Welcome to the fifth installment in a six-part series made by actual Technical Consultants working at SAP Concur on Concur’s new Identity and User Provisioning Services (UPS). The last post discussed the use of Role Codes and entitlements. Today’s post is an introduction to migrating to UPS from older APIs. Much of this information also applies to migrating from the employee import flat file. This post will focus specifically on migrating from other APIs. Please note that the User v1 and Bulk v3x APIs are being decommissioned in May 2024.
I have been a Technical Consultant with SAP Concur for more than 10 years, working with clients of all sizes to implement Concur. Many of those clients are looking for a method of maintaining Concur employee profiles that fits today’s demand of near real-time synchronization.
SAP Concur’s latest User Provisioning Service (UPS) API is a robust and powerful tool built on the SCIM standard. All functionality in User v1 and Bulk v3 API is supported by UPS v4
Now is a great time to consider migrating to UPS. To get started, please review the following Use Case.
Migrating to User Provisioning Service v4 API from User v1 and Bulk v3x
This use case covers:
When planning your migration, please keep the following in mind.
Please take note that the User v1 and Bulk v3x APIs are being decommissioned in May 2024. If you would like to continue using APIs to manage your data after that time, you will need to migrate to UPS.
I hope you find this information to be helpful to start your profile maintenance migration planning. The last blog in this series on best practice and debugging tips will be posted soon. In case you missed our previous posts, please see the links below to access those.