How to Hack Devices Using Bluetooth in Kali Linux | by Keshav Xplore
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Keshav Xplore

InfoSec Write-ups

While Bluetooth has become a ubiquitous part of our daily lives, a majority remain unaware of its inner workings and, more importantly, its susceptibility to hacking. Delving into the realm of Bluetooth hacking provides a direct glimpse into the target’s world. Given that nearly every device is equipped with Bluetooth capabilities, exploiting this wireless technology could potentially grant access to a wealth of personal information stored on phones and tablets.

Despite Bluetooth and Wi-Fi sharing the same 2.4 GHz frequency, their distinct protocols render them different entities in terms of security. Bluetooth’s heightened security measures make conventional Wi-Fi hacking tools ineffective against it.

One notable feature is the continuous frequency hopping employed by Bluetooth devices. When two devices communicate via Bluetooth, they utilize an algorithm that dynamically shifts the frequency multiple times per second. This constant frequency hopping poses a significant challenge for potential attackers attempting to eavesdrop on the communication.

Additionally, Bluetooth differs from Wi-Fi in how it handles key negotiation. While Wi-Fi negotiates a key with every connection, Bluetooth establishes a key only once during the initial connection. Subsequently, this secret key is stored and referenced for subsequent communications with the same device. Unlike Wi-Fi, this approach makes it virtually impossible for an attacker to passively sniff the key, as they would need to be present during the initial communication.

However, this doesn’t mean Bluetooth is impervious. It is still susceptible to tracking nearby devices, extracting information from them, and even manipulating specific characteristics. Conducting reconnaissance becomes crucial, as it may unveil opportunities to seize control, identify vulnerabilities, or discover potential exploits that align with nearby devices.

Understanding the nuances of Bluetooth technology is vital not only for users but also for those tasked with securing these wireless connections in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Read this article here in detail with user friendly theme:

Embarking on Bluetooth surveillance requires a well-equipped setup. Ensure you have an up-to-date installation of Kali Linux, as we’ll leverage its built-in Bluetooth tools for this endeavor. Keeping it streamlined, we won’t be adding any extra tools; the default Bluetooth toolkit in Kali Linux will suffice.

Key tools included in BlueZ, the default Bluetooth protocol stack in most Linux versions, form the foundation of our exploration. Among these, we’ll delve into hciconfig, hcitool, sdptool, l2ping, and btscanner. Additionally, specialized tools tailored for Bluetooth reconnaissance in Kali Linux will be introduced.

Proximity is a critical factor in Bluetooth hacking. Armed with a reliable Bluetooth adapter, you can target devices in various settings — be it a coffee shop, school classroom, office, or even within close proximity of a neighbor’s house. Ensure your Bluetooth adapter is of high quality to maximize the reach of your Bluetooth reconnaissance.

Much like ifconfig serves for Wi-Fi, the counterpart for Bluetooth devices is hciconfig. This tool facilitates the activation of your Bluetooth adapter, serving as the initial step in our reconnaissance journey. Familiarize yourself with hciconfig to set the stage for efficient Bluetooth hacking.

~# hciconfig
hci0     Type: Primary Bus: USB
BD Address: ██:██:██:██:██:██ ACL MTU: 1022:8 SCO MTU: 183.5
RX bytes:574 acl:0 sco:0 events:30 errors:0
TX bytes:368 acl:0 sco:0 commands:30 errors:0

Just as ifconfig is synonymous with Wi-Fi, hciconfig takes the lead for Bluetooth devices. In this guide, we’ll navigate the setup of your Bluetooth interface, an essential precursor for efficient Bluetooth hacking. Observe our example, where the Bluetooth interface is currently inactive (down). Follow these steps to bring it to life and initiate your Bluetooth operations. Suppose you are well-acquainted with ifconfig commands. In that case, adapting to hciconfig will be seamless, as they share a structural resemblance. For instance, if you need to activate a Wi-Fi interface, the command is “ifconfig [interface_name] up”. In the realm of Bluetooth, using hciconfig mirrors this process. Explore the hciconfig man page for a comprehensive list of compatible commands.

