How LogRhythm Helps You Comply with NERC CIP-015-01
2024-6-29 02:43:34 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏

NERC-CIP aims to secure and manage the security of the Bulk Electric System (BES) in North America. At the request of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC), NERC completed an INSM study to analyze the risks associated with a lack of INSM. In that report, it was noted that the cyberthreat landscape for the electric industry is increasingly complex and challenging.

Threats to both information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) infrastructure have multiplied, evidenced by the persistent compromise of major software components and supply chain vendors. These threats have put the electric industry and security professionals under increased pressure and scrutiny to mitigate risks effectively.  

NERC CIP-015-01 was developed to improve the probability of detecting anomalous or unauthorized network activity in order to facilitate improved response and recovery from an attack. 

How to Comply with NERC CIP-015-01 

LogRhythm NetMon is a tool designed to help organizations monitor their network traffic and improve their security posture. It provides real-time visibility into your network, enhancing detection and response capabilities, which is crucial for maintaining a strong cybersecurity environment as mandated by various compliance requirements, such as NERC-CIP and their new standardNERC CIP-015-01 for high and medium impact Bulk Electric System (BES) Cyber Systems. 

LogRhythm NetMon offers holistic network visibility, which is essential for detecting and stopping threats, and it also helps organizations meet stringent compliance requirements more efficiently and effectively than manual processes. It includes features such as True Application Identification, SmartFlow™, and Layer 2–7 packet capture, providing a rich set of packet metadata and full packet payload and SmartFlow data. Additionally, it supports third-party tools through a full-featured REST API for custom integrations and automation. 

LogRhythm NetMon can help satisfy NERC CIP-015-01 compliance requirements in several ways: 

  • Holistic Network Visibility: LogRhythm provides holistic visibility into your network, improving detection and response capabilities. This is crucial for maintaining a strong cybersecurity posture, as mandated by NERC CIP-015-01 for high and medium impact Bulk Electric System (BES) Cyber Systems. 
  • Advanced Monitoring and Enforcement: LogRhythm NetMon offers advanced features for monitoring and enforcement, ensuring that your organization is meeting the strict requirements set forth by NERC CIP-015-01. This includes real-time monitoring, anomaly detection, and automated responses to threats. 
  • Adaptability and Growth: LogRhythm’s solutions are designed to be adaptable and scalable, allowing organizations to keep pace with evolving compliance requirements and cybersecurity threats. As the cybersecurity landscape changes and new regulations are introduced, LogRhythm’s platform can be updated to ensure continued compliance. 

By leveraging LogRhythm NetMon and its holistic network visibility, organizations can effectively meet the new stringent requirements of NERC CIP-015-01 and maintain a secure and compliant network environment. 

Interested in learning more? Schedule your demo today! 

The post How LogRhythm Helps You Comply with NERC CIP-015-01 appeared first on LogRhythm.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from LogRhythm authored by Kelsey Gast. Read the original post at:
