In Part 3 of the Enhancing the Standard Series, I’ll be showing you how to facilitate a “process integration” between a sales quotation and a service contract in S/4HANA Cloud. As these are two unrelated documents from different Lines-of-Business, there is no document flow between these documents in the standard process. By using a user-defined “dummy rejection reason” in the sales quotation, and a Custom Business Object (CBO) to convert these items into service contracts, a “process integration” can be established between a sales document and a service document.
The business requirement for having this integration is as follows. The company offers sales products and service contract products in a single quotation to the customer. As the CPQ system is not used, there is no possibility to issue a solution quote and convert this into a subsequent solution order. Due to this, the company’s process is to use a sales quotation as the starting document, where the service contract products (with a different item category group) are also included.
The next step is to define a dummy rejection reason to signify if the customer has accepted the quote for the service contract products. All other sales items can be automatically converted to a sales order, however the service contract items need to be “rejected”, so that they can be separately created as a service contract. If the customer declines the service contract items, the real rejection reason will be set, and if the customer accepts the items, the dummy rejection reason will be set.
In the final step, a CBO will be created that fetches all sales quotation items, where the dummy rejection reason defined in the previous step was set. The CBO will also act as a checklist, where the customer service manager can update the status of the CBO item, once the service contract for the rejected sales quotation item has been created. Optionally, the CBO could also be enhanced so that the customer service manager could automatically create the service contract header from within the CBO, by using the sold-to-party from the sales quotation. However, only the contract header can be created due to the different item category groups between the service contract product IDs in the sales quotation and the “real” service contract product IDs (this won’t be covered in the scope of this blog post).
The overall concept therefore offers a streamlined process integration, as there is a central handover between the process steps carried out by the sales representative and the customer service manager. Once the sales rep uses the dummy rejection reason for a particular customer, the customer service manager can consume this new item in the CBO and accordingly create a new service contract for the customer.
Having set the scene, let’s look at the processes steps for this process integration in the system.
As mentioned, the first step is to create a dummy rejection reason that will be used to convey that they customer has actually accepted the service contract product in the sales quotation
Add the following code to the ‘Fetch Quotations’ logic of the CBO:
* Action FetchQuotations for Node ID SALES_QUOTE_CONVERSION
* Importing Parameter : association (Navigation to Parent/Child/Associated Node Instances)
* write (API for creating and updating Custom Business Object Node Instances)
* Changing Parameter : SALES_QUOTE_CONVERSION (Current Node Data)
* Exporting Parameter : message (Message with Severity S(uccess), W(arning), E(rror))
"define local variables
data: lv_sc_key_counter type int8.
data: lv_table_counter type int8.
data: lv_rejection_reason_sc type int8.
lv_rejection_reason_sc = 89.
DATA lv_root_entity_key TYPE yy1_kr_sales_quote_conversion.
lv_root_entity_key = SALES_QUOTE_CONVERSION-conversiontype.
* Get an instance of the root entity of the CBO
DATA(lo_root) = write->get_root(
business_object_id = 'YY1_SALES_QUOTE_CONVERSION'
key = lv_root_entity_key
"data: lv_conversion_type type string.
"lv_conversion_type = |{ quote_dashboard-conversiontype ALPHA = IN }|.
"Logic to create new Follow-up Service Contract Sales Quotations
*Select required columns from the released I_SalesQuotationItem CDS View
SELECT SalesQuotation, SalesQuotationItem, SalesDocumentRjcnReason
FROM I_SalesQuotationItem
INTO TABLE @data(sq_table_sc)
where SalesDocumentRjcnReason = @lv_rejection_reason_sc.
"Get existing CBO entries to check for duplicates before creating child nodes of SQ Sales Order
SELECT SalesQuotation, SQItem
FROM yy1_cbo_sq_89
INTO TABLE @data(sq_cbo_table_sc)
where RejectionReason = @lv_rejection_reason_sc.
LOOP AT sq_table_sc INTO DATA(ls_sq_sc_row).
DATA lv_existing_sq_sc_key TYPE string.
DATA lv_new_sq_sc_key TYPE string.
"Reset counter to 0
lv_sc_key_counter = 0.
"Check if CBO internal table is empty. If yes, loop won't have an index, due to which no child nodes can be created
IF sq_cbo_table_sc IS INITIAL.
Data(ls_first_sq_sc_entry) = VALUE yy1_service_contract_sales_quo(
salesquotation = ls_sq_sc_row-salesquotation
rejectionreason = ls_sq_sc_row-salesdocumentrjcnreason
sqitem = ls_sq_sc_row-salesquotationitem
Node_id = 'Service_Contract'
Data = ls_first_sq_sc_entry
LOOP AT sq_cbo_table_sc INTO DATA(sq_cbo_sc_row).
CONCATENATE sq_cbo_sc_row-salesquotation sq_cbo_sc_row-sqitem INTO lv_existing_sq_sc_key.
CONCATENATE ls_sq_sc_row-salesquotation ls_sq_sc_row-salesquotationitem INTO lv_new_sq_sc_key.
"If primary key already exists, skip the loop and don'r create new CBO entry
IF lv_new_sq_sc_key = lv_existing_sq_sc_key.
"We need to use EXIT instead of CONTINUE. As soon as even the first index loop through the current CBO entries
"matches a potential new entry, break out of the loop, because the primary key already exists
lv_sc_key_counter = lv_sc_key_counter + 1.
"After looping through entire CBO table, and if no matches are found, only then create a new SQ (Sales Order) child node
IF lv_sc_key_counter eq 0.
Data(ls_new_sq_sc_entry) = VALUE yy1_service_contract_sales_quo(
salesquotation = ls_sq_sc_row-salesquotation
rejectionreason = ls_sq_sc_row-salesdocumentrjcnreason
sqitem = ls_sq_sc_row-salesquotationitem
"Adding logic 03.10.22 to add column Customer to the CBO. Field is only available in CDS View ItemPartner
SELECT Single Customer
FROM I_SalesQuotationPartner
INTO @data(sq_sc_item_customer)
where salesquotation = @ls_sq_sc_row-salesquotation.
ls_new_sq_sc_entry-customer = sq_sc_item_customer.
"End of logic 03.10.22
Node_id = 'Service_Contract'
Data = ls_new_sq_sc_entry
message = VALUE #(
severity = co_severity-success
text = 'Action FetchQuotations executed'
The CBO created essentially reads all sales quotation items with the rejection reason ‘89’ from the respective CDS View and loads these entries into the CBO, so that the customer service manager can review them and create service contracts.
One important additional step to be done is to create a Custom CDS View for the CBO that has just been created. This is used to perform a duplicate check while fetching sales quotations into the CBO, so that the same sales quotation item doesn’t appear multiple times.
That concludes part 3 of the enhancing the standard series. Hope this provided an interesting approach on how such process integrations can be achieved between documents from different LoBs by using extensibility tools such as CBOs that are available in S/4HANA Cloud. In case you haven’t checked out Part 1 and 2 of the series yet, you can find the overview of the topics covered so far here.