Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast SVP of Cyber Strategy Tom Kellermann | 6/28
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Cybersecurity Insights with Contrast SVP of Cyber Strategy Tom Kellermann | 6/28

Insight #1

Most ransomware deploys a remote-access Trojan (RAT), which allows for secondary infections to occur and enables access to victims’ networks to be sold in Darkweb forums.

Insight #2

Most ransomware is delivered initially through the exploitation of a vulnerability. Runtime Security can mitigate this: It’s a highly effective exploit prevention for zero days, unknown vulnerabilities and a broad array of exploit techniques.

Insight #3

Large Language Model s (LLMs) can be poisoned and forced to hallucinate via a myriad of application attacks.  See OWASP’s Top 10 for LLM (PDF).  

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a dark passenger. 

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from AppSec Observer authored by Tom Kellermann, SVP Cyber Strategy, Contrast Security. Read the original post at:
