IGAaaS Vs. On-Premises IGA Solutions: A Comparative Analysis
2024-2-15 22:0:59 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

Identity governance and administration (IGA) solutions are vital to govern and control access to critical systems and data. However, organizations are now presented with a choice between two primary approaches: IGA-as-a-service (IGAaaS) and traditional on-premises IGA solutions.

The increasing complexity of IT environments, the need for rapid scalability and the drive toward cost optimization have prompted organizations to explore cloud-based solutions like IGAaaS. These solutions offer a range of benefits, including reduced upfront investment, improved scalability, rapid deployment and enhanced security. However, on-premises IGA solutions still have their merits, particularly for organizations with unique requirements, strict compliance regulations or specific security concerns.

In this comparative analysis, we will examine the impact of the problem of identity and access management (IAM), explore the benefits and drawbacks of both IGAaaS and on-premises IGA solutions and provide insights to help organizations make informed decisions about which approach aligns best with their specific needs and objectives. By understanding the strengths and limitations of each option, organizations can effectively evaluate the trade-offs and select the most suitable solution for their identity governance and administration requirements.

IGAaaS Vs. On-Premises IGA: An Overview

IGAaaS, as a cloud-based service, offers several advantages. Firstly, it provides cost-effectiveness by eliminating the need for upfront hardware and software investments, allowing organizations to pay a subscription fee based on their usage.

It offers scalability and flexibility, enabling organizations to easily accommodate growth or fluctuations in user populations without the need for significant infrastructure changes.

Additionally, IGAaaS allows for rapid deployment, leveraging preconfigured templates and standardized processes to accelerate implementation timelines. It also enhances security and compliance through dedicated teams and robust security measures implemented by IGAaaS vendors.

On the other hand, on-premises IGA solutions provide organizations with control and customization over their identity governance and administration processes. This approach is beneficial for organizations with specific compliance requirements or strict data sovereignty concerns.

On-premises solutions offer a higher level of physical control over the infrastructure and data, ensuring organizations maintain direct management of their identity governance processes.

However, they often require significant upfront costs for hardware, software licenses and infrastructure setup. Maintenance and infrastructure management responsibilities also fall on the organization, and scalability may pose challenges as it requires additional investments and resource allocation.

Comparison Table



On-Premises IGA Solutions


Subscription-based payment model

Higher upfront costs


On-demand scalability and flexibility

Resource-intensive scalability

Deployment Speed

Rapid deployment with preconfigured templates

Customization may require more time

Security and Compliance

Dedicated teams and robust security measures

Direct control over security and compliance practices

Integration Capabilities

Seamless integration with diverse systems and applications

Custom integrations and control over integration processes

Solution Definition:

IGA solutions aim to help organizations effectively manage user identities, access rights and permissions. There are two main approaches to implementing IGA solutions: IGAaaS and on-premises IGA solutions. IGAaaS is a cloud-based service provided by third-party vendors, while on-premises IGA solutions are deployed within an organization’s own infrastructure.

IGAaaS offers an alternative approach to traditional on-premises IGA solutions by leveraging cloud-based infrastructure and services. Instead of hosting and managing the IGA system internally, organizations can subscribe to a service provided by a trusted IGAaaS vendor. This cloud-based solution promises reduced complexity, enhanced flexibility and improved cost-effectiveness.

Solution Facts and Evidence:

IGAaaS and on-premises IGA solutions have several differences in terms of deployment and infrastructure, implementation and maintenance, scalability and flexibility, cost structure and time to value. IGAaaS offers several advantages over on-premises IGA solutions, such as ease of deployment, scalability and flexibility, reduced maintenance effort, cost efficiency, access to advanced features, expert support and security and disaster recovery and business continuity.

On the other hand, on-premises IGA solutions provide more control over the underlying infrastructure, which may be necessary for organizations with specific security or compliance requirements. Additionally, on-premises solutions may be more suitable for organizations with large user populations or those that require high levels of customization.

Here is a one-to-one comparison of both approaches based on different factors:


IGAaaS eliminates the need for upfront capital investments in hardware and software licenses. Organizations pay a subscription fee based on their usage, resulting in predictable costs and potential savings. The removal of infrastructure maintenance and software updates also reduces ongoing operational expenses.


Cloud-based IGAaaS solutions offer scalability on-demand, allowing organizations to easily accommodate growth or fluctuations in user populations. They provide the ability to scale resources up or down as needed, ensuring optimal performance without overprovisioning.

Rapid Deployment

Compared to on-premises solutions, IGAaaS can be deployed faster. Organizations can leverage preconfigured templates and standardized processes, accelerating the implementation timeline. This agility enables organizations to adapt quickly to changing business requirements and regulatory compliance demands.

Security and Compliance

IGAaaS vendors typically have dedicated teams focused on maintaining the security and compliance of their platforms. They invest in robust security measures, such as encryption, access controls and continuous monitoring to protect sensitive identity and access data. Furthermore, they often undergo rigorous third-party audits to ensure adherence to industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Integration Capabilities

IGAaaS solutions are designed to integrate with a wide range of existing systems and applications, including cloud-based services. This enables seamless identity and access management across hybrid environments, providing a unified view of user entitlements and simplifying administration tasks.

Bottom Line

Both IGAaaS and on-premises IGA solutions have their advantages and disadvantages. The choice between the two approaches depends on several factors, such as organizational requirements, IT infrastructure capabilities, budget, scalability needs and desired level of control. Organizations should carefully evaluate their options and choose the approach that best fits their needs.

IGAaaS presents a compelling alternative to on-premises IGA solutions, offering cost-effectiveness, scalability, rapid deployment, enhanced security and seamless integration capabilities. While some organizations may still opt for on-premises solutions due to specific requirements or regulatory constraints, the advantages of IGAaaS make it an attractive option for many. As the technology landscape continues to evolve, embracing cloud-based IGAaaS can empower organizations to efficiently manage identities and access while staying agile and secure.

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/02/igaaas-vs-on-premises-iga-solutions-a-comparative-analysis/