SAP HANA Hardware certification – Why
2023-12-14 06:16:46 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:8 收藏


The SAP Hana Hardware directory has a list of all certified and supported SAP HANA Hardware. The list includes Appliances, Enterprise Storage solutions, IaaS Platforms, Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI) Solutions, Supported Intel® systems and Supported Power® systems. The certification confirms the existence of product features in accordance with SAP certification procedures and is valid for a specific time period.

To date, there are total 1100+ solutions present in HANA Hardware directory which include both Certified and Supported SAP Hana Hardware. Out of above-mentioned numbers 650+ are certified by SAP ICC (Integration & Certification Center).

Certifying Hardware with SAP ICC means highest quality and support for the customers working on SAP certified hardware solutions. The certification confirms the existence of product features in accordance with SAP certification procedures. SAP only certifies successful integration of the product with SAP solutions. Vendor is responsible for the product itself and its error-free operation.

How SAP HANA Hardware Certification is beneficial for Partners

In the competitive landscape of technology, standing out is crucial. For hardware providers, especially those in the realm of enterprise solutions, gaining recognition and trust can be a game-changer. One significant avenue that offers this distinction is partnering with SAP and achieving certification for SAP HANA-compatible hardware.

Being a SAP Partner as a hardware provider and getting certification for SAP HANA-compatible hardware from SAP ICC offers several benefits for these companies:

  • Market Credibility: Being a certified SAP HANA hardware provider adds credibility and prestige to a company’s brand. It signals that their hardware has undergone rigorous testing and meets the performance standards set by SAP, enhancing their reputation in the market.
  • Market Access: SAP has a vast customer base globally. Partnering with SAP allows hardware providers access to this extensive customer network, providing opportunities to market and sell their certified hardware directly to SAP’s customer base.
  • Competitive Edge: In an increasingly competitive market, having SAP-certified hardware can be a significant differentiator. It positions the hardware provider as offering solutions specifically optimized for SAP HANA, attracting customers seeking reliable, high-performance infrastructure for their SAP deployments.
  • Collaborative Innovation: The partnership doesn’t stop at certification. It often leads to collaborative ventures. Picture working side-by-side with SAP, aligning your hardware with their future plans and innovations. This collaboration breeds innovation, allowing you to create products that are not just current but future-ready, meeting the evolving needs of SAP’s technology landscape.
  • Customer Confidence: Customers want assurance. They want to know that their investment will pay off. SAP certification provides that assurance. It instills confidence in potential buyers, making them more inclined to choose your hardware solutions over competitors’. It’s like having a respected expert vouch for your product’s quality and reliability.
  • Support and Partnership Benefits: Certified hardware partners often receive support and resources from SAP, such as technical assistance, marketing support, and joint sales activities, which can further enhance their market presence and sales efforts. This can include early access to updates, special training programs, and technical support.This assistance can help in optimizing products, resolving issues, and staying updated with SAP’s technology advancements. Thus it leads to have stronger partnership with SAP.

How SAP HANA Hardware certification is beneficial for Customers

Partnering with SAP and achieving certification for SAP HANA-compatible hardware brings several advantages for customers:

  • Reliability and Performance Assurance: Certified hardware ensures compatibility and optimal performance with SAP HANA. Customers can trust that the recommended hardware configurations have undergone rigorous testing and meet SAP’s standards. This assurance minimizes compatibility issues and ensures smoother, more reliable system performance.
  • Simplified Decision-Making: With certified hardware options, customers face fewer uncertainties when choosing infrastructure for their SAP HANA deployments. SAP’s endorsement helps in decision-making by narrowing down choices to reliable, validated hardware configurations that align seamlessly with their SAP solutions.
  • Enhanced Stability and Support: Certified hardware comes with the backing of both SAP and the hardware provider. This joint support ensures that customers have access to technical assistance and resources when needed. It provides peace of mind, knowing that both SAP and the hardware provider stand ready to assist in case of any issues.
  • Improved Efficiency and Scalability: Hardware compatibility with SAP HANA optimizes system performance, potentially leading to increased efficiency. Moreover, certified configurations are often designed for scalability, allowing businesses to expand their infrastructure smoothly as their data and workload requirements grow.
  • Confidence in Investment: Investing in certified hardware provides customers with confidence in their technology investment. They can be assured that their hardware infrastructure is validated and optimized for SAP HANA, reducing risks associated with performance issues or compatibility mismatches.
  • Streamlined Implementation and Integration: Certified hardware configurations are tested and proven to work seamlessly with SAP HANA. This streamlines the implementation process, reducing the complexities and challenges often associated with integrating hardware into the SAP ecosystem.
  • Focus on Core Business Goals: By leveraging certified hardware, customers can focus on their core business objectives rather than worrying about compatibility issues or performance bottlenecks. This allows them to maximize their SAP HANA deployments for achieving their business goals.


HANA Hardware certification is beneficial for for SAP Partners & Customers.

As becoming a certified SAP HANA hardware partner can lead to increased market visibility, expanded market opportunities, enhanced credibility, and deeper collaboration with SAP, ultimately benefiting the partner company’s growth and success in the enterprise technology market.

Moreover, leveraging SAP-certified hardware brings reliability, simplified decision-making, robust support, efficiency improvements, confidence in investment, streamlined integration, and the ability to focus on core business objectives for customers utilizing SAP HANA solutions.
