A Conversation with Shil Sircar, Blackberry
2024-1-30 05:26:33 Author: danielmiessler.com(查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏

January 29, 2024

In this episode of Unsupervised Learning, we talked to Shil Sircar. Shil is the Senior VP of Engineering and Data Science at Blackberry, and we talked about:

- Machine Learning in Cybersecurity

- The Evolution from ML to Generative AI

- Predictive vs. Generative Models

- Preventive AI in Cybersecurity

- The Cylance AI Platform

- Attacker vs. Defender Dynamics

- Temporal Advantage in Threat Detection

- Synthetic Malware Generation

- Behavioral Analysis for Cybersecurity

- And the Future of AI in Cybersecurity

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文章来源: https://danielmiessler.com/p/ul-shil-sircar