Hardwear.io NL 2024 Call For Papers
2024-6-10 20:49:39 Author: packetstormsecurity.com(查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏

*Conference Name: *Hardwear.io Netherlands 2024

*Important Dates:*
*CFP Deadline: *10th August 2024
*Conference Dates: *24th-25th October 2024

*Venue: *Marriott Hotel, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
*Website Link: *https://hardwear.io/netherlands-2024/cfp.php

Welcome to the 10th edition of Hardwear.io Netherlands 2024!

Are you someone who has expertise in hardware security? Then, we've got you
covered, hardwear.io is a platform where researchers showcase and discuss
their innovative findings on attacking and defending hardware.

>> Call For Papers (CFP) OPEN

> Submission Topics

We are interested in new and cutting-edge security work that has previously
not been published. Some security topics for your reference include (but
are not limited to):

Integrated Circuits | Processors | Internet of Things / Smart Devices |
Embedded Systems & Cryptography | Automobile, Aeroplane, Train Automation
Systems and Hardware Components | Industrial Control Systems / SCADA |
Satellite Systems | Medical Devices

> Submission Categories

New Research Category: A deep knowledge technical track that includes new
research, vulnerabilities, zero days, or exploits. And by new we really
mean new i.e. if your research or talk has been published/showcased
(partially or entirely) before, it will fall under the current research
category even though there are enhancements/changes to the original

Current Research and Workshop Category: Comprises known security issues,
research presented/published elsewhere, case studies, twist to existing
research, vulnerability, exploit, or research-in-progress.

Tool Category: Comprises open-source security tools, exploits, hardware,
etc. This is an excellent opportunity for the original authors to showcase
their work to the world.

> Speaker Benefits as per each research category:

Reach out to [email protected] for any further questions. Thank you!

文章来源: https://packetstormsecurity.com/files/178997/hardweario2024nl-cfp.txt