Enterprise Management Layer for SAP S/4HANA – What’s New – Release 2023
2023-12-8 00:52:10 Author: blogs.sap.com(查看原文) 阅读量:9 收藏

Welcome to the latest Update for Release 2022 

The enterprise management layer for SAP S/4HANA is currently available on release 2022 FPS02.  

It will become available for release 2023 FPS00 in March 2024

Please note that the delta scope overview below is not final yet.

This post outlines scope changes compared to the 2022 release of the enterprise management layer. Scope items that existed in previous releases might have been updated, for example, due to new functionality being available in release 2023 or due to new statutory requirements in some countries. These changes are not reflected in this list.

Detailed information and complete overview documents will become available in SAP Signavio Process Navigator in Q1 2024.

For a complete overview of changes of SAP Best Practices scope items, see the What’s New information on help.sap.com.

For a complete overview of scope items we added to the enterprise management layer previously, for release 2022 or prior, please see the What’s New posts of my blog.

New Content in Enterprise Management Layer

New and Deprecated Scope Items in Standard Scope:

New scope items:
3M3 Event-Based Revenue Recognition – Service Documents
3M4 Event-Based Revenue Recognition – Service Documents – IFRS 1)
Previously optional scope (renamed):
6AU Corrective Service with Advanced Execution
6F1 Preventive Service with Advanced Execution
6AK Event-Based Revenue Recognition – Service with Adv. Execution
6AL Event-Based Revenue Recognition – Service with Adv. Execution – IFRS
No longer available:
1R3 Engineering Bill of Material – Change Master Management
1R5 Engineering Bill of Material Mass – Change
1ZI Basic Handover of Bill of Material

New Scope Items in Optional Scope:

6B5 Asset-Backed Securities Management OPT [08] Treasury&Risk Mgt
6B6 Asset-Backed Securities Management – Group Ledger IFRS OPT [08] Treasury&Risk Mgt
6ND Securities Option Management OPT [08] Treasury&Risk Mgt
6NE Securities Option Management – Group Ledger IFRS OPT [08] Treasury&Risk Mgt
6OT Bill of Material Management Professional OPT [26] R&D for Enterprise Product Engineering

For Product Lifecycle Management, we now have two scope options:

1QA Specification Management for Recipes OPT [25] R&D for Enterprise Product Formulation
1QC Formulation – Recipe Development OPT [25] R&D for Enterprise Product Formulation
1QG Recipe Handover to Production – Bill of Material OPT [25] R&D for Enterprise Product Formulation
22R Advanced Ingredient Replacement for Recipes OPT [25] R&D for Enterprise Product Formulation
5QC Product Change Management with Change Records – Process Industries OPT [26] R&D for Enterprise Product Engineering
64E Product Change Mgmt with Change Records – Discrete Industries OPT [26] R&D for Enterprise Product Engineering
6OT Bill of Material Management Professional OPT [26] R&D for Enterprise Product Engineering

文章来源: https://blogs.sap.com/2023/12/07/enterprise-management-layer-for-sap-s-4hana-whats-new-release-2023/