重磅预告 | 一场跨领域、跨时区、跨媒介的演讲马拉松
2024-1-13 11:23:55 Author: 爱范儿(查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏




数字潮牌爱范儿主办的 inD 广州艺术书展已经正式和大家见面了。


1 月 14 日,我们还将联合知识雷锋,组织了一场跨学科、跨领域、跨时区、跨媒介演讲马拉松


这场演讲马拉松,从 AI 技术、编织机械到雕塑、绘画艺术,从城中村里的文学创作到边境城市史,从无障碍城市到家庭影像中的日常诗意……文字、图像、声音、数据、三维模型……我们集结了来自中国、希腊、德国、印度尼西亚、加拿大、美国、日本、俄罗斯、英国、法国、泰国等地的创作者带来五湖四海的声音。跨越学科的边界,将被细分成碎片的专业重新粘合,让不同领域的灵感相互碰撞。


演讲马拉松分为线上和线下两个会场,有线上直播与双语字幕。线下场地在广州市天河区天寿路 35 号未来社。欢迎大湾区的朋友前来聚会!


bilibili 全球知识雷小锋












Wang Zigeng

王子耕 / Pills


PILLS is a cross-disciplinary design and research office, whose work focuses on contemporary spatial culture. We are interested in capital and spatial politics, environmental controand philosophy of technology, globalization and infrastructure, contemporary media culture and production-consumption relations, film and media technologies. We hope to redefine contemporary urban and architectural issues with critical approaches, to influence contemporary culture with multiple observation methods, to discuss the mechanism behind spatial productions in further depth, and to depict the contemporary world picture and human conditions in greater clarity. Our work includes critical practices in many fields, such as architectural and urban design, installation and art practice, curation and architectural planning, multi-media production and independent publication.


Wang Zigeng is an architect, artist, and curator. He is an associate professor at the School of Architecture at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, serving as the Deputy Head of the Architecture Department and the Director of the Media Exhibition Department. He holds a master's degree in architecture from Princeton University. Wang is the founder and chief architect of PILLS studio. In 2025, he served as the curator for the China Pavilion at the Osaka Expo. He also served as the chief curator of the 9th Shenzhen-Hong Kong Urban\Architecture Biennale. Wang has been a visiting professor at Syracuse University, a lecturer at the Academy of Fine Arts at the Beijing Film Academy, and an external mentor at the School of Architecture at Tsinghua University. His research areas include environmental technology, architectural exhibitions, and architectural media and narrative.




It's Freezing 

in LA!

It's Freezing in LA! 是来自英国的以气候变化为主题的独立杂志。标题取自特朗普的推特“暴风雪从德克萨斯州席卷至田纳西州,我在洛杉矶冷到瑟瑟发抖。全球变暖完全是一个昂贵的骗局!”(“Ice storm rolls from Texas to Tennessee – I’m in Los Angeles and it’s freezing. Global warming is a total, and veryexpensive, hoax!")

作为气候写作与图像平台,It's Freezingin LA! 挖掘、解构并活化复杂的气候话题。结合艺术、政治、科学,为气候领域新锐及边缘声音提供舞台。半年一期,60页内容深掘环境难题。被《卫报》誉为2019年顶级环境独立杂志。



It’s Freezing in LA! Is a critically-acclaimed platform for climate writing and images. We find detailed, complex and fascinating new topics and make them accessible, engaging and exciting.

We have built a space that fuses art, politics and science while platforming brilliant emerging and under-represented writers and illustrators in the climate movement. We publish a bi-annual, 60 page collection that dives into difficult environmental questions, and in Spring 2023 we launched this digital platform.

IFLA! has been shortlisted for Stack Awards three times, has received rave reviews and was listed as one of the Guardian’s best environmental indie magazines in 2019.

Jenchieh Hung


Jenchieh Hung 洪人杰、Kulthida SongkittipakdeeHAS design and research 建筑事务所联合创始人、主持建筑师,中泰建筑研究室创始主席,泰国暹罗皇家建筑师协会资深委员、首席策展人、国际关系总监,《暹罗皇家建筑师协会期刊》编委,朱拉隆功大学建筑学院客座教授,泰国国王科技大学建筑设计学院特聘课程编委,同济大学建筑与城市规划学院特聘设计导师。HAS design and research 建筑事务所由 Jenchieh Hung( 洪人杰)与 Kulthida Songkittipakdee创立,事务所通过"设计+研究"并行的方式,探讨亚洲自身的建筑语言,作品涵盖展览设计、装置艺术文化建筑、宗教寺庙等,擅长将材料与地域的敏感性结合在空间氛围中,揉合建筑与文化的边界,并创造具有精神性场所。代表项目包括佩提卡森艺术家工作室荣获英国 Wallpaper*杂志 2022 年世界建筑师名录、林中空地获英国Dezeen 杂志评为十大中国最美书店、泰国 MOMA 现代铝博物馆获选泰国威望大奖,受邀刊登于《暹罗皇家建筑师协会期刊》封面特辑,并在泰国暹罗皇家建筑师协会博览会展出·此外 HAS design and research 建筑事务所被澳大利亚媒体评为亚洲最具影响力的 6 周建集事所、荷兰媒体评为曼谷最重要的建繁事务所之-,作品广见于报纸杂志和电视频道,包括美国 The Architect's Newspaper、意大利 designboom、韩国SPACE、泰国 Amarin 等。HAS( Hung And Songkittipakdee ) 也受邀担任泰国当代建筑策展人与评论家,执行系列展览、出版、论坛,获泰国外交部表彰为泰国建筑重要策划人,多次干泰国创意与设计中心、曼谷文化艺术中心、泰国暹罗皇家建筑师协会、阿颂·信艺术学院、朱拉隆功大学建筑学院图书馆等学术机构受邀演讲。近期他们受ARCASIA 亚洲建筑师协会邀请,作为泰国建筑师国际论坛召集人和主题讲者。 

HAS (Hung And Songkittipakdee)explores Asia's architectural language through a “design +research" parallel approach; it emphasizes the analogy of nature and man-made nature, looking for another kind of new natural architecture through the city's own derivatives, named “The Improvised,MANufAcTURE and Chameleon Architecture". HAS work encompassing cultural buildings, religious architecture, installation art, exhibition design and experimental projects; and HAS research includes the train and railway markets, the charming roadside vendors, the borderless illegal constructions under the elevated freeways, and the round- abouts of dead alleys. These interesting scenes typically exist in Asian cities,where temporary construction truly reveals how people can find a "new" nature in the reinforced concrete city. HAS developed an international reputation through winning competition entries, and their work stands out in terms of its synthesis of form, pattern, material and technology into singu- lar, irreducible constructions. They have been widely recognized for their innovative work and received awards and honors in- clude Wallpaper* Architects’Directory2022,Thailand Prestige Award 2021, Asia Young Designer of the Year Award 2021,Hong Kong Perspective Magazine 40 under 40 Award 2021,Design Star Award 2018,Distinguished Alumni Award 2016,WA Award 2014, National Golden Award for Architecture2011.

Angelo Plessas

Angelo Plessas 生活和工作在希腊的雅典和基米之间。他研究了灵性与技术之间模糊的关系,探索了连接古代、民间和控制论历史的不同宇宙观。从互联网早期开始,Angelo Plessas 的研究聚焦于在线和离线世界之间的流动关系,他发起了在生物、符号和机器之间的共同体验。他的活动范围从表演到艺术家驻地,从自主出版书籍到互动网站,从缝制的雕塑到直播活动,从霓虹灯装置到教育项目。最近,他的实践已扩展到教学、写作、策展和不同形式的治疗。在过去的几年里,他组织了永恒互联网兄弟会/姐妹会和实验教育协议的年度为期一周的聚会。这些项目发生在世界各地的不同地方,涉及国际和本地的艺术家、策展人、设计师和研究人员。

Angelo Plessas lives and works between Athens and Kymi, Greece. He investigates the ambiguous approach of spirituality with technology exploring different cosmologies which connect ancient, folk and cybernetic histories. Since the early years of the internet Plessas’ research focus on the fluid relationship between online and offline worlds, and he initiates communal experiences between beings, symbols, and machines. His activities range from performances to artist’s residencies; from self-publishing books to interactive websites; from quilted sculptures to live-stream events; from neon installations to educational projects. Recently his practice has expanded to teaching, writing, curating, and different forms of healing. 


李豆豆 leedodo,在巴黎出生并长大,是一位动画师和动画导演。他于2014年在高贝兰学院学习。2020年,他移居到中国,也参与创建了Fliiip Design工作室。同年,他还推出了他个人IP角色樱桃笑笑子。最近,他制作了面向初学者的动画教程,在中国社交媒体平台上发布。

Lee Dodo, born and raised in Paris, is an animator and animation director. He studied at the Gobelins School in 2014. In 2020, he moved to China and also co-founded the Fliiip Design Studio. The same year, he launched his personal IP character, Cherry Xiaoxiaozi. Recently, he has produced animation tutorials for beginners, which he released on Chinese social media platforms.

Franz H.


Franz grew up surrounded by Lego technic, model trains, and computers. As an adult, he learned metalworking in a small workshop in Austria. Later, he studied mechanical engineering, gaining his first experiences in programming and CAD drawing. Working as a designer in specialized machine construction, Franz honed his understanding of machinery and problem-solving skills. He is dedicated to creating high-quality technical manuals for various machines, focusing on simplicity for easy reconstruction by almost anyone.

Zou Shengwen


风靡北上广深的时尚餐饮品牌gaga的艺术总监,gaga ARTSPACE艺术空间主理人。毕业于中央美术学院建筑学院及伦敦艺术大学空间设计专业。

The Art Director of the trendy gastronomic brand Gaga, popular in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, and Shenzhen, is also the curator of Gaga ARTSPACE. Graduated from the School of Architecture at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and specialized in Spatial Design at the University of the Arts London.

Anna Andronova


毕业于UCL Bartlett获建筑学硕士学位,DELL全球科技创新大使,国内首届百度希壤元宇宙设计竞赛评委。


作为首位中标中国标志性建筑的俄籍建筑师,也曾获得近100项国际设计奖,其中包括2019年成都锦城公园国际建筑设计大赛一等奖、2020年开封双龙巷建筑设计竞赛一等奖、2020年幸福古村泛博物馆建筑设计一等奖、2021年俄罗斯萨哈林城市设计竞赛一等奖、2017年第五届国际LafargeHolcim可持续发展和愿景-下一代奖(欧洲)、2016 Velux国际建筑设计竞赛东欧赛区冠军等诸多奖项。


Anna Andronova is a multifaceted professional working as a Metaverse Architect, Architectural Designer, Artist, and AIGC Creator. She is a founding partner at Meta Galaxy, DA! Architecture Firm, and DESAI Network. Anna earned her Master's degree in Architecture from UCL Bartlett and serves as a Global Technology Innovation Ambassador for DELL. She has also been a judge for the first Baidu Xi Rang Metaverse Design Competition in China.

Andronova's work is characterized by her dedication to constructing dream worlds that blend virtual and real elements, combining architectural design, natural landscapes, and AIGC technology. She constantly challenges the boundaries of time and space with her boundless imagination, exploring the possibilities of evolution in an alternate world. Her commitment to leading design revolutions through technology is evident in her leadership in several Metaverse virtual scene designs and developments.

Anna holds the distinction of being the first Russian architect to win a bid for a landmark Chinese building. She has also received nearly 100 international design awards, including the 2019 Chengdu Jincheng Park International Architectural Design Competition, the 2020 Kaifeng Shuanglong Alley Architectural Design Competition, the 2020 Happiness Ancient Village Pan-Museum Architectural Design Competition, the 2021 Russian Sakhalin Urban Design Competition, the 2017 5th International LafargeHolcim Awards for Sustainable Construction and Vision - Next Generation (Europe), and the 2016 Velux International Architectural Design Competition Eastern Europe Champion, among many others.

Her artistic works have been exhibited in prestigious venues such as the Royal College of Art in London, the National Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, Bo Space in Hangzhou, and Hangzhou Warehouse Art Museum. Her works have been featured in various major media, magazines, and books, including "Painting the Future: A Speculation on Contemporary Art and Architectural Drawings." Additionally, Anna has taught at institutions like UCL, Moscow's MARSH, Hangzhou National Academy of Art, Kunming University of Science and Technology, and Haikou College of Economics.

Yao Jiawei


建筑师,城市罐头主播 。

Architect and Urban Can podcaster.

Urban Can is a podcast that explores culture, consumption, and urban spaces. Without conveying specific values, the podcast aims to provide listeners with a relaxed perspective on the cultural and consumption spaces within cities, using the metaphor of opening a can. 

