EasyDMARC VS Proofpoint DMARC
2024-2-6 18:26:12 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:10 收藏

Looking for email authentication and security software? This article proposes the EasyDMARC platform as a Proofpoint alternative for DMARC software. We’ve reviewed features on EasyDMARC and Proofpoint’s Email Fraud Defense products and considered user reviews to help you choose the best solution for your needs.

EasyDMARC VS Proofpoint

Feature EasyDMARC Proofpoint
Price Starts at free and goes up to custom. Monthly and yearly payment options available Custom, no free trial included.
MSP Partner Program v x
Hosted SPF v v
Hosted DKIM x v
Hosted DMARC v x
Hosted BIMI v x
Email Header Analysis v v
Email Investigation v v
Phishing URL Check v x
Aggregate Reports Visualization v v
Failure Reports Visualization v v
Aggregate GeoMaps v x
Email Vendor Identification v v
Access To Private Community v x
TLS Reports v x
Managed MTA-STS v x
Secure Email Relay x v
Ati-Virus and Anti-Spam Scanning x v
Email Support v v
Single Sign-On (SSO) v v
Reputation Monitoring v v
Supplier Risk Explorer x v
API Access v v
Audit Reports v x
Email Reports v v
Batch Permissions & Access v x
Dashboard v v
Integration with other in-house products v v
External Integrations v v
Integration with email gateway x v
Alerting v x
User Management v x
Flexible pricing v x
Phishing URL Checker v v
Affiliate or reseller program v v
Professional services v v

EasyDMARC vs Proofpoint features cover different company needs. While EasyDMARC focuses on email authentication and DMARC policy advancement in a visual, user-friendly, and approachable way, Proofpoint’s Email Fraud Defense is more laconic and technical.

Choosing between EasyDMARC vs. Proofpoint depends mainly on what you expect from your DMARC software. Let’s go through each company’s brief description before getting all technical with our feature review.

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Proofpoint is an email filtering and policy-based email encryption SaaS platform. It targets enterprises and offers advanced phishing, email fraud, and BEC protection. Essentially, Proofpoint’s Email Fraud Defense is the DMARC compliance feature within the vast array of email protection services they offer. It offers a practical, no-nonsense approach to DMARC deployment.

Proofpoint uses advanced machine learning technologies to detect phishing and lookalike websites and malicious payloads (malware and ransomware). Additionally, it classifies suspicious communication that doesn’t contain such payload (e.g., BEC).


EasyDMARC is a cloud-native DMARC solution catering to small and medium businesses (SMBs), enterprises, and managed service providers (MSPs). It offers an easy-to-use dashboard for domain management. EasyDMARC’s primary goal is to simplify and automate your journey to full DMARC compliance, so the company provides tools and solutions that serve that purpose.

EasyDMARC leverages machine learning in its Phishing URL Checker, Email Investigate tool and other products. However, EasyDMARC’s ultimate goal as a Proofpoint alternative is to offer its users peace of mind that their emails are legitimate and reach the intended recipient inboxes.

EasyDMARC vs. Proofpoint: Feature Comparison

As a Proofpoint alternative, EasyDMARC is a feature-rich specialized solution for all your DMARC needs. Proofpoint is a holistic email security solution where DMARC features are only one aspect of the system.

As a result, one glaring difference is the price and billing flexibility. Proofpoint is an enterprise solution with a hefty price of $8,500 without add-ons. EasyDMARC, as a Proofpoint alternative, offers a flexible pay-as-you-go billing model and has a monthly subscription.

EasyDMARC vs. Proofpoint’s hosted solutions also focus on different features. EasyDMARC, as a Proofpoint alternative, wins by offering sleek and user-friendly managed DMARC software.

Both solutions offer Aggregate and Failure report analyses, but EasyDMARC takes the reports one step further, offering an alternative bird’s-eye view of attacks. Aggregate GeoMaps shows where in the world each attack attempt comes from.

As a holistic email security solution, Proofpoint offers anti-virus and anti-spam features and a secure email relay for companies that need an extra layer of protection on their emails. EasyDMARC, on the other hand, covers all your MTA-STS and TLS needs, including Managed MTA-STS.

One of Proofpoint’s advantages is that it can integrate its DMARC solutions with other features on its platform. One example is the secure email gateway.

In terms of user and access management, EasyDMARC offers a great alternative to Proofpoint. Its new features allow domain administrators to manage large organizations and MSPs seamlessly and smoothly.

For its MSP clients, EasyDMARC offers a sales and marketing enablement program to help them increase revenue and client satisfaction.


Choosing EasyDMARC vs. Proofpoint is easy if you know what your organization needs. If you need a holistic email security solution with integrated SEG and other security features, Proofpoint will fit your bill. On the other hand, EasyDMARC is an excellent Proofpoint alternative for covering your DMARC needs with top-notch user experience, convenient features, simplified domain management, and sales enablement.

The post EasyDMARC VS Proofpoint DMARC appeared first on EasyDMARC.

*** This is a Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog from EasyDMARC authored by EasyDmarc. Read the original post at: https://easydmarc.com/blog/easydmarc-vs-proofpoint-dmarc/

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/02/easydmarc-vs-proofpoint-dmarc/