Enhancing Corporate Security: The Value of Intelligence in Weather Related Threats
2024-6-13 01:27:51 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:2 收藏


How to ensure the safety of corporate assets and personnel amidst increasingly frequent and intense severe weather

Due to the increasing severity of destructive weather events — including hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires — improved weather monitoring and updated action plans are essential for protecting corporate assets and ensuring the safety of personnel. 

This requires a combination of streamlined processes and advanced technology, which enable corporations to identify and mitigate potential risks early — ensuring ongoing operational stability and protecting their interests. But, it all begins with planning. 

Anticipated Severe Weather in 2024

As severe weather events become more frequent and intense, corporations face escalating risks that threaten their operations, assets, and bottom lines. This year, experts predict that the following types of weather patterns will intensify in 2024:


Experts predict that 2024 will be a record-setting year for destructive tornadoes. Destructive tornadoes (EF2 or higher) account for 10% of all tornadoes, but 92% of all tornado-related deaths. Already in 2024, the U.S. has experienced 18 killer tornadoes, in which 36 people have died. 


The 2024 hurricane season is forecasted to be particularly active due to several factors, including the transition from El Niño to La Niña and historically warm sea surface temperatures. Meteorologists have highlighted that these climate signals and patterns indicate the season’s potential intensity. Warm sea surface temperatures serve as a source of energy for tropical systems, increasing the likelihood of more frequent and intense storms​​.

While tornadoes are typically more deadly, hurricanes can cause strategic national security threats — including potential impact to petroleum reserves and disruptions to key ports.  


Western Canada is suffering severe wildfires, primarily due to drought, forcing thousands to evacuate to safer grounds. On a positive note, the U.S. is experiencing a relatively slow start to its wildfire season thanks to a wet winter and spring that have kept vegetation — often the fuel for these fires — sufficiently damp. This has resulted in lower-than-average fire risks in many parts of the country during the season’s early months. However, specific regions like the Great Basin and the Southwest are projected to see increased wildfire  activity as the season progresses into the summer. This increase is due to the expected drying of previously wet fuels, making them more susceptible to ignition.

Practical Steps for Corporations

Increasing severe weather is unfortunately a pattern likely to continue beyond 2024. There are several practical, yet critical, steps corporations must take to plan for weather emergencies — including intelligence collection, planning, and other coordination. 

Firstly, corporations should invest in the right technology and tools to get ahead of weather-related threats to keep people and assets safe. “Living” threat assessments help security teams understand and gain foresight into severe and potentially destructive weather — such as wildfires, earthquakes, floods, and tornado corridors. The right tools will offer near real-time and often life-saving alerts for weather concerns in areas where you have people and facilities located. 

Collaborating with external experts and agencies who can provide even more insight into weather patterns can enhance the overall security framework. It is also essential to regularly review and update the systems based on emerging threats and technological advancements.

Emergency Action Plans (EAPs) are critical in planning for these extremely volatile events. While it’s likely you already have plans in place, it’s important that they are current and tailored to specific weather concerns (e.g., tornadoes vs. wildfires). Scenario-planning also helps — consider various outcomes and detail your response protocol. 

All processes for alerts, notifications, safe havens, and emergency responses should be a coordinated effort — planned in concert with facilities, environmental health and safety (EH&S), human resources (HR), and corporate security. It’s also important that employees are trained on these processes and that you have clear communication protocols for alerting and updating employees during severe weather events.

Integrating Intelligence Collection and Weather Monitoring

Weather should be just one aspect of your holistic intelligence strategy. Intelligence collection in corporate security is a sophisticated endeavor that entails gathering and analyzing information across all sources to facilitate decision-making and manage risks effectively. 

Employing various types of intelligence, such as human intelligence (HUMINT) and open-source intelligence (OSINT), provides a comprehensive view of the security landscape, enabling corporations to preempt threats, make informed decisions, and establish early warning systems to protect their assets and personnel. It is important to combine assorted data sources to foster a comprehensive understanding and prompts companies to customize their strategies based on specific intelligence needs and situational nuances.  

Weather monitoring as part of ongoing intelligence collection is vital to a robust corporate security strategy. By proactively gathering and analyzing information, corporations can anticipate and mitigate risks, ensuring the safety of their assets and personnel. Integrating these practices provides a comprehensive security overview, enabling corporations to stay ahead of potential threats. 

As the business environment evolves, investing in the right people, processes, and technology for intelligence collection and weather monitoring will remain crucial for maintaining operational continuity and protecting corporate interests.

The post Enhancing Corporate Security: The Value of Intelligence in Weather Related Threats  appeared first on Ontic.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Articles - Ontic authored by Kelsey Gunderson. Read the original post at: https://ontic.co/resources/article/enhancing-corporate-security-the-value-of-intelligence-in-weather-related-threats/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/06/enhancing-corporate-security-the-value-of-intelligence-in-weather-related-threats/