Tudor Finneran

Tudor Bentley Finneran是一位出版过225本书的英国作家。出生在塞浦路斯的阿克罗蒂里。他在在欧洲、非洲和东南亚居住多年后移居到中国。拥有工商管理学士学位和全球商业新闻硕士学位的他放弃了公务员的生活,选择成为一名全职(游牧的)作家,并一直在这条道路上前行。

Tudor Bentley Finneran is a British author born in Akrotiri, Cyprus. In 2022 he moved to China after living across Europe, Africa and South East Asia. He holds a bachelor's degree in business management and a master's degree in Global Business Journalism. He gave up life as an international civil servant in order to be a full time (nomadic) writer and has not looked back since.

Xiang Dongliang



Popular science writer, commentator, and manager of the million-plus follower we-media platform 'Basic Common Sense'. Columnist for 'Dingxiang Doctor' and 'Intellectuals', having published numerous popular science and commentary articles with over ten million reads across the web. Formerly a text journalist for Southern Media Group, focused on reporting agricultural and rural news, and has visited every county in Guangdong Province and every province in China. Initiated and successfully operated the 'Eating Genetically Modified Food for 100 Days' public science demonstration campaign, and has disseminated it to the English-speaking world.

Liao Cheng



Liao Cheng holds degrees from the undergraduate, master's, and doctoral programs at the School of Architecture, Central Academy of Fine Arts, and has obtained a Master's degree in Historic Preservation from the Graduate School of Architecture, Planning, and Preservation at Columbia University in the United States. Currently, she is a faculty member at the Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Her research interests include the history of border cities, transnational cultural heritage, and rural development. She is dedicated to addressing modernization and humanistic issues at the border through the comprehensive knowledge framework and approach of architecture, art, and heritage conservation.

She will be presenting a talk titled "A Tale of Two Cities at the China-Vietnam Border," exploring the elements such as mountains, rivers, bridges, gates, border checkpoints, and railways that shape the form of the border and influence our imagination of national boundaries.

Yan Yifei



Founder of OR ARCHITECT, specializing in the research laboratory of Kengo Kuma,at the University of Tokyo

やはぎ さとる



Born in 1989 in Hokkaido, Japan, he obtained his degree from Tokyo University of Science in 2013 and completed the graduate program at the same university in 2015. From 2018 to 2020, he worked at Kengo Kuma & Associates, an architecture and urban design firm. In 2020, he participated in the founding of SYA.


出生于印度尼西亚。筑波大学世界遗产研究硕士毕业,博士候选人。参与艺术和设计项目,包括展览、演讲(TEDxJakarta、Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo)以及在Substore Tokyo的个展。还被收录在出版物中,如《STRUCTURAL GENIUS Bawomataluo Village, Nias Island Indonesia》(2020)一书以及论文《印度尼西亚本土建筑的自然适应重用:以南尼亚斯岛Bawömataluo保护项目为例》(2023)。

Graduated with a Master's degree in World Heritage Studies from Tsukuba University and currently a Ph.D. candidate. Actively engaged in art and design projects, participating in exhibitions, and delivering speeches at events like TEDxJakarta and Pecha Kucha Night Tokyo. Held a solo exhibition at Substore Tokyo. Her work has been featured in publications, including the book "STRUCTURAL GENIUS Bawomataluo Village, Nias Island Indonesia" (2020), and she has authored a paper titled "Adaptive Reuse of Vernacular Architecture for Conservation in Indonesia: Case Study of South Nias Village, Bawömataluo Conservation Project" (2023).

John Monteith

加拿大艺术家 John Monteith,毕业于纽约帕森设计学院美术研究所(2008)与安大略艺术设计学院 艺术系(1997)。作品与合作计划曾展出于:第七届北京双年展、伦敦泰特现代艺术馆、柏林辛克尔展览馆、 纽约X Initiative、DUMBO 艺术中心、胡志明市Sàn Art 及巴塞尔SALTS。艺术家曾驻村于:德国科隆的社群艺术团队(2011)、瑞士Kunsthalle Roveredo(2014)。2018 年秋季也将成为北京 I Project 空间的驻村艺术家。有关于艺术家之艺术评论与文章被刊载于《美国艺术》(平面与线上刊物)、《Charley》、10 月号第135 期《C 杂志》、《哈芬登邮报》、《K-48》、《Petit Mort: 奇怪公众的回忆》、《纽约客》及www.disorientations.com 等。John Monteith 生活工作于加拿大多伦多,同时也担任多伦多大学建筑学院讲师。他的作品跨越摄影、视频、雕塑、绘画、纺织、合作与策展等领域,涵盖了跨学科的创作方法与实践。在这些媒介和整个职业生涯中,他的创作过程运用层叠、简化、扭曲、裁剪、重新排列和扁平化等手法,将美学与严谨的概念基础相结合。

Canadian artist John Monteith graduated from the Parsons School of Design in New York (2008) and the Ontario College of Art & Design (1997). His works and collaborative projects have been exhibited at the 7th Beijing Biennale, Tate Modern in London, Sincel Gallery in Berlin, X Initiative in New York, DUMBO Art Center, Sàn Art in Ho Chi Minh City, and SALTS in Basel. Monteith has had artist residencies with the community art team in Cologne, Germany (2011), and at Kunsthalle Roveredo in Switzerland (2014). In the fall of 2018, he also became an artist-in-residence at Beijing's I Project space. Articles and art reviews about the artist have been published in publications like "Art in America" (both in print and online), "Charley," Issue 135 of "C Magazine" in October, "Huffington Post," "K-48," "Petit Mort: Strange Memories of the Public," "The New Yorker," and www.disorientations.com, among others. Multi-disciplinary artist John Monteith works across photography, video, sculpture, drawing, painting, textiles, collaboration and curatorial initiatives, encompassing an interdisciplinary approach in his practice. Across these medias and throughout his career he combines a highly formal aesthetic with rigorous conceptual underpinnings, employing processes that include layering, reducing, distorting, cropping, rearranging, and flattening.

BaiLiang Xiao



Born in Chaozhou in 1993, currently residing in Shenzhen. A skilled illustrator of finely crafted handmade books from the Repin St. Petersburg State Academy Institute of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, specializing in printmaking and installation art. Also serves as a lecturer in new artistic principles, the founder of the Shenzhen Printmaking Workshop, and the CEO of Youlin Cultural Creativity.

Xu Yuejia


清华大学 建筑系 博士,北京建筑大学建筑学院 副教授


Ph.D. in Architecture from Tsinghua University, Associate Professor at the School of Architecture, Beijing Architecture University.

Member of the Urban Design Branch of the Architectural Society of China, serving as the director. Also, holding leadership positions in various platforms, including the National Virtual Simulation Experimental Teaching Center, Beijng Architecture University Smart Innovation Center, Digital Construction Laboratory, and Artificial Intelligence Design Laboratory. Specialized in research and applications in the fields of artificial intelligence-assisted design, spatial behavior mining, and human-house-robot interaction.

Li Yu


李煜,教授,博士生导师,北京市国家治理青年人才,北京市属高校青年人才,双塔计划“建大英才”。中国建筑学会城市设计分会第一届理事、《建筑创作》杂志客座主编、北建大-品览“人工智能设计实验室AI DESIGN LAB”主任,国家自然科学基金函评专家,清华大学新型城镇化研究院健康城市智库专家。2020年被UPI统计为为“健康城市”领域国内高产学者TOP5。

本硕博毕业于清华大学,耶鲁大学(Yale University)VAR访问助理研究员(2013-2014),都灵理工大学(Politecnico di Torino)博士访学(2012)。3次赴地方基层政府挂职累计2年,先后挂任陕西省宝鸡市陈仓区政府副区长(2014-2015),广西省北海市规划局用地规划管理科科长(2012),重庆市长寿区规划局局长助理(2013)。


Li Yu is a Professor and Ph.D. Supervisor recognized for her contributions to urban design and healthy cities. She is actively involved in the Dual Towers Plan "Building Great Talent" and serves as the first director of the Urban Design Branch of the Architectural Society of China. Li Yu is a guest editor for "Architectural Creation" magazine and directs the AI DESIGN LAB at Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture - Pinlan.

She is an expert reviewer for the National Natural Science Foundation and a health city think tank expert at Tsinghua University. In 2020, she was among the top 5 high-output scholars in the "Healthy Cities" field, as per UPI rankings. Li Yu completed her academic journey at Tsinghua University and gained international experience during her doctoral research at Politecnico di Torino.

With over two years of grassroots government assignments, Li Yu held positions such as Deputy District Head in Baoji City and Head of Land Planning Management Section in Beihai City. Her research focuses on urban design, healthy cities, and digital urban renewal, using artificial intelligence to implement Health Impact Assessment (HIA) for enhancing urban space quality and residents' health.

Yang Luye


杨绿野,现为香港AECOM城市设计师和项目经理,Darchi Architects学术导师。她毕业于清华大学建筑学本科并在英国谢菲尔德大学取得城市设计硕士学位,由于自身先天性重度听障,业余时间关注面向听障群体的信息无障碍设计领域,结合自身经历通过演讲、工作坊等积极倡导听障权益,曾与包括清华无障碍研究院、华为、一览众山小-可持续城市与交通、ULI土地学会、IMPACT HUB SHENZHEN在内的众多科研机构、社企合作推动无障碍设计的进步,共建数字包容社会。

Yang Lvye is currently an urban designer and project manager at AECOM Hong Kong, as well as an academic tutor at Darchi Architects. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Architecture from Tsinghua University and obtained a Master's degree in Urban Design from the University of Sheffield, UK. Due to her severe congenital hearing impairment, she devotes her spare time to the field of information accessibility design for the hearing-impaired community. Combining her personal experiences, she actively advocates for the rights of the hearing-impaired through speeches and workshops. She has collaborated with numerous research institutions and social enterprises, including Tsinghua Accessible Research Institute, Huawei, "One Mountain Survey" - Sustainable Cities and Transportation, ULI (Urban Land Institute), and IMPACT HUB SHENZHEN, to promote the advancement of accessible design and build an inclusive digital society. 

Xiao Hai



Pi Village Literary Group Member. After turning 30, I found myself numb and desensitized to life, lacking the fiery passion and anger I had in my twenties when facing the towering walls of the factory. Loneliness and confusion still assail me, as if I never experienced youth and hastened into old age. Life remains a mess. Eventually, in a warm literary group outside the East Fifth Ring, amidst the surrounding ruins and rivers, I salvaged the desolate yet grand and ancient poetic essence. 

Li Wenli



From the countryside to the city, from domestic caregiving to writing and painting, and then publishing a personal anthology. A domestic female worker's rich, fulfilling, and meaningful Saturday off…

Shi Hongli



Member of the Picun Workers' Literary Group, who will be attending the book fair and delivering a talk titled "Laboring and Writing" on-site.

Mu Wei


穆威,1982年生,先后在西班牙和挪威从事建筑教育和实践,2010年回国创立先进建筑实验室(AaL)和个个世界,致力于推广“开源建筑/WIKI BUILDING”的工作模型,在全球开展了大量“共建式”自然建筑实践,涵盖了乡村复兴,社区共建,亲子自建营地和国际儿童建造节。“个个世界 WikiWorld”是由来自中国、法国和瑞士等顶级设计师和教育家创立的开源建筑社区,提供人人可以造房子的自然建筑产品,打造回归自然的主动式生活,让每一个人建造自己的荒野之家。“个个世界 WikiWorld”也是一个跨界创意机构,自2010年开始在全球开展了“带孩子,造房子”创新教育运动和“共建式”自然建筑实践,先后斩获“国际绿色建筑银奖”、“WA世界建筑奖”、“欧洲设计年奖”等数十个国际奖项,受邀参加“意大利威尼斯双年展”、“法国圣埃蒂安双年展”和“智利建筑设计双年展”,并被美国Discovery频道、ChinaDaily等数百家媒体报道。

Mu Wei, born in 1982, has been engaged in architectural education and practice in Spain and Norway. In 2010, he returned to China and founded Advanced Architecture Laboratory (AaL) and Wiki World. Wiki World is an open-source architectural community founded by architects, designers and educators from China. It provides natural building products that anyone can enjoy their own cabins and facilities, promoting initiative living in harmony with nature and allowing everyone to realise their own wild homes. We believe the future urbanism and village development will be more and more involved swarm intelligence and real community. We are hopeful that the era of machine-built architecture is no longer the only choice, and that architecture can once again return to human hands. Everyone can create their own world, which is why we are named Wiki World.

Chen Siyu


著有《儿童友好空间 图解设计大全》,国家一级注册建筑师,公众号建筑手帐C主理人,重庆大学建筑学学士/UCL公派硕士。中国建筑西南设计研究院有限公司,广州省采购与供应链协会|育儿环境研究中心专家库成员


Author of "Children-Friendly Spaces: A Comprehensive Guide to Illustrated Design", National First-Class Registered Architect, and manager of the WeChat public account "Architect's Journal C". Bachelor in Architecture from Chongqing University/UCL Government-sponsored Master's student. Currently employed at the China Architecture Design & Research Group Southwest Design Institute Co., Ltd. Member of the expert database of the Parenting Environment Research Center at the Guangzhou Province Procurement and Supply Chain Association. Long engaged in architectural and urban research, participating in a diverse range of educational architectural design and urban design guideline development, and committed to promoting child-friendly cities and community work.

Nan Chuan


南川,CS魔法社创始人,终身学习者、持续创业者、全栈工程师。曾电子科大软件工程退学,精通python、typescript、C++等主流编程语言,拥有十年以上网站、桌面、App、小程序等跨平台开发经验,十九岁时曾自研出百万受众的量化策略并成功商业化。涉猎广泛,跨计算机、金融、音乐、建筑等多个领域;支持开源,是github 2w star烂尾楼项目第一维护者,上百开源项目开发者、贡献者;拥抱风险,曾独立骑行川藏线登顶珠峰大本营,签订对赌研发协议并成功交付;目前正在全国数字游民中,三个月内纵穿六省十二市。个人博客:markshawn.com。

Nanchuan, founder of CS-Magic, is a lifelong learner, serial entrepreneur, and full-stack engineer. He dropped out of software engineering at the University of Electronic Science and Technology, mastering programming languages like Python, TypeScript, C++, and has over ten years of cross-platform development experience in websites, desktop applications, apps, and mini-programs. At nineteen, he independently developed and commercialized a quantitative strategy for a million-strong audience. His interests span across computer science, finance, music, and architecture. He supports open source, being the primary maintainer of a 20k star project on GitHub and a contributor to hundreds of open-source projects. He embraces risk, having solo biked the Sichuan-Tibet route and summited the Everest Base Camp, and successfully delivered on high-stake development agreements. Currently, he is a digital nomad traversing six provinces and twelve cities within three months. Personal blog: markshawn.com. 


Wei-Chun Cheng

Jimmy Wei-Chun Cheng 郑伟君是一位多才多艺的专业人士,从事建筑设计师、学者和教育工作者。他在南加州建筑学院获得了设计理论、教学法和建筑技术的硕士学位,曾获得研究生论文奖。Jimmy 拥有丰富的专业经验,在东京、台北和波士顿的建筑项目中有所贡献。除了实践经验外,他还在波士顿建筑学院、罗德岛设计学院和 AA Visiting School 等知名机构担任教育工作者,传授与分享自己的知识。

Jimmy 在建筑设计方面的基础极大地影响了他的兴趣领域,其中包括建筑投影、机器视觉和数字平台设计。他目前正在佛罗里达大学的AI SHARE LAB攻读博士学位,他的研究探讨了表现在建筑设计中的关键作用。Jimmy 探索了符号学、媒体理论和模拟在人工智能快速发展的背景下对建筑设计的转变性影响。

Jimmy Wei-Chun Cheng is a multifaceted professional, serving as an Architectural Designer, researcher, and educator. He earned his M.S. degree in Design Theory, Pedagogy, and Architectural Technologies from SCI-Arc, where he was awarded a Post Grad Thesis Prize. With extensive professional experience, Cheng has contributed to projects in Tokyo, Taipei, and Boston. Complementing his practical expertise, he has shared his knowledge as an educator at esteemed institutions such as Boston Architectural College, RISD, and AA Visiting School.Cheng's foundation in architectural design significantly influences his focal areas of interest, which include architectural projection, machine vision, and digital platform design. Currently pursuing a Ph.D. at the AI SHARE LAB at the University of Florida, his research delves into the pivotal role of representation in architectural design. Cheng explores the transformative impact of semiotics, media theory, and simulation on architectural design within the context of the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.

Modular Theatre

[Modular Theatre]是由分别专注于声音和空间,算法和叙事的两个人(雷宏才,徐子钦)一起创立的产品与设计品牌,同时也是他们正在开发的模块化叙事平台。模块化剧场尝试拆解叙事结构,创造一系列具备不同属性和功能的表演模块,用当下的技术探讨当下的生活,并试图为声音,交互艺术,新媒体剧场等创作者提供一款轻巧并且开源的创作工具。

Modular theatre aims to construct an open and expandable performance system, enabling the audience to easily engage and participate in a unique and evolving performance by object centered around sound, l i ght & interaction. Modular theatre is a project that explores the interplay between human behavior and objects to expand the realm of performance. The project is formed of a series of modular circuit boards with three-dimension plug-in structures, which we refer to as "performers." These modules enable interaction in various locations through multidirectional light sensors and lighting,and also contain mechanical units that can interfere with l i ght and sound.Furthermore, individuals can enhance the functionality and forms of these units by utilizing a central module alongside different kind of input and output modules. To enable the audience to create their own performances, this system incorporates tangible and basic machine learning. You can instruct your modules to produce specific sounds at varying light intensities and trigger specific lighting in response to particular sounds. Meanwhile, when there are a large number of performance modules scattered in the space, they will perform like like a swarm with self-feedback mechanism.





The Metabreak Videogame Museum is the only videogame museum in South China and the only one in the country that offers permanent interactive experiences.

The museum houses nearly 5,000 physical items and over 300,000 digital items, encompassing mainstream gaming equipment, software, books, magazines, and a vast array of gaming-related cultural artifacts from both China and abroad. It showcases the 50-year history of video games, from their inception and development to becoming one of the most important and mainstream cultural products in the world today.

Yin Zhengjue


PFA建築設計事務所由创始合伙人pascal flammer2005年创立于瑞士苏黎世,2023年与殷正殷觉事务所联合,共同在中国成立PFA中国,由联合创始人殷正觉先生领衔PFA在亚太地区的建筑实践。近期,PFA中国作为瑞士背景的零碳建筑先锋单位积极在国内展开活动,广泛受到人民日报、新华网、光明日报报道。PFA的代表项目曾荣获欧洲奖(欧洲奖-菲利普罗蒂尔奖)、瑞士艺术奖(瑞士文化部授予)、SSBA2023可持续大奖(瑞士驻华大使馆、瑞士科技文化中心、瑞士商会联合授予)、SIA瑞士工程师与建筑师协会三年奖、魏森霍夫建筑奖与最佳家庭住宅奖等奖项,获得了广泛的国际声誉。

PFA was founded in Zurich, Switzerland in 2005 by founding partner pascal flammer, and in 2023 joined forces with The Ateliers Yin Zhengjue to establish PFA China, with co-founder Mr Yinzhengjue leading PFA's architectural practice in the Asia-Pacific region. Recently, PFA China, as a pioneering unit of zero carbon architecture with Swiss background, has been actively launching activities in China, which have been widely reported by People's Daily, Xinhua Net and Guangming Daily. PFA's representative projects have been awarded the Europe Prize (Europe Prize - Philippe Rottier), the Swiss Art Prize (awarded by the Swiss Ministry of Culture), the SSBA 2023 Sustainability Prize (awarded by the Embassy of Switzerland in Beijing, the Swiss Centre for Science, Technology and Culture, and the Swiss Chamber of Commerce), the SIA Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects Triennial Prize, the Weissenhoff Architecture Prize, and the Best Family Home Prize, etc. PFA China has won a wide range of international reputation. The project has gained a wide international reputation.

殷正觉 ,中国“零碳建筑”和“零碳城市”的先行者,PFA中国联合创始人、主持建筑师。住建部中瑞零碳合作项目瑞方专家库成员、《近零能耗建筑测评标准》受邀参编专家,住建部中瑞产学研论坛瑞方特邀专家、上海上大设计设计院 中瑞创作中心主任,殷正殷觉事务所创始人/主持建筑师,曾任职于意大利Stefano Boeri Architetti(SBA)博埃里事务所、西班牙Amann Canovas Maruri(ACM)事务所,任职期间中标诸多大型城市设计及建筑设计项目,他的项目类型涉猎零碳规划设计、零碳城市设计、零碳建筑设计、展览、装置,具有广泛的在欧洲和亚洲的多元化实践经验。

Yin Zhengjue, pioneer of "Zero Carbon Buildings" and "Zero Carbon Cities" in China, co-founder of PFA China and presiding architect. He is a member of the Swiss expert pool of the Sino-Swiss Zero Carbon Co-operation Project of the Ministry of Housing and Construction (MOHURD), a member of the invited editorial experts of the "Measurement Standard for Near-Zero Energy Buildings", an invited expert of the Swiss side of the Sino-Swiss Forum on Industry, Academia and Research of the Ministry of Housing and Construction (MOHURD), the director of Sino-Swiss Creative Centre of Shanghai Shanghai Sanda Design and Design Institute (SSDDI), and a co-founder/presiding architect of Yin Zhengyue & Associates. He worked for Stefano Boeri Architetti (SBA) Italy, Amann Canovas Maruri (ACM) Spain, and won many large-scale urban design and architectural projects during his tenure. His project types include zero-carbon planning, zero-carbon

Cai Changze


长物建筑事务所是一家建筑与室内设计工作室,致力于探讨事物、人与环境的关系,研究“物”的介入对人的体验、文化场所以及城市环境的影响。设计团队涵盖建筑、室内、景观、艺术装置等相关专业。曾获YoundBird Plan 2014设计奖,WA 世界建筑“华夏之星”公益图书馆设计竞赛一等奖,Kaira Looro“和平馆”国际设计竞赛一等奖,成都海洋路中学国际竞赛一等奖,深圳新校园第四季校园竞赛一等奖等奖项。工作室作品曾受到WA世界建筑、Gooood、Archdaily、Domus、Dezeen等国内外知名媒体的报道。

Changwu architects is an architecture and interior design studio, the studio is committed to exploring the relationship between things, people and the environment, and to study the impact of the intervention of "things" on people's experience, cultural places and the urban environment. We has won YoundBird Plan 2014 Design Award,the first prize of the WA World Architecture "China Star" Public Welfare Library Design Competition, the first prize of the Kaira Looro "Peace Pavilion" International Design Competition, the first prize of the Chengdu Haiyang Road Middle School International Competition,the first prize of the fourth season campus competition of Shenzhen New Campus. Cai Changze and his works have been reported by well-known media in China and abroad ,such as WA World Architecture, Gooood, Archdaily, Domus and so on.

Liu Shiyu



曾担任哈佛大学Kirkland美术馆共同策展人,策划系列展览“Fluid Expressions”, “Clickbait”, “Smart Kitchen”, “Version Control”等(2022)。策划卷宗书店主题展览“食物图景:餐桌上的食物图景”(2022)、清华大学“桥于土地”研究展览(2018)。


Assistant Professor at the School of Future Design, Beijing Normal University. Graduated from Tsinghua University School of Architecture with a Bachelor's degree and Harvard University Graduate School of Design with a Master's degree. Also participated in an exchange program at Politecnico di Milano in Italy. Previously served as a guest lecturer in crisis and ecological design at the Central Academy of Fine Arts School of Design.

Engaged as a co-curator at Harvard University's Kirkland Art Museum, where exhibitions like "Fluid Expressions," "Clickbait," "Smart Kitchen," and "Version Control" were curated in 2022. Curated thematic exhibitions such as "Foodscapes: Food on the Table" (2022) at the Portfolio Bookstore and "Bridges to the Land" research exhibition (2018) at Tsinghua University.

Organized and hosted the Sustainable Development Education Sub-Forum at the Harvard China Education Forum (2023) and conducted a lecture series titled "Ecological Insights" at the "Not Yet Future" Global Education Summit (2021).

Zhu Shuzhen


香港浸会大学体验设计课程讲师 / 香港中文大学(深圳)客座讲师 ,资深博物馆咨询顾问 / TED X Futian IDEA BANK 荣誉顾问,深圳市博森豪斯⽂化传播有限公司 联合创始⼈ CEO / 艺术总监,深圳市奇域博物馆发展服务中⼼ 联合创始⼈ 秘书长 / 学术总监,紫识文化管理咨询(深圳)有限公司 联合创始人 CEO / 顾问。


Lecturer of Experience Design at Hong Kong Baptist University / Visiting Lecturer at The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen / Senior Museum Consulting Advisor / Honorary Advisor at TED X Futian IDEA BANK / Co-founder and CEO / Artistic Director at Boson House Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., Shenzhen / Co-founder and Secretary-General / Academic Director at Shenzhen Qiyu Museum Development Service Center / Co-founder and CEO / Consultant at Zishi Cultural Management Consulting (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

With over 20 years of experience in cross-disciplinary cultural and creative industries, a seasoned arts administrator who has visited over 600 museums worldwide. Involved in planning and operations of international and large-scale art exhibitions, as well as design projects organized by the government. Translated over 20 books in both Chinese and English for museum publications and artists' catalogs. Focuses on international exchange in cultural industries, academic research, consulting services, and public communication for cultural industries.

