Unlock Advanced Threat Correlation
2024-6-14 04:38:48 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏

Try the Enzoic + ThreatQ Integration Free on the ThreatQ Marketplace

Exciting news for cybersecurity teams: Enzoic and ThreatQuotient have partnered to offer a powerful integration that combines Dark Web monitoring with advanced threat intelligence. And now, you can now try this integration for free on the ThreatQ marketplace, giving your organization a unique opportunity to enhance its defenses without any cost.

Enzoic, a leader in Dark Web monitoring, has joined forces with ThreatQuotient, a pioneer in security operations platforms, to deliver real-time threat correlation using compromised data. This integration leverages Enzoic’s extensive Dark Web research capabilities and ThreatQuotient’s data-driven security operations platform to provide organizations with real-time, actionable intelligence. This powerful combination enhances an organization’s ability to detect, prioritize, and respond to potential threats quickly and effectively.

Why This Integration Matters

  • Real-Time Dark Web Monitoring: The standout feature of this integration is Enzoic’s ability to provide real-time monitoring of the Dark Web. The Enzoic threat research team employs a comprehensive suite of data collection strategies, including continuous data scraping, monitoring cybercriminal forums, manual data collection, infiltration of threat actor communications, honeypot deployment, and malware forensics. This meticulous approach ensures that any exposure of user credentials or sensitive data is detected promptly.
  • Actionable Intelligence: The integration enables organizations to transform raw data from the Dark Web into actionable intelligence. This intelligence is seamlessly integrated into the ThreatQ platform, providing security teams with up-to-date insights into potential exposures. This empowers organizations to make informed security decisions quickly, enhancing their ability to mitigate risks and defend against threats.
  • Automated Threat Detection and Response: The ThreatQ platform is known for its ability to contextualize and prioritize intelligence, enabling security teams to respond more effectively to potential threats. With the Enzoic integration, any exposures detected on the Dark Web are automatically presented in ThreatQ’s intuitive graphical dashboard. This automation ensures that security teams can act quickly and efficiently to protect exposed accounts or credentials.
  • Enhanced Security Operations: ThreatQuotient’s platform is both open and extensible, supporting the integration of different security technologies into a unified infrastructure. This integration allows organizations to automate actions and workflows, ensuring that tools and personnel work in unison. Continuous prioritization based on an organization’s unique risk profile enables security teams to focus resources on the most relevant threats, leading to more effective threat investigation and response.
  • Comprehensive Threat Coverage: By leveraging Enzoic’s Dark Web research, organizations gain access to a vast, dynamically updated database of exposure incidents. This broadens the scope of potential threats that can be identified, providing a more comprehensive understanding of an organization’s current risk level. The integration’s alerts are dynamically updated, ensuring that ThreatQuotient customers can act on the latest threat intelligence to mitigate damages and safeguard their assets.

How to Get Started

Getting started with the free trial is straightforward. ThreatQ customers can visit the ThreatQ marketplace and sign up for the trial by clicking “Free Trial Available”. Once enrolled, they will have access to the full suite of features offered by the Enzoic and ThreatQ integration. This includes real-time Dark Web monitoring, actionable intelligence, automated threat detection and response, and enhanced security operations.

Case Study: Real-World Impact

A current customer who enabled the integration after they were worried about user credentials on the Dark Web enabled their security team to detect compromised credentials in real-time. This actionable intelligence allowed for quick threat mitigation, protecting data, and maintaining reputation.

The organization’s security stack includes multiple tools for data collection and analysis. While endpoint data collection solutions are effective, ThreatQ provides a unified view of data across the environment. This single pane of glass approach allows for real-time cross-referencing, significantly enhancing situational awareness.

Integrating various security technologies into a unified infrastructure reduced irrelevant threat noise and focused resources on critical issues, resulting in a more efficient and effective threat response. The platform’s automation capabilities streamlined security operations, with indicators from integrated sources feeding into their SIEM system and the platform serving as the primary interface for data analysis.

Enzoic complements this workflow by enriching ThreatQ with external data, providing analysts with a broad range of findings for thorough analysis. The comprehensive feed into the platform ensures accurate threat assessment and response. This approach has matured the threat intelligence program and greatly improved its efficiency.

threatq and enzoic

Advanced Threat Correlation in a Single Pane of Glass

The Road Ahead

By taking advantage of this free trial, ThreatQ customers can experience firsthand the benefits of real-time Dark Web monitoring, actionable intelligence, and automated threat detection and response. This integration not only enhances an organization’s ability to detect and mitigate threats but also streamlines security operations, allowing for a more focused and effective approach to cybersecurity.

Visit the ThreatQ marketplace today and sign up for the free trial of the Enzoic and ThreatQ integration. Experience integrated cybersecurity to prepare your organization for future threats.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Blog | Enzoic authored by Enzoic. Read the original post at: https://www.enzoic.com/blog/threat-correlation-threatq-integration/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/06/unlock-advanced-threat-correlation/