Russia Hacks Ukraine, Ukraine Hacks Russia — Day#658
2023-12-14 01:25:4 Author:查看原文) 阅读量:12 收藏

The Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, with superimposed text: “Bring it.”Russia takes down Kyivstar cellular system, Ukraine destroys Russian tax system.

Ukraine’s biggest mobile network is still down, a day after it was hacked (by Russia, probably). And Russia’s FNS—its IRS equivalent—is “paralyzed and will never fully recover,” thanks to Ukrainian military hackers.

Cry, “Havoc!” In today’s SB Blogwatch, we let slip the dogs of war.

Your humble blogwatcher curated these bloggy bits for your entertainment. Not to mention: Metaphysics.

When Will It End?

What’s the craic? Bill Toulas reports—“Ukraine’s largest mobile carrier Kyivstar down following cyberattack”:

Russian hackers
Ukraine’s largest telecommunications service provider serving over 25 million mobile and home internet subscribers, has suffered a cyberattack impacting mobile and data services. … Internet observatory NetBlocks confirmed that Kyivstar internet services are currently unavailable … across all regions of Ukraine, and it has hampered the air raid alert network people use to get timely notices about incoming bombing attacks.

Since the start of the war, Ukrainian telecommunication firms have established a resilient system of free internal roaming. When an operator becomes unavailable … users can switch to another operator’s network.

The SSU (Security Service of Ukraine) has opened criminal proceedings. … It is plausible that Russian hackers orchestrated the attack, as suggested by SSU’s announcement.

What next? Daryna Antoniuk drops the other shoe—“Ukraine intelligence claims cyberattack on Russia’s state tax service”:

Ukraine hacker
Ukraine’s defense intelligence directorate (GUR) said it infected thousands of servers belonging to Russia’s state tax service with malware, and destroyed databases and backups. … Military spies said they managed to break into one of the “key well-protected central servers” of Russia’s federal tax service (FNS) as well as more than 2,300 regional servers.

According to GUR’s statement [it] led to the “complete destruction” of the agency’s infrastructure. GUR claimed they destroyed configuration files “which for years ensured the functioning of Russia’s tax system,” [that] internet connection between FNS’ central office in Moscow and thousands of its regional branches is … “paralyzed,” … will probably remain “paralyzed” for at least a month and “will never fully recover.”

It’s the second operation on a Russian state agency that GUR has taken responsibility for. … Until recently, only pro-Ukraine hacker groups and hacktivists have publicly claimed such attacks.

Cui bono? Baron_Yam follows the money:

Nice hit. … I honestly don’t think I’d ever have thought about going after the Russian tax man, but that is a very nice target to hit. I imagine that while it is unlikely to kill anyone, it will cause a lot of financial friction.

Yep. And GT500 agrees:

That is probably the best, and biggest, “FU” to a government that I have ever seen. Well done Ukraine.

What of the knock-on consequences of losing mobile service? Here’s danbst:

This is a disaster. … There are 26 million Kyivstar users. Now they all are without mobile for an indefinite time.

I’m one of them. 2FA via SMS doesn’t work. Our biggest bank was partner for Kyivstar, and now its 2FA doesn’t work either.

25 million? 26 million? tchetch writes from Poland:

As most of Ukraine’s population left and are now in my country, I guess the stats are a bit off.

But beware false-flag propaganda. u32480932048 is reminded of a story:

This reminds me of a story I read a while back where a protest erupted outside a Human Rights Commission building that was investigating human rights abuses by the national police force. As luck would have it, the protesters went directly to the floor holding those particular records and set them on fire.

Meanwhile, the sanctions continue to bite. Potemkine! quotes Lenin:

“The capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them.”

And Finally:


Previously in And Finally
CW: A few minor swears

You have been reading SB Blogwatch by Richi Jennings. Richi curates the best bloggy bits, finest forums, and weirdest websites … so you don’t have to. Hate mail may be directed to @RiCHi, @richij or [email protected]. Ask your doctor before reading. Your mileage may vary. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Do not stare into laser with remaining eye. E&OE. 30.

Image sauce: Office of the President of Ukraine (PD; leveled and cropped)

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