Xiao Yingbo


肖映博,北京大学深圳研究生院-前海建投集团联合博士后,香港城市大学哲学博士。他的研究领域聚焦于当代中国建筑实践,跨境基础设施与居民跨境职住行为分析。目前参与国家自然科学基金两项,主持广东省社科规划项目一项。他的研究成果在Cities、Frontiers of Architectural Research、《世界建筑》、《时代建筑》、《深圳特区报》与《世界建筑导报》等国内外知名专业研究刊物上发表。其研究成果被Springer Nature 出版的两本专著收录。

Xiao Yingbo is a Joint Postdoctoral Fellow at the Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School and Shenzhen Qianhai Construction & Investment Holding Group Co., Ltd., and he holds a Ph.D. in Architecture from the City University of Hong Kong. His research primarily focuses on contemporary Chinese architectural practices, cross-border infrastructure, and the analysis of residents' cross-border living and commuting behaviors. Currently, he is involved in two projects funded by the National Natural Science Foundation of China and is the principal investigator of a project supported by the Social Science Planning Project of Guangdong Province.

Xiao's research findings have been published in several renowned professional journals both domestically and internationally, including Cities, Frontiers of Architectural Research, World Architecture, Time + Architecture, Shenzhen Special Zone Daily, and World Architecture Review. Additionally, his work has been included in two books published by Springer Nature.

Cheng Kun




Former architect, blogger, economic researcher, product manager, infinite learner. Graduated from Tsinghua University with a Bachelor's Degree in Architecture and an Outstanding Thesis. Received two graduate degrees from Washington University in St. Louis and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. After graduation, he worked as an economic researcher at the World Bank (D.C.), and is now a big data product manager at Tencent (Shenzhen), focusing on big language models and their applications. Focus: Something very interesting or extremely important.
Blog: https://www.kunchengblog.com/

Lin Xi



A young sculptor and member of the Guangzhou Sculptor Association, as well as a member of the Chinese Sculpture Society. Holds both undergraduate and master's degrees from the Academy of Fine Arts at Tsinghua University and the Sculpture and Public Art College at Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts. Studied abroad at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium. Currently serves as the head of the Animation Department at the School of Art and Creativity, Guangzhou University of Applied Sciences. His works have been collected by the Tsinghua University Art Museum and the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp, Belgium.


Wu Wei



Young sculptor, Artistic Ambassador for the 2022 Winter Olympics, member of the China Sculpture Society, and a board member of the Shenzhen New Space Public Art Research Institute. Completed both undergraduate and postgraduate studies at the Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University, and currently teaches at the School of Art and Design, Beijing Forestry University.

Xu Yue & Xu Jiaxun

徐越 徐嘉迅 

JXY Studio

JXY Studio是一家跨学科建筑与艺术工作室,由徐越和徐嘉迅共同创立。我们的工作旨在突破传统建筑设计的界限,并透过更为广泛的媒介探索构建空间与叙事的革新方法,涉及设计、研究及视觉艺术领域,涵盖图像、绘画、装置、摄影及动态影像等多媒体形式。



JXY Studio is an interdisciplinary architecture and art studio co-founded by Yue Xu and Jiaxun Xu. Our work aims to push the boundaries of traditional architectural design and explore innovative approaches to the construction of space and narrative through a broader range of mediums, involving the fields of design, research, and visual arts, incorporating imagery, painting, installation, photography, moving image, and other multimedia forms.

Yue received her Master of Urban Design with high distinction from the University of Michigan and her Bachelor of Architecture from the South China University of Technology with a specialization in Urban Design.

Jiaxun holds a Master’s degree in Advanced Architectural Design from Cornell University, a Bachelor of Architecture from the South China University of Technology with a specialization in Historic Building Conservation, and a Filmmaking diploma from the New York Film Academy.


Ren Gang & Yang Dan






National Family Image Project, empowering every family to have its own growth chronicle.

Yang Dan, a young director and producer, is a member of the Guangdong Film Association and a director of the Short Film and Short Video Art Committee of the China Film Editing Society. She has served as a professional judge for two sessions of the Golden Lion International Advertising Film Awards and is among the first batch of family education lecturers in Shenzhen. Her directorial work was honored with the New Image Honor Award at the 33rd China Film Golden Rooster Awards. With over 20 years of practical experience in family image creation, she authored "Practical Family Image Creation" and was invited to exhibit at the 2023 China Millennium Monument "Song of the Earth - Chronicle of Beautiful China."

Ren Gang, the artistic director of Shenzhen Kale Culture and Art, is a film editor, MV director, graphic designer, and singer. He is a member of the China Film Editing Society and the Guangdong Film Association, holding a Master of Arts in Film Directing from the Beijing Film Academy. With over 20 years of practice in family image creation, Ren Gang brings a wealth of experience to the field.

Yang Ding


北京林业大学家具设计与工程 博士、西南林业大学艺术与设计学院产品设计专业 讲师、国内首个基于彝族文化的原创家具品牌“彝居匠造”创始人

PhD in Furniture Design and Engineering, Beijing Forestry University; Lecturer in Product Design, School of Art and Design, Southwest Forestry University; Founder of "Yiju Craftsman", the first original furniture brand based on Yi culture in China.


Shu Man


抒曼是香港中文大学人类学博士候选人,饮食文化研究者,也是一位厨师和美食博主。她的文章发表在智族GQ,Inituim,Sixth Tone等媒体,食谱可见小红书“抒曼Shuman”和YouTube 频道“八万四千味”。将带来名为“ 一座千年寺庙教给我的正念饮食”的演讲。

Shuman is a Ph.D. candidate in anthropology at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, specializing in culinary culture research. She is also a chef and food blogger. Her articles have been published in media outlets such as ZhiZu GQ, Initium, Sixth Tone, and more. You can find her recipes on the Little Red Book under the username "抒曼Shuman" and on her YouTube channel "八万四千味." She will be delivering a talk titled "Mindful Eating Taught by a Millennium Temple" at the event.


