Harnessing the Power of Trillions: DataDome Continues to Expand Signals Collection For Most Accurate ML Detection Models
2024-1-9 22:52:23 Author: securityboulevard.com(查看原文) 阅读量:3 收藏

Sophisticated bots are evolving fast. Every day is a continuous cat-and-mouse game in which fraudsters extract value from and disrupt enterprises.  The importance of accurate threat detection and mitigation of bots can’t be overstated. The best way to ensure such accuracy is through massive-scale signal collection, paired with highly adaptive multi-layered machine learning (ML) models supervised by threat research experts.

DataDome has been leading the way in bot detection accuracy without compromise for years and has recently achieved a remarkable milestone by growing our signals collection from 3 trillion to a staggering 5 trillion per day. This exponential growth during 2023 is not just a numerical achievement but a testament to DataDome’s commitment to providing the best possible protection against bots and cyber threats.

The Significance of 5 Trillion Signals Per Day

To comprehend the impact of 5 trillion signals per day, it’s essential to grasp the role of signals in DataDome’s ML-based detection models. Signals are the building blocks of threat intelligence, representing hundreds of client-side and server-side data points that contribute to identifying malicious activities. By continuously growing our signal collection capacity, DataDome strengthens its defenses against an ever-expanding array of threats.

Enhanced Precision & Accuracy

More signals means developing a more comprehensive and nuanced understanding of the behavior happening on our customers’ websites. This data enables DataDome’s multi-layered ML-based detection models to distinguish between genuine user activities and malicious threats with unparalleled precision. The increased granularity empowers our automated system to make more informed decisions, reducing false positives and enhancing overall detection accuracy.

Adaptive Machine Learning

With most aspects of cybersecurity, adaptability is key. But given the speed of change, having an army of engineers writing rules manually, as you’d see with WAFs or basic bot solutions, isn’t practical anymore. With 5 trillion signals, DataDome’s multi-layered ML models can adapt and evolve their algorithms at an unprecedented pace. This adaptability ensures that bot management remains ahead of emerging threats, continuously learning and improving its ability to identify and neutralize potential risks.

Real-Time Threat Response

The speed of threat detection and response is crucial in mitigating potential damages. By handling 5 trillion signals per day, DataDome’s platform operates in real-time, providing a swift and agile response to anomalies and suspicious activities. For example, a new threat detected for one APAC customer can be reflected in our ML models for all customers worldwide in real time. This agility in reflecting global collective intelligence in real time is a game-changer, especially in an era where cyber threats are being deployed at machine scale and speed. What’s more, DataDome has a lot of customers who are leaders in their industry and/or country, and we protect different kinds of websites, mobile apps, and APIs which gives us a fantastic view of what attackers are doing. Our real-time response helps us to use this knowledge to better protect all of our customers.

Scalability for Future Challenges

Proving the ability to increase daily signal collection shows that DataDome is not just addressing current threats but also preparing for the challenges of tomorrow. As the threat landscape evolves and expands exponentially, DataDome’s scalable infrastructure allows us to stay ahead of the fraudsters, scaling to the volume of emerging threats and ensuring the ongoing protection of our customers.

Harness the Power of 5 Trillion Daily Signals

In the relentless battle against cyber threats, DataDome’s growth from 3 trillion to 5 trillion daily signals marks a significant milestone. This increase in scale not only signifies a commitment to detection accuracy but also reflects DataDome’s dedication to staying ahead of the curve to ensure our customers and their users are free from malicious bots.

Don’t settle for less than 5 trillion. Want to get a look at what bots might be attacking your business? Our BotTester tool can identify basic bots using common attack vectors. Test your site today.

文章来源: https://securityboulevard.com/2024/01/harnessing-the-power-of-trillions-datadome-continues-to-expand-signals-collection-for-most-accurate-ml-detection-models/