Ticketmaster Data Breach and Rising Work from Home Scams
2024-6-10 12:0:37 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:4 收藏

In episode 333 of the Shared Security Podcast, Tom and Scott discuss a recent massive data breach at Ticketmaster involving the data of 560 million customers, the blame game between Ticketmaster and third-party provider Snowflake, and the implications for both companies. Additionally, they discuss Live Nation’s ongoing monopoly investigation. In the ‘Aware Much’ segment, the rise of work-from-home job scams is analyzed, highlighting FBI warnings and tips to avoid falling victim to such schemes. The success of a past episode on Microsoft’s new recall feature is also mentioned, emphasizing privacy concerns and spirited audience discussions.

** Links mentioned on the show **

Check out our episode on Microsoft’s Recall feature and why we and others in the cybersecurity industry say this is a bad idea (at least how Microsoft is planning on rolling this out)

On Recall, I had a question about me (and Satya, lol) using the phrase "screenshot" where all of the documentation says snapshot, and MSFT people say it's just snapshots.

They're screenshots. They're just JPEG files, a constant stream of. On a 1tb PC it allocates enough space… pic.twitter.com/XM72eowRe0

— Kevin Beaumont (@GossiTheDog) June 6, 2024

Ticketmaster Confirms Cloud Breach, Amid Murky Details

FBI Warns of Rise in Work-From-Home Scams

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The post Ticketmaster Data Breach and Rising Work from Home Scams appeared first on Shared Security Podcast.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from Shared Security Podcast authored by Tom Eston. Read the original post at: https://sharedsecurity.net/2024/06/10/ticketmaster-data-breach-and-rising-work-from-home-scams/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/06/ticketmaster-data-breach-and-rising-work-from-home-scams/