Custom Field Deprecation
2023-12-14 07:12:8 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:11 收藏

Can the custom fields created by a key user be deprecated? This blog answers the question what does it mean for the custom field to be deprecated and how to remedy this situation.


It could be ironic to see a custom field created by an user marked for deprecation after an upgrade. One can question why my user defined field is marked for deprecation? It is possible but not a cause for panic.

Custom field and custom logic are defined in application “Custom Fields”. Fields which are marked for deprecation are shown with Task Category = “Deprecation” and Task Priority = “High”.

See the example below for custom field “WP_Test”, which has been marked for deprecation.

Reason for Deprecation:

The reason custom field can get deprecated is because the standard CDS View or the API where this custom field is extended to has been deprecated. Once the deprecated CDS view is deleted in future releases, the custom field won’t be available where the deleted CDS View is used.

In the example below, the CDS View C_WORKPACKAGEDETAILS has been deprecated and the successor CDS View is C_WORKPACKAGE

Steps for rectifying the custom field deprecation:

First, make sure that successor CDS view or API is available and enabled by going to the “User Interfaces” or “APIs” tab respectively in the custom field in question.

Second, make sure that deprecated CDS view or API is replaced by the successor CDS View or API in all the consuming applications.

Third, “Disable Usage” for the deprecated CDS View/ API from the User Interface or API tab. Please note that once the CDS View is disabled, this step can’t be reverted back and deprecated CDS view will be removed from the available list of CDS View/ API for enablement. Thus, it is important to perform second step above before doing this step.

See below that Deprecated CDS View C_WORKPACKAGEDETAILS is no longer available after Disable usage.

Fourth, click “Publish” to re-publish the custom field.

After publishing, the custom field doesn’t show Task Category “Deprecation”.


The deprecation of the custom field is the derivative effect of the deprecation of the extended CDS View or API. Thus it is important to rectify this situation and perform the above steps before the deprecated CDS View is decommissioned/ deleted.
