Regeneration of API key by low level user: 500$ Access Control bug
2024-1-28 20:31:13 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:16 收藏

Abhi Sharma

InfoSec Write-ups

I recently uncovered a flaw permits regular users to regenerate API keys for the test suite, utilizing an API endpoint originally designated for administrators only. This article outlines the issue, its potential impact, and the steps to reproduce the vulnerability.

Understanding Target

Examkite(Virtual Name of bbp), a versatile continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) platform, empowers development teams to streamline and automate their software delivery processes. This platform serves as the backbone for efficient collaboration, enabling teams to build, test, and deploy code seamlessly.

The Bug

The vulnerability is a type of API access control concern, allowing regular users to exploit an API endpoint meant for higher-access users. This oversight may empower an attacker to perform actions beyond their intended capabilities. If exploited, an attacker could carry out unauthorized actions and enables regular Examkite users to regenerate an API key for the test suite through an API endpoint typically restricted to administrators.

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Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Use two accounts one of admin and other of low level user.
  2. Go to api key regeneration then click on generate.
  3. Intercept the request and capture it.
  4. Now go to low level user account.
  5. Use the above captured request `POST /organizations/cdscs/analytics/suites/vdzdr/regenerate_api_key` with low level user.
  6. Forward the request.
  7. Now go to admin account and check the api key is get regerated.

The Bounty

A bounty of $500 has been awarded for the responsible disclosure of this security vulnerability by Examkite team.


This incident serves as a reminder for platform developers to consistently evaluate and reinforce access restrictions, safeguarding against potential breaches and ensuring the integrity of user actions.

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