SAP Analytics Cloud infrastructure is moving to SAP HANA Cloud
2023-12-20 00:58:33 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:6 收藏

SAP Analytics Cloud is a fully managed SaaS solution where SAP continuously improves the features and performance of the service. We sometimes upgrade critical infrastructure elements, and while this requires no involvement from our customers, in the interests of transparency we like to ensure everyone fully understands what we have planned.

We will be upgrading the underlying SAP HANA 2.0 in Cloud Foundry SAP Analytics Cloud systems to SAP HANA Cloud beginning in 2024, so that SAP Analytics Cloud customers can benefit from the increased resilience, performance, and scalability of SAP HANA Cloud. Also starting next year, new SAP Analytics Cloud systems will be running on SAP HANA Cloud.

The move will be managed by SAP in a phased approach, based on capacity and the readiness of customer system landscapes. The current plan is that SAP will schedule and manage the SAP HANA Cloud upgrade of customer SAP Analytics Cloud systems as part of the standard weekly maintenance cycle. The plan is that the upgrade will be seamless and transparent and no action will be needed by the customer. 

Upgrades will begin in 2024 and continue until all landscapes are running on HANA Cloud.

This is the current state of planning, as the upgrade process is rolled out this blog may be updated to reflect any changes and the latest information.

The following FAQ should answer any further questions you may have on this.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How can I see whether my system landscape is running on SAP HANA Cloud?
Customers can check the “System About” dialogue in their tenant. Tenants running on SAP HANA Cloud will show the HANA Cloud version.

When are SAP HANA Cloud Upgrades possible?
Upgrades for existing SAP Analytics Cloud tenants to SAP HANA Cloud are planned begin in 2024. The current plan is that SAP HANA Cloud upgrades for production systems will be done during the Contractual Maintenance Period (CMP). The current plan is that the upgrade will be seamless and transparent. and that no action will be needed from the customer.

How long will the upgrade take?
The current plan is that the upgrade should be completed within the standard weekly maintenance windows.

Will I be able to transport changes from the test system to production during the period when only the test system will be running on SAP HANA Cloud?
Transports are possible between tenants on SAP HANA Cloud and tenants on SAP HANA 2.0. Content using new features only available on SAP HANA Cloud will only function correctly on SAP HANA Cloud enabled tenants.

Will the URL change?
No, the URL will remain the same.

Are any follow-on activities needed from the customer side after SAP HANA Cloud upgrade?
No, the current plan is that no activities would be required in your tenant.

How are SAP HANA Cloud upgrade activities communicated?
Check this blog post for updates to the process. We may also send emails to the contacts according to the entries you maintained as Cloud System Notifications Subscriptions (CSNS) for your systems. Please keep your entries in Cloud System Notifications Subscriptions (CSNS) up to date as SAP cannot change the entries in the list.

Can I request SAP HANA Cloud upgrade for my SAP Analytics Cloud landscape?
No. We may in future offer the ability to request an update of your landscape but this is not currently an option. SAP will schedule the SAP HANA Cloud upgrade of your SAP Analytics Cloud systems based on capacity and the readiness of your system landscape.

Is the upgrade to SAP Analytics Cloud on SAP HANA Cloud optional?
No. SAP Analytics Cloud on SAP HANA Cloud is the target architecture. All SAP Analytics Cloud systems will be moved to SAP HANA Cloud over time.

Can I move back from SAP Analytics Cloud on SAP HANA Cloud to the old SAP HANA 2.0 version?
No. Systems on SAP HANA Cloud cannot be changed back to the SAP HANA 2.0 version.

Are there dependencies between SAP HANA Cloud Upgrade and SAP Analytics Cloud Release Upgrade?
No. SAP HANA Cloud upgrade runs as a separate project without affecting the regular SAP Analytics Cloud release schedule.

Does this HANA Cloud upgrade come with additional costs?
No. As part of the underlying SAP Analytics Cloud infrastructure this is part of the standard SAP Analytics Cloud license, there are no additional costs.

Are new tenants being provisioned on SAP HANA Cloud?
We are already provisioning new tenants using SAP HANA Cloud in some data centers today and will continue to expand this to other data centers during 2024.
