜
