Reprise License Manager 15.1 Privilege Escalation / File Write
2024-1-30 01:9:5 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:15 收藏

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Reprise License Manager 15.1 (CVE-2023-43183, CVE-2023-44031)

Credit: Mohaiman Rahim


# Product: RLM 15.1
# Vendor: Reprise Software
# CVE ID: CVE-2023-43183
# Vulnerability Title: Incorrect Access Control (leading to PrivEsc)
# Severity: High
# Author(s): Mohaiman Rahim
# Date: 2024-01-14
Reprise License Manager 15.1 is affected by an incorrect access control vulnerability which allows low level users, such as read-only users, to arbitrarily change the password of an admin and hijack their account.

Vulnerability PoC:

This vulnerability can be demonstrated by modifying the "user" POST parameter at http://HOST:5054/change_password_process with the username of a target user (such as an Admin account).
When executed this will result in the password of the targeted user being changed and the account therefore being compromised.


# Product: RLM 15.1
# Vendor: Reprise Software
# CVE ID: CVE-2023-44031
# Vulnerability Title: Incorrect Access Control (leading to arbitrary file write)
# Severity: High
# Author(s): Mohaiman Rahim
# Date: 2024-01-14
Reprise License Manager 15.1 is affected by an incorrect access control vulnerability which allows a user to perform privileged web application functions, such as a function that generates system information.
This vulnerability can be exploited to be able to change the path of where the diagnostics file should be saved via a crafted HTTP POST request.
This can allow an attacker to save the diagnostics file, containing system information, in insecure locations.

Vulnerability PoC:

This vulnerability can be demonstrated by modifying the "outputfile" POST parameter at http://HOST:5054/diagnostics_doit to an insecure path accessible by local users such as "C:\temp".

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