2024’s SAP Developer Insights Survey is Ready for You
2024-1-15 12:36:44 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

Attention SAP Developers!

The 2024 SAP Developer Insights Survey tarts today and will be running for the next six weeks.  It will take about twelve minutes of your time to complete.

2024 marks the fifth consecutive year for this survey.  If you design, develop, or test software for SAP applications, platforms, or data: we have questions for you.

Take the 2024 SAP Developer Insights Survey now

The information we gather in the survey is important to us. It is a key resource we use to understand who you are and what you do.  These data play an important role in shaping channels, programs, and to focus new content on your needs.

We also publish the results back to you. If you are curious, have a look at the report describing last year’s survey results.

The survey period begins today, January 15th. It will continue for six weeks, ending around March 1st. Our report on this 2024 survey will be released a few weeks after that.

Help us help the SAP Community. Your contribution is important.

文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2024/01/15/2024s-sap-developer-insights-survey-is-ready-for-you/