How to enable pagination in SAP PO
We have a requirement where we need to call the api’s to get the data but there is a limitation where we can retrieve only 50 records per one call, hence we need to come up with an approach where we can do multiple calls and get all the open items. API is providing an offset parameter that can help us to control the pagination part.
Configure REST Polling option on the REST adapter and configure the GET call
Once the data is retrieved, we can have 2 Routing rules in ICO which would send the data to SAP and other to get the next 50 records from the API URL.
When calling the API to get the next 50 we have made the offset parameter dynamic and that value is controlled from message mapping level.
Here is the tricky part where we need to delegate the response of the GET call to another ICO through the virtual receiver concept.
We need to configure a series of standard adapter modules that would help us to trigger the second virtual ICO which would have the identical mappings of the main ICO. This virtual ICO will be executed multiple times until all the records are retrieved from API.
Here DynamicConfigurationBean is used to pass the offset value to the virtual ICO to ensure duplicate calls are not made, this will ensure offset values are properly propagated .
RequestResponseBean and ResponseOnewayBean are used to ensure data is directed to the appropriate virtual ICO.
Through this approach we could see that we are able to efficiently handle the pagination part, another approach would be where SAP could be the trigger point and ABAP proxy can control the offset variable and execute the looping of the service interface so multiple calls are made to the API.