2024 Annual State of Email Security Report: What to Expect
2024-2-9 03:46:5 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

The Cofense 2024 Annual State of Email Security Report sheds light on emerging trends in the cybersecurity threat landscape, highlighting areas of concern and indicating where your security team should focus in the coming year.

The data that informs this report sends a clear message: secure email gateways (SEGs) are not evolving with the current threat landscape as thousands of malicious emails are bypassing them daily.

In fact, our experts in the Cofense Phishing Defense Center (PDC) saw a record-breaking increase in malicious threats making it past all SEGs on the market over the last year. 

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The data received by the PDC each day offers a unique perspective on the current state of email security, with clear indications threats targeting your business are not only expanding, but also intensifying.

Cofense is able to see and catch threats others miss because:

  • We are the only email security company with a global network of 35+ million trained employees reporting suspected threats around the clock.
  • Our proprietary data provides unmatched industry insights with a 99.998% accuracy rate.
  • No one else has over a decade of insights and intelligence into the threats that EVERY SEG misses.
  • Last year we caught a malicious email EVERY MINUTE that bypassed our customers’ SEGs.

This report is a must read for security leaders to help prioritize an organization’s strategy to defend against the email security challenges of 2024. The report offers insight on the number of emails bypassing SEGs by industry, with finance, management, and manufacturing all experiencing over 100% increases.

Key topics covered are:

  • Email security threat trends from the last 12 months
  • Emerging tactics, like QR codes and vishing, plus details on the business email compromise (BEC), ransomware and credential theft scams that bypass traditional email security solutions
  • DarkGate, PikaBot, and other top malware families to watch in 2024
  • The drivers of the phishing threat landscape – from world events to the biggest breaches and takedowns

As you prepare for the challenges of 2024, the Annual State of Email Security Report provides an invaluable compass to navigate the complexities ahead. Organizations should never allow their email security posture to be a static consideration, but rather a dynamic process that requires constant vigilance and action. The call to action is clear: stay informed, invest in innovative solutions, and prioritize the training of your most valuable assets – your people.

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/02/2024-annual-state-of-email-security-report-what-to-expect/