I am happy to announce that a new release of the Mobile Development Kit is now available for all Mobile Services customers and can be downloaded on the SAP Software Center and will soon be available on the community Download page.
The SAP Mobile Services Client 23.12.0 is already available on Google Play and will soon be available on Apple App store.
SAP Mobile Development Kit enables developers and technical business users to build multi-channel applications. It allows you to build your application once, in an integrated development environment (SAP Business Application Studio/ VSCode extension) and run it natively on Mobile (Android & iOS) and as a web application (online) in the browser.
This release includes the following:
We have introduced a Calendar control that provides a visual overview of a week or a month. This supports:
Below are the Calendar control APIs:
let selectedDate = context.getPageProxy().getControl('SectionedTable').getSection('CalendarSection').getSelectedDate();
let calendarProxy = context.getPageProxy().etControl('SectionedTable').getSection('CalendarSection');
let newDate = "2023-12-10";
let calendarProxy = context.getPageProxy().etControl('SectionedTable').getSection('CalendarSection');
let newDate = "2022-10-11";
For more information, see CalendarSection.
We have introduced a new event OnPress for the FormCell Attachment control that will be triggered when the user taps on an individual file attached in the Attachment control. This event passes a new proxy class AttachmentEntryProxy of that particular file to the assigned rule.
Below are the FormCell Attachment OnPress event APIs:
OnPress event for Attachment control in Mobile clients
Section Header and Footer will now pass SectionProxy instead of SectionedTableProxy to the rules assigned to their properties and sub-properties. Thereby, enhancing the precision of locating the button that is invoked in a particular section that’s a part of SectionedTable.
var proxyClass = context.constructor.name
constructor.name will identify the type of the proxy class passed into the rule.
MDK already supports deep linking into MDK applications using its URL scheme. We now extends the deep linking to support using iOS Universal Links and Android App Links.
iOS universal links and Android App Links are the HTTP URLs that bring the user directly to specific content in your MDK application.
//Examples showing deep linking into MDK application using MDK client URL scheme
//Examples showing deep linking into MDK application using HTTP URLs
The Demo mode in the MDK public store client (generic client) has been enhanced. In addition to the existing Demo app, we have added the MDK Mentor app. Similar to the SDK Fiori Mentor apps, the MDK Mentor app is interactive documentation that helps designers and developers discover the capabilities of the SAP Mobile Development Kit. You can view live previews of the UI components and change parameters to see the effects immediately. In both applications, the user popover menu provides an option to easily switch between the Demo and Mentor Apps. When you are done exploring, you can Logout to return to the MDK Welcome screen which resets any changes made and allows you to onboard to your backend application.
This is the first version of the Mentor app we have added, and we are working on adding additional functionality, such as information about events on the application or page level.
Demo Mode in SAP Mobile Services Client
MDK Mentor App in SAP Mobile Services Client
The default MDK templates (Empty, Base, List Detail and CRUD) have been enhanced to
New to MDK development?
Follow these tutorials to get started and learn more about Mobile development kit!
I am looking forward to your feedback/comments.