2023-12-19 11:1:59 Author: 英语学习经验(查看原文) 阅读量:1 收藏


  1. 精神品质类主题词


  2. 经济类主题词




  • strengthen mutual cooperation:增强相互合作

  • cultivate the atmosphere of teamwork:培养团队合作氛围

  • prudence:谨慎

  • persistence/perseverance:恒心/毅力/坚持(give up halfway:半途而废)

  • endeavor:努力

  • integrity:正直

  • diligence/painstaking efforts:勤奋

  • self-dependence/self-reliance/independence:自立

  • innovation/creativity/critical thinking:创新

  • self-confidence:自信(lack of confidence:缺乏信心)

  • modesty:谦虚

  • striving spirit:奋斗精神

  • the spirit of competition:竞争精神

  • aggressive:积极进取的

  • strong-willed:意志坚强的

  • tireless:孜孜不倦的

  • persevering:不屈不挠的

  • consistent:始终如一的

  • adversity and hardship:逆境和苦难

  • a sense of achievement:成就感

  • sense of honor:荣誉感

  • entertain great ambitions:胸怀抱负

  • reap without sowing:不劳而获

  • haste makes waste:欲速则不达

  • utilitarian:功利的,急功近利的

  • actions:行动(take actions:付诸行动)

  • down-to-earth:务实的

  • thrift:勤俭

  • respect the old and care for the young:尊老爱幼

  • spirit of the craftsman/craftsman's spirit /craftsmanship spirit:工匠精神

  • striving for the best/striving for excellence:精益求精


  • economic globalization:经济全球化

  • recession/bleeding economy:经济不景气/经济衰退

  • inflation:通货膨胀

  • economic/financial crisis:经济/金融危机

  • the fallout of economic/financial crisis:经济/金融危机的影响

  • economic recovery:经济复苏

  • economic prosperity:经济繁荣

  • spur/stimulate economic development:刺激经济发展

  • hinder/impede economic development:阻碍经济发展

  • job market:就业市场

  • look for/hunt for/seek a job:找工作

  • job seeker:求职者

  • a tough job market:严峻的就业形势

  • unrealistic salary expectations:不切实际的薪资期望

  • pursue a high-paid job:追求高薪工作

  • lose one's job/be unemployed:失业

  • job losses mount, unemployment climbs:失业加剧

  • generate/create/afford job opportunities/employment opportunities:创造/提供就业机会

  • career guidance:就业指导

  • decline/recession/depression:萎缩/衰退/萧条

  • bubble economy:泡沫经济

  • demand exceeds supply:供不应求

  • turn the loss into gains:转亏为盈

  • stabilize prices:稳定物价

  • fierce/intense/cut-throat competition:激烈竞争

  • after-sale service:售后服务

  • over-consuming:超前消费

  • reduce the funding for...:减少经费

  • lower citizens' standard of living:降低居民生活水平

  • eliminate poverty:消除贫困

  • increase/expand domestic demand:扩大内需

  • spur/stimulate consumption:刺激消费


  • public morality:公德

  • devotion/dedication:奉献

  • sense of responsibility:责任感

  • shoulder//undertake one's responsibilities:承担责任

  • avoid/shirk/shun one's responsibilities:逃避责任

  • traditional virtues:传统美德

  • practice filial piety:奉行孝道

  • selfless devotion:无私奉献

  • Patriotism:爱国主义

  • comply with the law/observation of the law:遵守法律

  • comply with public morality:遵守公德

  • abide by morals:遵守道德

  • improve public morality:改善公共道德

  • safeguard public morality:维护公共道德

  • undermine public morality:破坏公共道德

  • be public-spirited:有公德心的

  • the corruption of public morality:公德堕落

  • the lack of moral sense:道德缺失

  • the crisis of trust:信任危机

  • spit everywhere:随地吐痰

  • making noise/talking loudly:大声喧哗

  • littering:乱丢垃圾

  • empty/false promises:空洞/虚假承诺

  • compete for benefits:争抢利益

  • unfair competition:不公平竞争

  • consumers' rights and interests:消费者权益

  • disregard /break the public rules:无视/违反公共规章

  • benevolence:善心仁慈

  • with heart and soul:全心全意

  • amicable:友好的

  • charitable:宽厚的

  • credibility:信誉

  • counterfeit /fake goods:假冒产品

  • dishonest behavior(s):欺诈行为(是否使用复数需判断意指总体还是多种具体行为)

  • academic corruption:学术腐败

  • plagiarism:剽窃


  • aging society:老龄化社会

  • population aging:人口老龄化

  • widen/expand generation gap:扩大代沟

  • narrow/bridge generation gap:消除代沟

  • male chauvinism:男子沙文主义

  • career women:职业女性

  • domestic/family violence:家庭暴力

  • foster/raise/breed/nurture/bring up:抚养

  • household chores:繁杂家务

  • spoil children/dote on children:溺爱孩子

  • the universal two-child policy:全面二孩政策

  • boomerang kids/the NEET group(NEET=Not currently engaged in Education, Employment or Training):啃老族

  • a well-off family:小康之家

  • nuclear family:核心家庭

  • a single-parent family:单亲家庭

  • one's later years/one's remaining years:晚年/余生

  • practice filial piety/fulfill filial duty:奉行孝道


  • compulsory education:义务教育

  • life-long education:终身教育

  • exam/test-oriented education:应试教育

  • quality education:素质教育

  • holistic development of a child:全面发展

  • balanced development of a child:均衡发展

  • cultural quality:文化素质

  • impart knowledge and educate people:教书育人

  • dropout student:失学儿童

  • intellectual property:知识产权

  • legal education:法制教育

  • differentiated instruction:因材施教/差异化教学

  • rote learning/ teaching:死记硬背

  • academic/theoretical knowledge:理论知识

  • practical skills:实用技能

  • integrate theory with practice:理论联系实际

  • theory is disconnected from practice:理论脱离实际

  • shape/mould one's character:塑造性格

  • extra-curricular activities:课外活动

  • the spirit of exploration:探索精神

  • cultivate /nurture/foster creative thinking:培养创新思维

  • stifle/constrain/extinguish creativity:扼杀创造力

  • sap/dampen student's interest in sth.:减弱学生对某事的兴趣

  • key school:重点中学

  • private school:私立学校

  • public school:公立学校

  • pursue post-graduate study/take part in the entrance exams for postgraduates:考研

  • study abroad/go abroad for further education:出国留学

  • excessive/undue academic pressure:加剧学习压力

  • the burden of study/learning:学习负担

  • ease/relieve academic pressure:缓解学习压力

  • intensify academic pressure:增强学习压力

  • academic atmosphere:学习气氛


  • environment-friendly(eco-friendly) products:环保产品

  • conserve natural habitats:保护自然栖息地

  • animal rights activist:动物权益保护者

  • natural reserve:自然保护区

  • natural resources:自然资源

  • energy conservation and environmental protection:节能环保

  • biodiversity:生物多样性

  • extinction:灭绝

  • wind breaks:防风林

  • sand breaks:防沙林

  • climate change:气候变化

  • greenhouse effect:温室效应

  • threat of global warming:全球变暖的威胁

  • develop renewable resources:开发可再生资源

  • low-carbon economy:低碳经济

  • low-carbon lifestyle:低碳生活方式

  • environmental awareness:环境意识

  • deforestation:森林消失

  • landslide:山体滑坡

  • biodegradable:可生物降解的

  • household garbage:生活垃圾

  • waste sorting/garbage classification:   垃圾分类

  • motor vehicle pollution:汽车尾气污染

  • reduce exhaust emission from cars/automobiles:减少汽车尾气的排放

  • low/high-emission cars:低/高排放汽车

  • public transport:公共交通

  • green commuting:绿色出行

  • water and soil erosion:水土流失

  • soot emissions:烟尘排放

  • sea water desalinization:海水淡化

  • eco-demonstration region:生态示范区

  • Nationally Designated Garden City:国家园林城市

  • create a pleasant living environment:创造怡人的生活环境

  • air pollution:空气污染

  • degradation/deterioration of air quality:空气质量恶化

  • discharge/emit poisonous/toxic gas:排放有害气体


  • improve/enhance(hurt/damage) physical (mental/psychological) health:增进(损害)生理(心理)健康
  • health concern:健康问题
  • state of health:健康状况
  • sub-health:亚健康
  • state of mind:心态
  • physical exercises:体育锻炼
  • well-balanced diet:均衡饮食
  • sacrifice health:牺牲健康
  • junk food:垃圾食品
  • food additives:食品添加剂
  • go on a diet:节食,减肥
  • arrhythmia:/ əˈrɪðmɪə / n.心律不齐
  • indigestion:/ ˌɪndɪˈdʒestʃən / n.消化不良
  • vaccinate:v.给……接种疫苗;接种疫苗
  • infectious disease/illness:传染病
  • chronic disease/illness:慢性病
  • non-acclimatization:水土不服
  • nearsightedness/myopia/shortsightedness:近视
  • malnutrition:营养不良


  • culture and civilization:文化和文明
  • select the essence and discard the dross:取其精华,去其糟粕
  • The cultural blending/integration/fusion:文化融合
  • cultural exchanges/interaction/interchange:文化交流
  • cultural diversity:文化多元化
  • multiculturalism:多元文化
  • cultural identity:文化认同
  • cultural treasures:文化宝藏
  • cultural heritage/legacy:文化遗产
  • cultural relics:文物
  • cultural facilities:文化设施
  • cultural devolution:文化退化
  • cultural insights:文化视角
  • traditional Chinese culture/national culture:民族(传统)文化
  • Chinese cultural symbols:中国文化的符号
  • advocate/carry forward traditional culture:弘扬传统文化
  • preserve and cherish traditions:保存和珍惜传统
  • undermine traditions:破坏传统
  • great and profound:博大精深的
  • public literature:大众文学
  • light literature:通俗文学
  • local customs and practices:风土人情
  • cross-cultural communication:跨文化交流
  • spiritual civilization:精神文明
  • break with old customs:抛弃传统
  • hand down from generation to generation:代代相传
  • minority:少数民族
  • national pride:民族自豪
  • original:原创的
  • charming:具有魅力的
  • splendid:壮丽的/辉煌的
  • talk show:谈话节目
  • crash:碰撞
  • mahjong:麻将
  • Peking/Beijing opera:京剧
  • Tang Suit:唐装
  • folk art:民间艺术
  • Confucius Institute:孔子学院
  • Chinese craze:中国热

文章来源: http://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=Mzk0NDI1NTk0MQ==&mid=2247484471&idx=1&sn=e4b5138831461f6747064635e43bd23b&chksm=c2a73c7ac82256b5dac1620f27e913dbb924840b5157ee150d0eefeb3673006d6a3efe9632bb&scene=0&xtrack=1#rd