~# man hciconfig
HCICONFIG(1)              Linux System Administration             HCICONFIG(1)
hciconfig - configure Bluetooth devices
hciconfig -h
hciconfig [-a]
hciconfig [-a] hciX [command [command parameters]]
hciconfig is used to configure Bluetooth devices. hciX is the name of
a Bluetooth device installed in the system. If hciX is not given, hci‐
config prints name and basic information about all the Bluetooth de‐
vices installed in the system. If hciX is given but no command is
given, it prints basic information on device hciX only. Basic informa‐
tion is interface type, BD address, ACL MTU, SCO MTU, flags (up, init,
running, raw, page scan enabled, inquiry scan enabled, inquiry, authen‐
tication enabled, encryption enabled).
-h, --help
Gives a list of possible commands.
-a, --all
Other than the basic info, print features, packet type, link
policy, link mode, name, class, version.
up Open and initialize HCI device.
down Close HCI device.
reset Reset HCI device.
rstat Reset statistic counters.
auth Enable authentication (sets device to security mode 3).
noauth Disable authentication.
encrypt Enable encryption (sets device to security mode 3).
noencrypt Disable encryption.
secmgr Enable security manager (current kernel support is limited).
nosecmgr Disable security manager.
piscan Enable page and inquiry scan.
noscan Disable page and inquiry scan.
iscan Enable inquiry scan, disable page scan.
pscan Enable page scan, disable inquiry scan.
ptype [type] With no type , displays the current packet types. Otherwise, all the packet types specified by type are set. type is a comma-separated list of packet types, where the possible packet types are DM1, DM3, DM5, DH1, DH3, DH5, HV1, HV2, HV3.
name [name] With no name, prints local name. Otherwise, sets local name to name.
class [class] With no class, prints class of device. Otherwise, sets class of device to class. class is a 24-bit hex number describing the class of device, as specified in section 1.2 of the Bluetooth Assigned Numers document.
voice [voice] With no voice, prints voice setting. Otherwise, sets voice setting to voice. voice is a 16-bit hex number describing the voice setting.
iac [iac] With no iac, prints the current IAC setting. Otherwise, sets the IAC to iac.
inqtpl [level] With no level, prints out the current inquiry transmit power level. Otherwise, sets inquiry transmit power level to level.
inqmode [mode] With no mode, prints out the current inquiry mode. Otherwise, sets inquiry mode to mode.
inqdata [data] With no name, prints out the current inquiry data. Otherwise, sets inquiry data to data.
inqtype [type] With no type, prints out the current inquiry scan type. Otherwise, sets inquiry scan type to type.
inqparams [win:int] With no win:int, prints inquiry scan window and interval. Otherwise, sets inquiry scan window to win slots and inquiry scan interval to int slots.
pageparms [win:int] With no win:int, prints page scan window and interval. Otherwise, sets page scan window to win slots and page scan interval to int slots.
pageto [to] With no to, prints page timeout. Otherwise, sets page timeout to .I to slots.
afhmode [mode] With no mode, prints out the current AFH mode. Otherwise, sets AFH mode to mode.
sspmode [mode] With no mode, prints out the current Simple Pairing mode. Otherwise, sets Simple Pairing mode to mode.
aclmtu mtu:pkt Sets ACL MTU to to mtu bytes and ACL buffer size to pkt packets.
scomtu mtu:pkt Sets SCO MTU to mtu bytes and SCO buffer size to pkt packets.
delkey This command deletes the stored link key for bdaddr from the device.
oobdata Get local OOB data (invalidates previously read data).
commands Display supported commands.
features Display device features.
version Display version information.
revision Display revision information.
lm [mode] With no mode , prints link mode. MASTER or SLAVE mean, respectively, to ask to become master or to remain slave when a connection request comes in. The additional keyword ACCEPT means that baseband connections will be accepted even if there are no listening AF_BLUETOOTH sockets. mode is NONE or a comma-separated list of keywords, where possible keywords are MASTER and ACCEPT . NONE sets link policy to the default behaviour of remaining slave and not accepting baseband connections when there are no listening AF_BLUETOOTH sockets. If MASTER is present, the device will ask to become master if a connection request comes in. If ACCEPT is present, the device will accept baseband connections even when there are no listening AF_BLUETOOTH sockets.
Written by Maxim Krasnyansky and Marcel Holtmann
man page by Fabrizio Gennari
BlueZ Nov 11 2002 HCICONFIG(1)
Manual page hciconfig(1) line 147/169 (END) (press h for help or q to quit)

