DataDome Releases Ruby Server-Side Integration
2024-3-21 22:30:17 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:7 收藏

At DataDome, our primary mission is to safeguard our customers against threats and online fraud across all types of infrastructures and platforms.

We are delighted to add a new server-side integration, Ruby, to our already very long list of supported platforms. Ruby is a dynamic, open source programming language with a focus on simplicity and productivity. It has an elegant syntax that is natural to read and easy to write.

We had the pleasure of partnering with one of our customers to build this integration to ensure it would meet their needs, as well as the needs of any future customers using Ruby. It was developed as a Rack middleware, where Rack is a web server interface for Ruby, and its middleware is used to process HTTP requests and responses within the web application framework.

Integrated Protection In Real Time

When DataDome releases a new integration, our goal is always to provide an easy setup for our customers. The Ruby integration is distributed through RubyGems, the de facto standard for Ruby packages.

Ruby Server-Side Integration

Setup Overview

Setting up this integration is a straightforward process, detailed in the Ruby integration technical documentation. Here’s a simplified overview of the steps:

  1. Install our RubyGems package.
  2. Include our package inside your project and configure it as middleware.
  3. Set up an environment variable with your DataDome server-side key.
  4. Redeploy your application.

Congrats, you are now protected and can see your real-time traffic in the DataDome dashboard!

Supporting Every Platform Possible

The new Ruby integration is the latest in a range of DataDome integrations, as we continue to expand our supported platforms. With more than 25 server-side integrations available today, 50+ total integrations, and more to come, DataDome stops bad bots and online fraud on any infrastructure—big or small.

See how bot management can help you with a free trial, or schedule a live demonstration.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from DataDome authored by Alexandre Marlot. Read the original post at:
