Hello SAP-community,
In this post, we will see how to establish a connection to SAP Integrated Business Planning (IBP) in SAP Signavio using Odata service /odata/IBP/MASTER_DATA_API_SRV. And as test case, we will extract IBP location master data from one planning area and view it in SAP Signavio.
IBP Prerequisites:
Below steps should be executed by IBP Consultant with admin role.
1-Choose Communication Management from IBP homepage and click on Maintain Communication Users app.
Maintain Communication Users (a)
2-Select NEW user setup and enter below details
Description: IBP_COM_USER
Password can be generated automatically by clicking Propose Password or else manually give any password.
Maintain Communication Users (b)
3-Select Communication Systems app and click New.
Communication Systems (a)
4-Enter the system ID and name for the communication system. Then in the General heading in the Technical Data section, checklist Inbound Only. Under Users for Inbound Communication, add the communication user previously created and select the authentication method below.
Choose Save.
System Name: SIGNAVIO
User ID and Password: IBP_COM_USER
Communication Systems (b)
5- Select the Communication Arrangements app and click New.
Communication Arrangements (a)
6-Fill the communication scenario as SAP_COM_0720, enter a name for the communication arrangement, and select the communication system that was previously created.
Also maintain the business user under Additional Properties section.
Arrangement Name: SAP_COM_0720
Communication System: SIGNAVIO
Corresponding Business User: CBXXXXXXX
Communication Arrangements (b)
7-In order to expose which planning area and master data to be used, we have to enter required planning areas and master data in Global Configuration app in IBP.
Global Configuration (a)
8-Odata – /IBP/PLANNING_DATA_API_SRV service is used to add planning areas, hence select FLEXQUERY PLANNINGAREA.
Odata – /IBP/MASTER_DATA_API_SRV service is used to define master data types, hence select FLEXQUERY RELEVANT_MDT_FOR_MD_API.
Global Configuration (b)
Signavio Prerequisites:
Below steps should be executed by Signavio Consultant-
1-Login to SAP Signavio homepage > Process Intelligence > Manage Data > Connections.
Select Create and enter below details.
Connection name: IBP-TEST
Connection type: Open Data Protocol
Connections (a)
2-Fill Credentials details from IBP communication user and enter the Configuration URL from IBP communication system.
Connections (b)
Configure Data extraction:
Here in this step, we will extract Location master data from IBP planning area SAPIBP1.
1-Create test data in Location master data staging table INTLOCATION under planning area SAPIBP1.
Manage Master Data – INTLOCATION
2-Create new source data named – IBP-UWE-Test and select connection type – Open Data Protocol.
Signavio – source data (a)
3-Click Next and select the connection created before. Then click Create.
Signavio – source data (b)
4-Now the setup is complete.
Signavio – source data (c)
5-Click Add table option and select the table which needs to extract. Here we are selecting the location master staging table. Click Next.
Signavio – source data (d)
6-Here we need to select which fields needs to extract for location staging table. Click Next.
Signavio – source data (e)
7-Now location table can be seen in list of tables here.
Signavio – source data (f)
Final Data extraction:
1-Click on the action menu on right side of tables.
2-Select Extract from the list.
3-Extraction process starts, and it can be checked in Logs tab.
4-Once job completes – click on the record to show extraction logs.
5-For viewing the data click on Preview from action menu.
6-IBP test data is visible here.
After reading this blog, you will be able to integrate IBP data to SAP Signavio using Odata service and this data will be used in Signavio Process data pipelines. Below are the steps covered:
1-IBP configuration
2-Signavio configuration
3-Master data transfer from IBP to Signavio
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