The versatility of hciconfig extends beyond mere interface activation; it’s a powerful tool for configuring Bluetooth devices. Whether you have an external Bluetooth device connected, its application encompasses device discovery and configuration. Once familiarized with this aspect, press Q to exit the hciconfig man page. To bring a discovered Bluetooth device online, execute the command `hciconfig [device_name] up`. This step is crucial in preparing the identified Bluetooth device for subsequent operations.

~# hciconfig hci0 up

To see if it worked, run the hciconfig command again:

~# hciconfig
hci0     Type: Primary Bus: USB
BD Address: ██:██:██:██:██:██ ACL MTU: 1022:8 SCO MTU: 183.5
RX bytes:1148 acl:0 sco:0 events:60 errors:0
TX bytes:736 acl:0 sco:0 commands:60 errors:0

Now let’s use hcitool to look for Bluetooth devices that are sending out their discover beacons (in discovery mode). First, let’s check out its man page:

~# man hciconfig
HCITOOL(1)                Linux System Administration               HCITOOL(1)
hcitool - configure Bluetooth connections
hcitool [-h]
hcitool [-i ] [command [command parameters]]
hcitool is used to configure Bluetooth connections and send some spe‐
cial command to Bluetooth devices. If no command is given, or if the
option -h is used, hcitool prints some usage information and exits.
-h Gives a list of possible commands
The command is applied to device hciX , which must be the name
of an installed Bluetooth device. If not specified, the command
will be sent to the first available Bluetooth device.
dev Display local devices
inq Inquire remote devices. For each discovered device, Bluetooth device address, clock offset and class are printed.
scan Inquire remote devices. For each discovered device, device name are printed.
name Print device name of remote device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
info Print device name, version and supported features of remote device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
spinq Start periodic inquiry process. No inquiry results are printed.
epinq Exit periodic inquiry process.
cmd [parameters]
Submit an arbitrary HCI command to local device. ogf, ocf and parameters are hexadecimal bytes.
con Display active baseband connections
cc [--role=m|s] [--pkt-type=]
Create baseband connection to remote device with Bluetooth address bdaddr. Option --pkt-type specifies a list of allowed packet types. is a comma-separated list of packet types, where the possible packet types are DM1, DM3, DM5, DH1, DH3, DH5, HV1, HV2, HV3. Default is to allow all packet types. Option --role can have value m (do not allow role switch, stay master) or s (allow role switch, become slave if the peer asks to become master). Default is m.
dc [reason]
Delete baseband connection from remote device with Bluetooth address bdaddr. The reason can be one of the Bluetooth HCI error codes. Default is 19 for user ended connections. The value must be given in decimal.
sr Switch role for the baseband connection from the remote device to master or slave.
Change packet types for baseband connection to device with Bluetooth address bdaddr. packet types is a comma-separated list of packet types, where the possible packet types are DM1, DM3, DM5, DH1, DH3, DH5, HV1, HV2, HV3.
rssi Display received signal strength information for the connection to the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
lq Display link quality for the connection to the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
tpl [type] Display transmit power level for the connection to the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr. The type can be 0 for the current transmit power level (which is default) or 1 for the maximum transmit power level.
afh Display AFH channel map for the connection to the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
lp [value] With no value, displays link policy settings for the connection to the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr. If value is given, sets the link policy settings for that connection to value. Possible values are RSWITCH, HOLD, SNIFF and PARK.
lst [value] With no value, displays link supervision timeout for the connection to the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr. If value is given, sets the link supervision timeout for that connection to value slots, or to infinite if value is 0.
auth Request authentication for the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
enc [encrypt enable]
Enable or disable the encryption for the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
key Change the connection link key for the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
clkoff Read the clock offset for the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr.
clock [bdaddr] [which clock]
Read the clock for the device with Bluetooth address bdaddr. The clock can be 0 for the local clock or 1 for the piconet clock (which is default).
lescan [--privacy] [--passive] [--whitelist] [--discovery=g|l] [--duplicates]
Start LE scan
leinfo [--static] [--random]
Get LE remote information
lewladd [--random]
Add device to LE White List
lewlrm Remove device from LE White List
lewlsz Read size of LE White List
lewlclr Clear LE White List
lerladd [--local irk] [--peer irk] [--random]
Add device to LE Resolving List
lerlrm Remove device from LE Resolving List
lerlclr Clear LE Resolving List
lerlsz Read size of LE Resolving List
lerlon Enable LE Address Resolution
lerloff Disable LE Address Resolution
lecc [--static] [--random] | [--whitelist]
Create a LE Connection
ledc [reason]
Disconnect a LE Connection
LE Connection Update
Written by Maxim Krasnyansky and Marcel Holtmann
man page by Fabrizio Gennari
BlueZ Nov 12 2002 HCITOOL(1)
Manual page hcitool(1) line 154/176 (END) (press h for help or q to quit)

Hcitool proves invaluable in configuring and executing diverse tasks such as scans, inquiries, and name retrieval. However, certain commands necessitate the use of MAC addresses. A fundamental operation is scanning for nearby Bluetooth devices, providing MAC addresses for further inquiries or attempts to extract device names. Initiate a scan with the command hcitool scan. This employs the Bluetooth interface to identify nearby devices, revealing their MAC addresses. This information serves as a gateway for subsequent scans, inquiries, or endeavors to unveil device names.

~# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
00:1D:A5:00:09:1D OBDII

Above, we see an OBD2 connector which is connected to a vehicle. That’s pretty interesting. With the MAC address, we can now we can do another command that required us to have a MAC address in the first place. Let’s try getting the name of the device:

~# hcitool name 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D

That should allow us to get the name of the device, but we already knew it from that first scan. If we didn’t know it, however, it’ll allow us to be able to learn more about it. To learn more, we can use the inq command:

~# hcitool inq 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D
Scanning ...
00:1D:A5:00:09:1D clock offset: 0x21c0 class: ox5a020c

Note that it also displays clock offset and the class. The class indicates what type of Bluetooth device it is, and we can look up the code by going to the Bluetooth site. Or, as we will see later, some tools will do it for us.

Exploring the realm of Bluetooth devices demands a meticulous examination of their services. Meet `sdptool`, a versatile companion crafted for precisely this purpose. This tool empowers users to delve into the intricacies of a device’s services, offering profound insights into its functionalities, both expansive possibilities and inherent constraints. Before embarking on the journey of exploration using `sdptool`, it’s essential to acquaint oneself with its command options and diverse functionalities. A robust grasp of available commands ensures a more nuanced and effective exploration experience. Equipped with this knowledge, seamlessly utilize `sdptool` to unravel the array of services extended by a Bluetooth device. This comprehensive exploration not only unveils the device’s properties but also provides a nuanced understanding, enabling informed reconnaissance and strategic interaction.

~# man sdptool
sdptool(1)                  General Commands Manual                 sdptool(1)
sdptool — control and interrogate SDP servers
sdptool [options] {command} [command parameters ...]
sdptool provides the interface for performing SDP queries on Bluetooth
devices, and administering a local SDP database.
The following commands are available. In all cases bdaddr specifies
the device to search or browse. If local is used for bdaddr, then the
local SDP database is searched.
Services are identified and manipulated with a 4-byte record_handle
(NOT the service name). To find a service's record_handle, look for
the "Service RecHandle" line in the search or browse results
search [--bdaddr bdaddr] [--tree] [--raw] [--xml] service_name
Search for services.. Known service names are DID, SP, DUN, LAN, FAX, OPUSH, FTP, HS, HF, HFAG, SAP, NAP, GN, PANU, HCRP, HID, CIP, A2SRC, A2SNK, AVRCT, AVRTG, UDIUE, UDITE and SYNCML.
browse [--tree] [--raw] [--xml] [bdaddr]
Browse all available services on the device specified by a Bluetooth address as a parameter.
records [--tree] [--raw] [--xml] bdaddr
Retrieve all possible service records.
add [ --handle=N --channel=N ]
Add a service to the local SDP database. You can specify a handle for this record using the --handle option. You can specify a channel to add the service on using the --channel option. NOTE: Local adapters configuration will not be updated and this command should be used only for SDP testing.
del record_handle
Remove a service from the local SDP database. NOTE: Local adapters configuration will not be updated and this command should be used only for SDP testing.
get [--tree] [--raw] [--xml] [--bdaddr bdaddr] record_handle
Retrieve a service from the local SDP database.
setattr record_handle attrib_id attrib_value
Set or add an attribute to an SDP record.
setseq record_handle attrib_id attrib_values
Set or add an attribute sequence to an SDP record.
--help Displays help on using sdptool.
sdptool browse 00:80:98:24:15:6D
sdptool browse local
sdptool add DUN
sdptool del 0x10000
Documentation needs improving.
Maxim Krasnyansky . Man page written by Edd Dumbill .
Manual page sdptool(1) line 60/82 (END) (press h for help or q to quit)