Xu Ye




项目追溯19世纪至今物品在家宅环境中的 "空间-象征"功能,以及物品与建筑在多维度上的对峙与纠缠。试图构建一种“家居物品的建筑学”框架('architecture-of-objects’)。将家和家居之物的营造看作是一种策划整合(curation)的过程,是各种选择、组合、创作、展示、传播、合作、挪用等过程的结合。一系列被传统建筑学所忽视的关键价值通过物品得以被强调,它们包括但不限于:痕迹、碎片化、未完成、装饰性、图像性等。

Xu Ye, a young scholar, is a Ph.D. candidate in architecture at the University of Nottingham and holds a master's degree in geography from Peking University. Her research focuses on the interaction between domesticity, housing, and cities, as well as the practices of drawing and critical visual analysis.

She launched the research project "Domestic Objects: The Entanglement with Architecture", focusing on objects and their spatial power in the shadows of mainstream architectural research, and organizing drawing workshops in New York and Nottingham.

The project traces the "spatio-symbolic" function of objects in domestic space since the 19th century, as well as the confrontation and entanglement between objects and architecture in multiple dimensions. She attempts to construct an "architecture of domestic objects" framework. The shaping of home and domestic objects is perceived as a process of curation, a combination of careful selection, arrangement, creation, display, dissemination, collaboration, and appropriation. A range of key values that have long been neglected by conventional architecture are emphasized through the objects, which include, but are not limited to: traces, fragmentation, temporality, ornamentation, and the image-based phenomena.





Li Lifeng Louiz is a designer, serial entrepreneur, and the director of "Moon by ur Side", an erotic lifestyle brand. He will give a talk titled "Interest in Design".

Anna Ru



Anna is the Creative Director at Paterson Home Furnishings. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Interior and Spatial Design from the University of the Arts London and a Master's degree in Education in Arts and Cultural Settings from King's College London. She previously worked at the Tsinghua University Art and Science Research Center, focusing on interdisciplinary education innovation. 

She is interested in engaging young people in the process of design through play and making. She has worked collaboratively in various museums, galleries, institutions and communities, such as Sotheby's Institute of Art (New York), South London Gallery, the Crafts Council UK, MAHA Beijing, and the Suzhou Museum in China.


Bie Feiyi



从 Storefront for Art and Architecture 的工作经历到现在在纽瓦克艺术博物馆担任领衔展览设计师,她深入探索着画廊空间的转变可能性,根据每个策展主题量身定制空间设计,并在每次展览中为观众雕琢出独特引人入胜的体验。别非伊在纽瓦克艺术博物馆的项目包括与TeamLab合作的沉浸式体验“动物王国”,对维多利亚时期豪宅the Ballantine House的翻新与重新诠释,加入了新的当代作品的长期展览“见证美国:18-19世纪”,并目前正在策划和设计时装展览“纽瓦克时尚故事:从工作室到T台”。

Feiyi Bie, an Exhibition Designer based in the vibrant artistic landscapes of New York and New Jersey, seamlessly merges her architectural background with a passion for creating immersive environments. With a Bachelor of Architecture from Huazhong University of Science and Technology and a Master of Architecture from Rhode Island School of Design, Feiyi brings a multidisciplinary perspective to her innovative exhibition designs.

Transitioning from a tenure at the Storefront for Art and Architecture to her current role as a leading Exhibition Designer at the Newark Museum of Art, Feiyi delves into the transformation of gallery spaces, tailoring spatial designs to each curatorial theme, and sculpting unique, captivating experiences for the community with every exhibition. Her remarkable projects at the Newark Museum of Art include the immersive experience "Animal Kingdom", a collaboration with TeamLab; the permanent and iterative renovation and reinterpretation of the Ballantine House; long-term exhibition "Seeing America: 18-19 Centuries" featuring new contemporary commissions; and currently the fashion exhibition "The Story of Fashion Newark: From Atelier to Runway."


Yu Xinhang



Yu Xinhang, graduated with a bachelor's degree from the School of Mathematical Sciences at Peking University, majoring in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He is an early partner at using.ai, the principal algorithm leader at the Guangdong Transportation Data Center, and a senior engineer at the Joint Electronic Big Data Research Institute. His main research areas are the applications of machine learning and reinforcement learning in intelligent manufacturing and intelligent transportation. He is also a science fiction writer, known for his series 'A Great River'.

Jing Li



Dong ethnic group in Guangxi, holding a bachelor's degree in Architecture from Tsinghua University. One of the founders of the Tsinghua University Student International Public Welfare Design Association,  an architectural space consultant at the Beijing Yiheng Zhiyou University Student Volunteer Service Promotion Center. focus lies in construction and community-building activities in underdeveloped regions.

Ruby Ann


李安红,女,1995年生,2020年毕业于美国密歇根大学安娜堡分校建筑学硕士学位并获荣誉称号。目前工作在深圳都市实践刘晓都工作室,并作为研究员与麻省理工大学DESIGN EARTH工作室长期合作,从事跨学科实践,包括创意策划、策展、学术研究和建筑设计。


Li Anhong, female, born in 1995, graduated in 2020 with a Master's degree in Architecture, receiving honors, from the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Currently, she works at the Urbanus Liu Xiaodu Studio in Shenzhen and collaborates as a researcher with the DESIGN EARTH Studio at MIT. She engages in interdisciplinary practices, including creative planning, curation, academic research, and architectural design.

Since her undergraduate years, Li has been active in art exchanges and urban social issue research workshops, developing a cross-disciplinary approach grounded in architecture. Recently, she played multiple roles in various projects, including curatorial work for events like the 2021 Shenzhen Design Week and research exhibited at the 2021 Venice Biennale of Architecture and the 2022 London Design Week.






inD 2024团队


书展内容策划:琳琳@脏像素InkyPixel,花姐/晓刚/美晨/马马/婉琳 @全球知识雷锋



宣传推广:Evy@未来社,永明/知琪/非伊/唐麟/依婷/唐苏 @全球知识雷锋

文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MjgzMTAwODI0MA==&mid=2652322248&idx=1&sn=af950715e703bdb33c913bc7e398f1a3&chksm=9a9006460ca360e8231a4fc36506fe0bc78cd6c167ef05960ffc8d4cf0fb6f33101597a8d1ba&scene=0&xtrack=1#rd