Unveiling the Architecture: Key Papers to Understand Distributed Systems!
2024-4-28 22:0:4 Author: hackernoon.com(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏

Too Long; Didn't Read

With the advent of the internet and smarter devices, the amount of data that needs to be processed has exploded. Simple day-to-day activities like ordering an Uber, watching a show on Netflix, a simple Google search, online shopping, or interacting with social media, all trivial actions that we take for granted are powered by hundreds of distribution services. All these services are built on the backbone of some foundational papers in distributed systems. While this list is definitely not comprehensive, here are some of my favorite papers that have had a massive impact on the world of distributed systems.

文章来源: https://hackernoon.com/unveiling-the-architecture-key-papers-to-understand-distributed-systems?source=rss