Now, equipped with a foundational understanding of `sdptool`, let’s harness its capabilities to delve into the intricacies of service discovery on Bluetooth devices. `sdptool` serves as a versatile tool for configuring, controlling, and interrogating SDP (Service Discovery Protocol) servers. This functionality empowers us to conduct detailed queries on Bluetooth devices, unraveling crucial information about permissions, and gaining insights into potential actions within those services. To embark on this exploration, initiate the command by typing `sdptool browse` followed by the MAC address we previously captured. This command serves as the gateway to a comprehensive understanding of the device’s service landscape, shedding light on permissions, constraints, and possibilities that await discovery.

~# sdptool browse 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D
Browsing 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D ...
Service Name: SPP
Service RecHandle: 0x10001
Service Class ID List:
"Serial Port" (ox1101)
Protocol Descriptor List:
"L2CAP" (0x0100)
"RFCOMM" (0x0003)
Channel: 1

In this context, the output provides additional insights into the realm of communications, unveiling the intricacies of protocols employed by the device. This newfound knowledge becomes pivotal as we navigate the landscape of potential vulnerabilities within the device. By scrutinizing the details, we might uncover vulnerabilities, ascertain the feasibility of direct communication, and even discern whether the device employs security measures such as MAC address randomization. This multifaceted exploration equips us with the information needed to make informed decisions and strategic moves in our Bluetooth reconnaissance endeavors.

Now that we’ve acquired the MAC addresses of the nearby devices, we can utilize l2ping to ping them, whether they are in discover mode or not, to assess their reachability. In my case, there’s just one device. Before proceeding, let’s explore the tool’s man page to understand all available options.

~# man l2ping
L2PING(1)                 Linux System Administration                L2PING(1)NAME
l2ping - Send L2CAP echo request and receive answer
l2ping [-i ] [-s size] [-c count] [-t timeout] [-d delay] [-f]
[-r] [-v] bd_addr
L2ping sends a L2CAP echo request to the Bluetooth MAC address bd_addr
given in dotted hex notation.
-i The command is applied to device hciX , which must be the name of an installed Bluetooth device (X = 0, 1, 2, ...) If not specified, the command will be sent to the first available Bluetooth device.
-s size The size of the data packets to be sent.
-c count Send count number of packets then exit.
-t timeout Wait timeout seconds for the response.
-d delay Wait delay seconds between pings.
-f Kind of flood ping. Use with care! It reduces the delay time between packets to 0.
-r Reverse ping (gnip?). Send echo response instead of echo request.
-v Verify response payload is identical to request payload. It is not required for remote stacks to return the request payload, but most stacks do (including Bluez).
bd_addr The Bluetooth MAC address to be pinged in dotted hex notation like 01:02:03:ab:cd:ef or 01:EF:cd:aB:02:03
Written by Maxim Krasnyansky and Marcel Holtmann
man page by Nils Faerber , Adam Laurie .BlueZ Jan 22 2002 L2PING(1)Manual page l2ping(1) line 32/54 (END) (press h for help or q to quit)
l2ping - Send L2CAP echo request and receive answer
l2ping [-i ] [-s size] [-c count] [-t timeout] [-d delay] [-f]
[-r] [-v] bd_addr
L2ping sends a L2CAP echo request to the Bluetooth MAC address bd_addr
given in dotted hex notation.
-i The command is applied to device hciX , which must be the name of an installed Bluetooth device (X = 0, 1, 2, ...) If not specified, the command will be sent to the first available Bluetooth device.
-s size The size of the data packets to be sent.
-c count Send count number of packets then exit.
-t timeout Wait timeout seconds for the response.
-d delay Wait delay seconds between pings.
-f Kind of flood ping. Use with care! It reduces the delay time between packets to 0.
-r Reverse ping (gnip?). Send echo response instead of echo request.
-v Verify response payload is identical to request payload. It is not required for remote stacks to return the request payload, but most stacks do (including Bluez).
bd_addr The Bluetooth MAC address to be pinged in dotted hex notation like 01:02:03:ab:cd:ef or 01:EF:cd:aB:02:03
Written by Maxim Krasnyansky and Marcel Holtmann
man page by Nils Faerber , Adam Laurie .
BlueZ Jan 22 2002 L2PING(1)
Manual page l2ping(1) line 32/54 (END) (press h for help or q to quit)

We don’t need to do anything fancy here, just ping the Bluetooth device as so:

~# l2ping 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D
Ping: 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D from ██:██:██:██:██:██ (data size 44) ...
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 0 time 37.57ms
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 1 time 27.23ms
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 2 time 27.59ms
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 3 time 27.31ms
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 4 time 40.99ms
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 5 time 48.77ms
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 6 time 59.93ms
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 7 time 48.84ms
44 bytes from 00:1D:A5:00:09:1D id 8 time 67.59ms

This indicates that the device is within range and reachable.

Now, let’s shift our focus to the final tool in our arsenal — a full-fledged graphical user interface designed for Bluetooth device discovery. It goes by the name btscanner. To initiate it, simply type btscanner. Before proceeding, let’s quickly review the man pages for this tool as well.

~# man btscanner
BTSCANNER(1)                General Commands Manual               BTSCANNER(1)NAME
btscanner - ncurses-based scanner for Bluetooth devices
btscanner [--help] [--cfg ] [--no-reset]
This manual page was written for the Debian GNU/Linux distribution be‐
cause the original program does not have a manual page.
btscanner is a tool designed specifically to extract as much informa‐
tion as possible from a Bluetooth device without the requirement to
pair. A detailed information screen extracts HCI and SDP information,
and maintains an open connection to monitor the RSSI and link quality.
btscanner is based on the BlueZ Bluetooth stack, which is included with
recent Linux kernels, and the BlueZ toolset. btscanner also contains a
complete listing of the IEEE OUI numbers and class lookup tables. Using
the information gathered from these sources it is possible to make edu‐
cated guesses as to the host device type.
--help Show a help text and exit.
--cfg Use as the config file.
--no-reset Do not reset the Bluetooth adapter before scanning.
Please report any bugs to Tim Hurman .
btscanner is covered by the GNU General Public License (GPL).
Tim Hurman
This manual page was written by Uwe Hermann , for
the Debian GNU/Linux system (but may be used by others).
April 22, 2006 BTSCANNER(1) Manual page btscanner(1) line 23/45 (END) (press h for help or q to quit)

As you can observe, there isn’t much to btscanner in terms of command-line parameters. This is because btscanner is a graphical user interface (GUI) tool, and its functionality becomes evident once the tool is executed. Let’s go ahead and run btscanner to unveil its capabilities.

~# btscanner
Opening the OUI database
Reading the OUT database

Although many use Bluetooth daily, its workings and vulnerabilities often remain unknown. Hacking Bluetooth provides access to vast personal data stored on phones and tablets. Unlike Wi-Fi, Bluetooth devices hop frequencies, making it challenging for attackers to intercept communication. Additionally, Bluetooth negotiates a key once, enhancing security. With built-in tools on Kali Linux, Bluetooth reconnaissance becomes accessible. Tools like hciconfig, hcitool, sdptool, l2ping, and btscanner enable device discovery, service exploration, and ping tests. Bluetooth hacking demands proximity, and a compatible adapter enhances reach. Execute these steps responsibly, respecting legal and ethical boundaries.
